In the morning, when Chen Yang heard the fragrance of Qiao Ning's hair, he suddenly had an impulse. He kisses him, and Qiao Ning wakes up. Two people stare at each other, each other is affection.

Naturally, it's a lot of fun.

This kind of harmony is a blend of spirit and flesh, and a kind of extreme happiness.

After that, Qiao Ning curls up in Chen Yang's arms. "After breakfast, I'm leaving," Chen said

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "Well!" She paused and said, "I'll wait for you in Shaowei house."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "this great robbery has come unconsciously, and now it is in full swing. LAN Tingyu and LAN Tianji have been robbed to death. I am very ambivalent in my heart. I think there will be more opportunities for you to go out. But I'm more afraid that after you go out, you will be robbed to death. If something happens to you, I don't know how to deal with myself. I can't do anything to make up, just like the death of Luoning and feirong, I still can't do anything. "

Qiao Ning said: "people want to live when they die. I've worked hard before, but I've never been afraid of life and death. Now, with you in my heart, it's really not as free and easy as before. You're afraid that something will happen to me. I'll do the same after you go out. Especially now, we also see that the king of destiny will die. "

Chen Yang said: "I'm a man. I'll protect you from the wind and rain. It's my responsibility and glory."

Qiao Ning said: "promise me that you will live at any time."

Chen Yang said: "I will try my best to do it."

At 10 a.m., Chen Yang left Tianzhou through the transmission array of Tianchi Pavilion, and then went straight to the world.

This is the end of the chalk world.

Chen Yang also has his own eye liner in Fang Tianzhou and the Cretaceous world. That is chiyanli in the ark and Smith in Tiandu.

The new year of the world is over, and it's spring time.

March is a beautiful time of spring.

Chen Yang first found the Wushi idol directly, and then went straight to Yanjing. No matter how hasty the journey is, I will accompany my son and wife.

When he returned to Yanjing, he obviously felt the kindness of the ancestral dragon. It's not like being scared when the God without a beginning comes.

Chen Yang can't help sighing that his fate is really mysterious and strange. All destiny is decided by heaven!

"It seems that there is a reason why Chen Yang has survived many times. Just LAN Tingyu Did he really die like that? "

Chen Yang did not think about it carefully, and then came to Yanjing.

The prosperity of Yanjing is full of traffic and tall buildings.

I've traveled all over the mountains and rivers. I've seen the ancient mysteries and the future civilization, but I've been to so many places. But only this vast world can give Chen Yang the deepest attachment and intimacy.

It's like being in bed at home.

Shen Molong and Xiao Nianci have lived in the villa area of Wenxi road. Although Manchester City community is very warm, but children active, in the spacious villa or to open a lot.

Since there are such conditions, it's up to the children.

Little Nianci is one year old and seven months old.

Wenxi road villa is surrounded by a garden, the garden is a villa area, are rich people to live here. When Chen Yang comes back, he finds that Shen Molong and Xiao Nianci are not at home. He was not in a hurry, immediately urged his mind and the imprint of Shen Mo Nong, the two quickly contacted.

"You're back?" Shen monong was surprised to hear Chen Yang's voice.

Chen Yang a smile, said: "is to go outside to work, but by the way to see you."

"It's your son." Shen was a little jealous and said, "I haven't seen you read me like this before."

Chen Yang laughs and says, "I just want to see you. What's good for my son? "

"You're right and wrong!" Shen Murong spat.

Chen Yang said, "it's not a matter of duplicity."

Shen Molong's heart is sweet. Women are inevitably fond of sweet words. Although she knows that Chen Yang is right and wrong, she is happy to hear that.

"There you are, here I am at the villa on Wenxi road." Chen Yang then asked.

Shen Mo Nong said: "with Zhao Ma, they are taking your son to play in the amusement park on this side of Wanda Square. We haven't eaten yet. Come here and have dinner together later."

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll be right there."

Although Chen Yang is very anxious to see Shen monong, he still takes a taxi honestly. This kind of ordinary people's life, once in a while, is also a kind of enjoyment.

Nearly an hour later, Chen Yang arrived at Wanda Square and joined them. Xiao Nianci is playing with Zhao MA in the world of ocean ball, while Shen monong is waiting for Chen Yang outside.

Wearing a red woollen coat, Shen Mo Nong looks very beautiful.

Her hair curled slightly.

Seeing Chen Yang, Shen Molong threw himself into Chen Yang's arms.

Chen Yang hugs Shen Mo Nong and is satisfied.Later, the two separated. Chen Yang has a lot of Shen Mo Nong. He suddenly found it very interesting.

