Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu go to more places and see more big men. Maybe looking back at the Imperial City, that feeling will change. There is a kind of young people who are struggling in the third tier cities. They have been to big cities like Dubai, New York and Yanjing for a long time. Then I come back and feel that this small third tier city is just like that.

At the moment, LAN Tingyu's capture immediately reminds Chen Yang, and also reminds LAN Tingyu by the way.

That is, never underestimate the Emperor Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao, who was in the world at that time, assisted Chen Ling, the great emperor of China, making all the experts helpless.

Later, Xuan Zhenghao mastered Dakang and quickly competed with yuntianzong. He destroyed the immortal gate and founded the supreme glory of the dynasty. Even yuntianzong, yuhuamen, the devil emperor and the protoss secretly joined hands, and they all failed in the end.

Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu are two young people who can despise such a person.

At this time, Su Yanran said: "you probably don't know one thing."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

Su Yanran said: "this matter is very confidential, only a few people know. I told you, you don't want to spread it. "

Chen Yang said, "don't worry, I'm not the kind of person with a big mouth."

Su Yanran smiles. She said: "at the beginning, the emperor seized the pagoda in the hands of the Protoss. It's a pity that it was exiled into the hands of the Protoss and has never been able to exert its power. "

Chen Yang couldn't help touching his nose and said, "well, the protoss really have a lot of good babies. I had a treasure in their hands before, Tiandao pen

Su Yanran said: "Tiandao pen has lost its spirit, and its interior is seriously damaged. Many people once got Tiandao pen, but later they all discarded it at will. That's not a treasure, is it

After a pause, she looked at Chen Yang strangely and said, "did this Tiandao pen work wonders in your hands?"

Chen Yang said: "it's not a miracle effect. I can only play one percent of it. But some functions are really unique. "

Su Yanran said: "Oh, show me, OK?"

Chen Yang said, "let's talk about it later. You'd better tell me about the Tianlong Babu pagoda."

Su Yanran heard the speech and said: "good!" She went on to say, "the emperor inspired all the eight tribes in the pagoda and set up the throne for them. At the same time, the magic Scripture is also put into it, so that all the gods, demons and demons in the magic Scripture can draw their faith. Now inside the pagoda is a kingdom of gods, very powerful and powerful. Even our Lord praised the emperor's pagoda

"And that's just one of them." Su Yanran said, "the emperor found the legendary boat of one yuan in the pagoda of the eight divisions of Tianlong."

"The boat of one dollar?" Chen Yang Wen Yan slightly a Zheng, said: "a yuan of the boat what statement?"

Su Yanran said: "the pagoda is the most precious treasure in the Dragon Kingdom, but it was abandoned and exiled to the world after a long time. I don't know why I fell into the hands of the Protoss. "

Chen Yang said, "Protoss are good at picking up leaks."

Su Yanran continued: "it is said that there is a boat in the pagoda of futu Xuan of Tianlong Babu. This boat is the boat of one yuan. It is said that you can get to the other side by the boat of one yuan. "

"To the other side?" Chen Yang immediately became interested.

Su Yanran said: "yes, to the other side. As for what's on the other side, no one knows. "

Chen Yang said: "on the other side of the river is the true meaning of the road of practice, but no one really knows where practice ends. Just as we never know where the end of the universe is, let alone what is outside the universe. "

Su Yanran said: "but there is no doubt that there is a big secret in the boat of one yuan, which can make people improve their accomplishments. My Lord and the emperor, and LAN Tianji, have been on the boat of one yuan. They've been there for more than half a year. "

Chen Yang touched his chin, though he had no beard. He said in a deep voice, "I have never heard the emperor mention it."

Su Yanran said: "how careful the emperor is, he won't be as honest as you."

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

Su Yanran said: "I don't know what secrets are contained in the boat of one yuan."

Chen Yang said, "what do you think the emperor will do with LAN Tingyu?"

Su Yanran took a look at Chen Yang and said, "do you want LAN Tingyu to die?"

Chen Yang kept silent.

After a while, he said, "I don't want him to die like this. I hope that on that day, I will stand on the fair field with him and let me kill him myself."

"But what if you die in his hands?" Su Yanran said.

Chen Yang is silent again.

