However, ling'er is more brave in the war. The little girl's eyes were full of intention to kill all the gods and Buddhas.

Wang Zhaolin was more and more frightened. He suddenly said, "retreat!"

He also saw that ling'er's mana was constantly replenished. He was worried that if it was consumed like this, he would lose his life instead of getting the treasure.

The rest of the experts are amnesty.

At the moment, Wang Zhaolin turned and turned the dark emperor Wuji clock. The dark emperor Wuji clock suddenly shrank, but it sent out a strong air current, which rolled the people inside.

Wang Zhaolin seized the dark emperor's Wuji clock and shocked it!

The dark emperor Wuji clock quickly hit and killed ling'er, and ling'er people flashed in the air, and then split to the dark emperor Wuji clock.


The magic power of ling'er's palm is strong, and the dark emperor's limitless clock sends out a deafening sound wave. The sound waves set the sea below into a raging wave.

The dark emperor's Wuji clock speeds up in the air and suddenly rushes into the sky. But Wang Zhaolin took the opportunity to escape.

Wang Zhaolin wants to escape, but ling'er doesn't want to fight at all. She quickly moved out of thousands of miles. Ling'er looks for a dense primeval forest and then falls down.

After that, Chen Yang also followed the precepts of Xumi. He's been paying attention to the fighting outside, and he knows what's going on.

Chen Yang takes Shuo Da Jie Xumi out and enters the villa with ling'er.

Inside the villa, Chen Yangcai was relieved. Then, he asked ling'er with concern, "ling'er, how do you feel now?"

"How is your injury?" Ling'er looks at Chen Yang with burning eyes.

Chen Yang a smile, say: "I don't matter."

Ling'er said, "I'm fine. I just need to have a rest to supplement my mental strength."

Chen Yang said, "well, let's cultivate together."

Monk Linghui immediately said, "wait a minute, Taoist friend, help me find out the great spirit liquid skill first. I will help you to heal when I have learned the great spirit liquid skill. "

Chen Yang brightened his eyes and said, "I've forgotten this one."

"Well?" Ling'er felt strange and said, "who are you talking to?"

"It's Linghui!" Chen Yang smiles.

Ling'er knows her wisdom, so she doesn't talk about it any more.

Her words are really few, even with Chen Yang, they are just a little more.

Chen Yang grabs the Prajna bell, which is also a great magic weapon, but it is used by monk Linghui to store important magic weapons.

Chen Yang couldn't help asking monk Linghui, "how can you store so many magic weapons? Don't you just make a small world and store it? Why bother? "

Monk Linghui suddenly said in a strange tone: "if I didn't put so many treasures, what would you take now, Taoist friend?"

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang understood immediately. Daring feeling is that monk Linghui felt the danger in those years, so he hid the treasure everywhere. He is thinking of a comeback in the future, but now it is Chen Yang who has been greatly benefited.

Chen Yang senses the Prajna bell with his magic power. There are many treasures in the Prajna bell, including various treasures, magic weapons, pills and so on.

Chen Yang is looking for the past all the way, and his heart is filled with great joy. He knew that he was really developed this time.

His several commandments are filled with pills and treasures.

Chen Yang searched quickly, and soon found the power seed of the great spirit liquid. He gave the magic power seed to Linghui monk.

Monk Linghui took the seed and said, "I'm going to be closed for a year. In this year, I will use xuanhuang Shengu seed to understand the great spirit liquid. Strive to forge a good soul and body. "

Chen Yang said, "a year?" He was full of reluctance.

Linghui monk said, "yes, it's a year. Taoist friend, I'll rely on you all this year. Don't hang up first, then the poor monk will be ruined. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "OK!"

Linghui monk said: "I will close the seeds of xuanhuang holy valley. If you are in any crisis, I can't help you."

"Yes Chen Yang said: "thanks to you, you also said to use Da Ling Ye Shu to help us heal. A year later, the cauliflower is cold."

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "after a year, there will be opportunities."

After that, Linghui monk really closed the seeds of xuanhuang valley.

Of course, Chen Yang must have the ability to break the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. But the least respect he has to give to monk Linghui.

After monk Linghui closed, Chen Yang searched for pills. He took out the remaining Ning Xue Dan and several chaos fruits for ling'er to take.

This chaos fruit and Ning Xue Dan are holy healing products.