"What for?" Shen is not used to it.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I think of our first meeting."

Shen Mo Nong blushed and said, "at that time, you were still a little boy in my eyes. In the twinkling of an eye, it's been six years. "

"Six years?" Chen Yang said, "it's six years for you, but it's more than 30 years for me."

Shen Molong knew about Chen Yang's experiences, and she said, "Why are you so moved all of a sudden?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm very sorry. At that time, you were still unattainable in my eyes. You were a great master."

Shen Mo Nong said angrily, "now you are proud."

"Yes, very proud. You are my wife and have a son for me Chen Yang said.

Shen Mo Nong smile, she then said: "go to see your son, he may not know you now. You must be surprised to see him

Chen Yang then took Shen's hand.

In this shopping mall, Shen monong is as noble as a goddess. She is the most beautiful scenery. I don't know how many men around are quietly looking at her, and even many women are looking at Shen monong.

I always feel that she is like that big star, but she is not right.

At this time, Chen Yang took Shen's hand, doomed to break many men's glass heart.

After Chen Yang returned to Yanjing, he put on his clothes here. He is a black jacket, jeans, sports shoes, very refreshing, simple, simple.

In the world of ocean ball, Chen Yang saw Xiao Nianci from a distance. He is wearing a handsome little clothes, playing happily in the ocean ball. His face was full of joy.

Little guy is really different, just like a little person.

Zhao Ma and Liu Ma are both here. When Liu Ma meets Chen Yang outside, she immediately greets Chen Yang warmly and respectfully. Chen Yang in her mind, it is also the general existence of God and man.

Zhao's mother was playing with little Nianci. When she saw Chen Yang, she came out with little Nianci in her arms. Little Nianci was having a good time and didn't want to come out at all. As soon as she hugged her, she burst into tears.

Little guy, it's hard to avoid being coquettish when he's taken by the stars.

Although Chen Yang doesn't like his son's coquettishness, he seldom comes back once, and he must depend on his son.

This is also a common problem with children in modern society.

So simply, Chen Yang also paid, took off his shoes, and did his best in the world of ocean ball.

Little Nianci is quite strange to Chen Yang, but Chen Yang coaxes him for a while and soon makes him giggle.

After that, Shen also came in. We play together with little Nianci. He is very happy.

Finally tired of playing, Shen monong said he would take little Nianci to eat pizza. Little Nianci happily said yes. Chen Yang holds the little guy, and the little guy won't refuse.

After all, father and son are still close by blood.

On this day, Chen Yang accompanied his son and Shen monong, and the whole family was very happy.

At night, little Nianci fell asleep. Chen Yang and Shen monong went out to see a movie and had a candlelight dinner. I enjoyed the couple's world.

After returning home, Chen Yang and Shen monong take a bath together in the bathroom.

This is an essential lesson.

There is no contraceptive measures, when Shen Mo Nong does not want to have a baby, is definitely not pregnant. So no contraception at all.

Strange to say, Qiao Ning can't get pregnant all the time. Neither Su Qing nor song Ning. But only Shen is pregnant.

Chen Yang didn't understand why, but he was still very grateful for God's blessing.

Shen Molong and Nianci live in Yanjing, and he is very relieved.

Tonight's Shen Mo Nong is very enthusiastic and takes the initiative to ask for it. They rolled from bed to bed and died happily.

In the end, Shen Mo Nong curls up in Chen Yang's arms. Chen Yang also said something about the chalky world. Of course, he didn't describe how dangerous it was.

Although he didn't say it, Shen can imagine it. Chen Yang also mentioned Luoxue and LAN Tingyu. Chen Yang talked about LAN Tingyu's life experience and his last body meteorite.

Shen Mo Nong sighed and said, "if LAN Ting Yu didn't kill Luo Ning, you won't watch him die, will you?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "it's natural. I can't just sit by and watch Luoxue. However, there must be an account of Luoning's affairs, and he also deliberately gave an account. It's a pity that he has never been really happy in his life. "

When they talk about this, they are both full of emotion.

Chen Yang left Shen monong the next morning. He first went to find a place of mountains and rivers, and concentrated on repairing Wushi God puppet. After that, he went to the Western kingdom.

It's not difficult to get to the Western kingdom. Chen Yang directly tore up the space himself and went to the Western kingdom.The Western Kingdom still presents the style of ancient Greece, the air is fresh, at a glance, blue sea and blue sky.

With the sea as the middle line, the Western gods are divided into four regions.

Chen Yang went through numerous hardships when he came to the Western kingdom last time. Now he comes again to look for his eldest brother and second brother. For a moment, he doesn't know where to start.

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