"Maybe that's my life!" Chen Yang then said.Su Yanran said: "I don't know the obsession in your heart, but I also know some. You are a real gentleman, so is LAN Tingyu. Although there is hatred between you, gentlemen cherish gentlemen, don't they? "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "maybe."

Su Yanran said: "with my understanding of the emperor, he is unlikely to let LAN Tingyu go. For the emperor, the rules he made were greater than all emotions. Even if his son violates the national law, he will deal with it according to law. "

"He doesn't look like such an impersonal person," Chen said

Su Yanran said: "then you are wrong. He is a matter of principle, extremely gentle and tolerant. But beyond principle, there is no room for negotiation. "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "maybe, I don't know him very well after all."

Su Yanran said, "Chen Yang, I advise you to leave Tianzhou as soon as possible. Things are in a mess here. Don't involve yourself. Whether LAN Tingyu is dead or alive depends on his nature. After all, he's your enemy. It's not good for you to worry about him. "

Chen Yang said, "you have a point. I really intend to leave."

Su Yanran was relieved and said, "that's good!"

Chen Yang then said, "Lan Tingyu has only one month to go. If he doesn't return to the hall of stars within one month, he will be dead. It really depends on how God arranges his fate. "

Su Yanran said: "if he died, it may not be a bad thing!"

Chen Yang doesn't speak. He's not a down-to-earth character.

After that, Chen Yang sent Su Yanran away.

That night, Chen Yang and Qiao had a long talk.

What they talked about most was about LAN Tingyu.

In this case, I really don't feel that way.

Two people are like old husband old wife same, talk quietly.

"In fact, you don't have to think much. You know, it's LAN Tingyu's choice. He has avenged his mother, and the next result, in any case, is to seek benevolence. " Qiao Ning comforts Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I know." Qiao Ning nestles in Chen Yang's arms, and she looks very docile.

It seems that, just hugging each other like this, we have already won countless things in the world.

Chen Yang said: "I don't know how to tell Luoxue. If LAN Tingyu really dies like this, is it necessary for me to tell Luoxue the truth? Isn't it better to keep a good memory in her heart forever? "

Qiao Ning said: "the truth is full of cruelty, but She has the right to know the truth. I also think that not only should you not hide Luoxue, you should also let Luoxue see LAN Tingyu. If LAN Tingyu is sure to die, let LAN Tingyu reveal the truth. "

"This..." Chen Yang said: "this is too cruel for Luoxue."

"It's more cruel to hide from her." Qiao Ning said: "if one day, she knows that the man she misses all her life is the murderer of her sister, isn't it more cruel?"

Chen Yang is lost in thought.

After a long time, he said, "maybe you are right."

Qiao Ning said, "are you going to leave tomorrow?"

Chen Yang said: "forget it, I'll go into the palace to inquire after the court meeting is over tomorrow."

"Good!" said Qiao Ning

Chen Yang said: "I have to pay close attention to my own affairs. Although this mission is a failure, it won't matter. But it's not worth losing a precious opportunity. "

Qiao Ning said, "well, I'd better accompany you to the Western kingdom."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "I really don't need to. Now that I have the Wushi idol, it's more convenient for me to be alone. You're in Shaowei's house. I don't worry. "

Qiao Ning said: "you are relieved. I feel bored."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, then said: "sorry!"

Qiao Ning immediately realized that she had said something wrong. She said, "I'm kidding you."

Chen Yang said: "I also know that you used to be the king of silver shark. You have been wandering the world for a long time. But I'm always afraid that you'll miss something. Always feel that you stay in the imperial city is the safest

Qiao Ning said: "I know. Don't worry. I will stay in the imperial city. I'm joking with you. I just want you to take me

Chen Yang's guilt is that she doesn't want to stop.

Chen Yang understands Qiao Ning's loneliness and boredom. She is used to being free. Now it's a big swimming pool, but she's looking forward to the sea of stars.

Chen Yang wants to let Qiao Ning go, but he is not at ease. He is really not at ease. Qiao Ning has been with Chen Yang for a long time now, and her cultivation has made rapid progress, but at the same time, she is also infected with cause and effect.

Especially when Chen Yang heard monk Linghui talk about three thousand roads, he wanted to take back the magic power seeds in Qiao Ning's body. Thinking of this, Chen Yang immediately said: "Qiao Ning..."

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