But ling'er only took a small part of it, leaving most of it to Chen Yang. She said: "I'm not hurt. I just need to rest and recover my mental strength. You are seriously injured. You should take more! ""This..." Chen Yang also knows that ling'er is telling the truth. He did not continue to fight with ling'er. However, he was still very moved in his heart. He suddenly hugged ling'er and gave her a big kiss on her beautiful face.

"Silly girl, if it wasn't for you today, I would have died." Chen Yang said.

Ling'er looks up at Chen Yang. Her eyes are very clear, but there is an unspeakable seriousness. "No one can kill you with me."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "I should protect you."

Ling'er is slightly stunned, and then she reaches out her fingers to play with her own hair. After a long time, she looked up again and said, "do you mind?"

Chen Yang did not understand.

Ling'er continued: "if you mind, I will not practice in the future. I'll practice when you catch up with me. "

Chen Yang was moved to the extreme. "Silly girl, why are you so stupid. Of course I don't mind. I just think I owe you something. I've been saying that I want to protect you, but I owe you and receive your protection all the time. "

Ling'er hugs Chen Yang tightly and buries his head on Chen Yang's shoulder. She said softly, "I don't care. As long as you accompany me, I don't care about anything."

"Well, I will!" Chen Yang said.

Ling'er then smiles sweetly again, and she says, "you have to keep your word."

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "of course it's true. To have you as my wife, I must have done a lot of good things in my last life. "

"It's my blessing!" Ling'er said seriously, "the happiest thing in my life is to meet you."

Chen Yang scrapes ling'er's nose and puts her in his arms.

How can such a person have the heart to hurt her? How can we not want to give her all the good things in the world?

"By the way, ling'er, how could you suddenly kill the two people who took the treasure?" Chen Yang thought of something and said.

He was referring to Dugu Po and the ghost king.

Ling Er is tiny a Zheng, she is silent for a long time, just say: "they are not good people."

"Well, what did you think?" Chen Yang can't help asking.

Ling'er said, "I think they have bad water in their stomachs, which will definitely hurt you. So I killed them. "

"All right!" Chen Yang doesn't know what to say.

Ling'er's thinking is different from that of normal people. She doesn't give up.

Her acting style is as simple as her killing Dongtian. She kills directly without so many twists and turns.

Dugu Po and the ghost King see that ling'er is harmless to human beings and animals.

These two people are also good at being human. They know how to negotiate terms with Chen Yang and how to do a good job at the moment. I'll wait for everything to go out!

But ling'er doesn't care so much. Anyway, you two don't look like good people. Then kill it!

It's that simple!

Then Chen Yang and ling'er began to cross their knees.

The night passed like this.

Ling'er falls into a kind of extreme meditation. At this time, her efforts are concise and definitely can't be disturbed. Once disturbed, her mental damage will be more serious. Chen Yang's health is much better after taking a lot of ningxuedan.

After another two days of cultivation, you can recover completely.

But Things don't go so well.

In his meditation, Chen Yang suddenly felt that there was a strong idea sweeping outside.

Chen Yang can't help but look down on himself.

"What kind of person did you find so soon? What the hell. " Chen Yang's heart leaped. He looked at ling'er and knew that he could not disturb ling'er at this time.

However, the external mind was extremely fierce. Chen Yang knew that he could not escape the search of the master.

Chen Yang quickly offered a sacrifice to Wushi God.

Wushi God turns into Chen Yang. After he goes out, he takes up Xumi.

At the same time, Chen Yang exerts his mana and moves.

The Wushi puppet has Chen Yang's mana. With a little command from Chen Yang, the Wushi puppet performs the array of the great move.

However, the expert who searched here immediately found the clue.

Then he saw a sword light coming.

With a flash of sword light, the Dharma array of big move is broken.

At the same time, six figures came down quickly and surrounded Chen Yang's Wushi idol in the middle.

These six figures are all acquaintances.

Four of them are Wang Zhaolin and others who used to take the dark emperor's Wuji clock.

The two more are more familiar.

It turns out that Tang Wenqing, the third highness of the Jokhang Dynasty.

In addition, there is a long lost eight girls in Zizhen.

"Chen Yang? Why are you At that moment, Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen were surprised to see Chen Yang.Chen Yang's eyes were uncertain.

But he tried his best to keep silent. He just laughed and said, "what a coincidence, it's the third highness and the eighth girl. When you come back from the chalky world, you are more energetic. Congratulations, both of you are back to the top

Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen look at each other, and then they salute Chen Yang deeply. "Mr. Chen, we already know what you have done for us. We'll never forget the great kindness and kindness

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