There are strong rules of three cardinal principles and five constant principles in the brown and cyan mucus, which make the monks extremely uncomfortable and unable to escape. When the practitioners are restricted by the three cardinal guides and five constant principles, LAN Tianji will appear as a king.

In the three cardinal guides and five constant laws of the cave, LAN Tianji is the king.

At present, LAN Tianji completely suppresses LAN Tingyu.

Whether the king is the minister or the father is the son, he can suppress LAN Tingyu in the law.

At this moment, LAN Tingyu also felt ironic.

One of the most ruthless people, but has the three cardinal principles of the cave.

Three cardinal guides and five constant virtues are a kind of virtue, but in LAN Tianji, LAN Tingyu finds it ridiculous.

"Treason, you must die!" LAN Tianji gave a cold drink, and then he pinched the formula in his hand, and the mana madly urged him.

The blue and brown sea of mucus changed rapidly. One of them turned into the image of the emperor of heaven, the other into his own image, and the other into the image of LAN Tingyu's mother, ye luanfeng.

Three yuan gods surrounded LAN Tingyu.

"Son, kneel down!"

The yuan Shen of that blue sky machine cheers a way.

"Son, kneel down!" Ye luanfeng said.

"Rebel, kneel down!" The majestic emperor cried.

Its voice is mighty, turning into infinite rules.

LAN Tingyu felt the sound wave coming down, and he couldn't breathe for a moment.

The law of the cave contains the law of space, which is airtight.

Kneel down three times and shake LAN Tingyu's mind. The three sound wave forces twined LAN Tingyu in an instant. LAN Ting Yu became a strange man with brown and blue mucus, which infiltrated into his body.

The principle of three cardinal guides and five constant principles is too terrible.

After the law infiltrates into the body of the monk, the monk will die. At present, the three cardinal principles and five constant principles have really entered LAN Tingyu's body.

But just then, LAN Tingyu's body suddenly changed.


He turned himself into nine flames!

The brown and blue mucus was like a huge monster, and suddenly there was a fire in the belly of the monster. With a roar, all the rules that penetrated into LAN Tingyu's body were blown to pieces!

The brown and cyan mucus around also dissipated.

But soon, the sea of mucus came again.

"Rebellious son!" LAN Tianji's voice came. "Your nine flaming gods are the most powerful in the world, but the laws of the cave are also endless. Can you burn up the whole ocean?"

LAN Tingyu roared!

Jiuyan sword!

His whole body suddenly turned into a huge sword!

With a flash of light, the flame sword cleaved to the top of LAN Tianji's head.

The power of Jiuyan divine sword, kill all rules.

At that moment, all the mucus around the sea quickly retreated, and the split immediately turned into soot.

The air was full of smoke and the smell of scorching was irresistible.

The nine burning sword light comes from the beginning, and LAN Tianji doesn't dodge. At this moment, no matter how many space rules can't stop LAN Tingyu's sword!

Since LAN Tingyu's accomplishment, he has never met an opponent. Even if LAN Tianji is a master of Dongxian, LAN Tingyu will never have the power to fight back.

All of a sudden, in front of LAN Tianji, ye luanfeng appears again. Ye luanfeng's body is green brown, like a fierce ghost. She shouts at LAN Tingyu: "rebel, kneel down!"

The sound wave vibrates!

The nine burning sword light inside, suddenly spread LAN Ting Yu's roar: "no!" Boom!

With one sword, ye luanfeng was cut into pieces.

"Lan Tianji, don't mention my mother!" LAN Tingyu is furious!

The sword was cut off!

LAN Tianji's Dharma seal display, grasp!

Suddenly, an endless sea of mucus formed over his head. His body keeps shuttling in the space, which is hundreds of thousands of miles of space movement in an instant.

The speed that sword light pursues finally slows down!

LAN Tianji immediately hit back and clapped it with one hand.

The sea of mucus formed a big green brown claw, which killed the sword light with one hand.

Jiuyan sword light was immediately scattered into countless fire points!

LAN Tingyu turns around in the air, quickly condenses innumerable fire points, and then changes into a nine flaming dragon!


The Dragon sings and the tiger roars!

A huge dragon of nine inflammations was formed in the air. It was as long as ten thousand li, overlooking LAN Tianji.

The nine burning dragon's eyes are full of hatred, and then one claw catches LAN Tianji.

Jiuyan dragon's claws are full of fire. The fire is fierce. Everywhere it goes, all the mucus turns into fly ash.

The air was full of scorch. The dragon's claw came down like a huge mountain.

The whole ocean of mucus seems to be boiling.LAN Tianji is about to be caught by the Giant Claw of Jiuyan dragon, but he is not in a hurry. He only sneers, and then he splits out!


From the bottom of the mucus ocean, suddenly out of a more huge monster claw. This huge claw is so big that it is unimaginable that it grabs the body of the nine burning dragon directly. Then, in the sea of mucus, the giant monster appeared. It's a monster ten times bigger than Jiuyan dragon!

Although the whole space only covers more than 300 Li, there are thousands of spaces in it. This span is unimaginable.

This huge monster is like Taotie, but not like Taotie. When it stands up, it is the only one left between heaven and earth. It kept falling Brown Blue mucus, the mucus fell, like the roar of the sea came to the world.

Chen Yang on the outside was shocked when he saw this scene.

Luoxue is also to see the truth, she did not say a word, but her clenched fist has exposed her inner tension.

The huge monster grabs the dragon's waist with one claw, grabs the dragon's head with another claw, and then tears it. Unexpectedly, it tears the dragon in two.


The dragon of nine inflammations exploded completely. In an instant, the whole ocean of mucus was full of fire. Countless fires explode violently, the ocean boils, and the world vibrates.

This power, even in the peripheral watching Xuan Zhenghao also can't help but slightly lose color. He murmured: "the nine inflammations are so terrible. It seems that I underestimated LAN Tingyu!"

After the explosion, the sea of mucus began to calm down!

LAN Tianji's cold voice rang out again: "rebellious son, the three cardinal guides and five constant principles are the rules set by the sage. Do you think you can destroy them? You burst out the essence of nine inflammations, which greatly damaged your vitality. I'm going to see how many times you can blow it out! "

Sure enough, soon after, the sea of mucus calmed down as if nothing had happened.

LAN Tingyu's situation is worse. It's not difficult for him to escape from the three cardinal guides and five constant laws of the cave. Today's fight is where he can escape. Escape from the three cardinal guides and five constant laws of the cave, can you escape from the eight Fu Tu Xuan pagodas?

Moreover, LAN Tingyu did not want to escape at all.

If he wants to live, he won't let himself go to this step.

"The law of the sage?" At this time, LAN Tingyu's figure gathered again. He sat on his knees in the middle of the ocean.

At this time, his body was full of mucus, and the three cardinal principles and five constant principles immediately penetrated into his bones.

The three cardinal guides and five constant principles are always suppressing his blood and telling him the rules of life.

You have to listen if you don't listen!

The cow presses its head without drinking water!

"The three cardinal principles and five constant principles are already in your blood. But you always only know that the king is a minister, and you are a minister. You're husband and father, and you're ruthless. You don't deserve to mention these three cardinal principles and five constant principles! "

LAN Tingyu took a deep breath, and then he said, "but rules are rules. On rules, you have no mistakes. Therefore, you can display the three cardinal guides and five constant laws of the cave. Now I will tell you that the sage's rules are also wrong! "

Subsequently, his nine inflammations absolute fire true Qi crazy fierce movement.

The interior of his body suddenly brightened up. Visible to the naked eye, there was a flame burning in the Dantian. On the outside of that flame is the fire of nine flaming gods. And this internal flame is transparent, very strange.

"Heartburn?" LAN Tianji was also surprised.

"Rebellious son, are you going to explode? Do you want to die? " LAN Tianji has changed color.

"You are afraid of death, I am not afraid of death!" LAN Tingyu laughed: "what about the saint's three cardinal principles and five constant principles? Today, I will admonish him with dead blood to prove that the saint's three cardinal principles and five constant principles are wrong!"

LAN Tianji immediately accepted his three cardinal guides and five constant laws of the cave.

He had known for a long time that LAN Tingyu's only chance to turn over was to explode his heart and remonstrate with his blood!

In ancient times, the three cardinal principles and five constant principles emphasized the absolute authority of the monarch, husband and father. These three principles are full of inequality. That is, what if you are a tyrant? What about a violent husband? If the father is violent? Do we still need to regard them as the key link?

Then at this time, remonstrance with dead blood can break the rules!

There are loopholes in any rule. This is the truth of mutual restraint and mutual generation!

Just as great samsara can end samsara with death. Death is the end of everything and can prove a lot of things.

You have been wronged, can't explain, can die Mingzhi.

If a person has to be proved by death, then what reason can others not believe him?

LAN Tingyu's heart fire has already started, he can take it back at this time, but he looks as if he is dead!

"Rebellious son..." LAN Tianji felt the threat of death, his eyes dilated.

Even if he accepted the law of the cave, he also knew that even his master of the cave could not bear the blow of LAN Tingyu's heartbreak.

Heart fire is the most mysterious part of Jiuyan fire, which can make LAN Tingyu immortal!Now LAN Tingyu wants to explode her heart. This power is unimaginable!

"Rebellious son, how can I tolerate you..." LAN Tianji roared, his elegance, cold no longer, but desperately.

This is the first time that LAN Tingyu saw this indifferent father's gaffe. In his impression, this father has always been an indifferent stone, and his joy and anger are not in the form of color.

"Ha ha ha ha..." LAN Tingyu burst out laughing.

"Astrology!" LAN Tianji finally shows the big star skill stolen from ye luanfeng!

"Mother, I want to avenge you!" LAN Tingyu said in her heart.

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