Ling'er's killing immortal sword and great killing skill will be displayed together!

With only one sword, his nine highness Tang Zhengyu would return to the West.

"Brother nine!" Tang Yin has always been cold and cruel, but when he saw Tang Zhengyu's tragic death, he turned pale immediately. "You want to die, cheap maid!" Tang Yin roared and his eyes turned red.

Ling'er's eyes were cold again, and he immediately killed Tang Yin with another sword. She won't say any superfluous nonsense, just a word, kill!

The light of the sword flashed again, and Tang Yin's head was chopped with a sharp sword. Tang Yin is also really good. His reincarnation magic eye changes rapidly. He shoots out a sword of magic light, which is also a sword that cuts away linger's sword light. Although Tang Yin's reincarnation eye is fierce and strange, all the rules are quickly broken under ling'er's pure sword.

Tang Yin's magic light sword was directly split into pieces, but Tang Yin also took the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief, and his figure flashed. His eyes shot out two magic lights, which were surging and rippling like black liquid, quickly drowning ling'er's killing sword and making him fall into eternal reincarnation.

Ling'er doesn't speak either, and she cuts again with one sword!

Tang Yin could not help changing his color when he saw this. He gritted his teeth and said: "you wait, my humble servant. One day, my highness will let me taste the extreme pain of the world." After he finished, he suddenly threw out an object. It was a baby puppet, and the baby's eyes were vivid and lovely.

Ling'er's sword light cuts the baby puppet to pieces!

Although ling'er is cold and heartless, he can't help shivering when he kills the baby puppet. That Tang Yin takes the opportunity to turn around, quickly shuttle through the void, and escape. Ling'er worries about Chen Yang in her heart, but she doesn't want to pursue Tang Yin. She quickly chases Chen Yang in the direction of his mark.

Chen Yang and ling'er meet in the void. "Are you all right?" They asked at the same time.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "of course it's OK."

Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm fine, too."

Chen Yang said, "let's leave here first." Ling Er nodded, and they left the spot quickly.

Within the dynasty of Dazhao, the government and the opposition shook again.

Nine his highness was killed, simazhen died, Yang Zhi died.

The arrest of Chen Yang failed miserably again.

Moreover, even the temple mirror of Tiandu army was seriously injured and survived.

The news soon spread to other dynasties. At this time, the experts of the major dynasties should also start to weigh whether they have the ability to seize the treasure.

In the Tantai family, after Tantai mirror came home, he shut up and didn't see anyone.

In the evening, Tantai Zongyuan, the father of Tantai mirror, came to the quiet room where Tantai mirror was closed.

The cultivation of Tantai Zongyuan was in the early days of Tianyu. He was the military God of the previous generation, and now he has long ignored the affairs of the government and the public. Tantai family affairs, he is also left to his son Tantai mirror care. He knew that something big had happened in tantaijing, which made an exception to come up from the closed family abyss.

"Father, please come in!" Dan Taijing said weakly.

Tan Tai Zong Yuan was surprised when he heard his son's weak voice. Tantai Zongyuan had other children, but he didn't care much about them. What he loved most was Tantai mirror, which was also the strictest to Tantai mirror. He had never seen his son so weak, and since 300 years ago, Tantai Zongyuan left the family to Tantai mirror. His son's authority is more and more strong, he is the invincible army God. Even the former Emperor had great respect for Tantai mirror.

Dan Tai Zongyuan shuttled directly into the room.

In the quiet room, tantaijing was dressed in a long black shirt, and his former dignity was no longer. He leaned against the bed with a pool of fresh blood in front of him.

Dan Tai mirror's hair is scattered, and the whole person's spirit is scattered.

"Jinger, how could you hurt so badly? Who hurt you? " In addition to his anger, Tantai Zongyuan was more distressed. He quickly took out a lot of healing pills and let Dan Taijing take them in one breath. After taking pills in the mirror, he sat cross knee and had a rest.

After a long time, the mirror's face was better.

He opened his eyes and looked at Tantai Zongyuan. "Father, my child is a disgrace to you." Dan Tai Zong Yuan waved his hand and said, "jing'er, you don't have to say much. I know you for my father. You are a cautious man. What's the matter with you? What's the harm to you? "

Tan Tai Jing felt ashamed and said: "the opponent is just..."

"What is it?" Dan Tai Zong Yuan Lian asked.

Dan Taijing said: "the opponent is just It's just a kid in the middle of the empty fairy. "

"How is that possible?" I can't believe it. He said: "you are the top master of Dongxian, and you have the five element mirror in your hand. If you have a hundred masters in the middle stage of Xuxian, you can ignore them. How can you tell your father that the one who hurt you so badly is a guy in the middle of the void

Tan Tai Jing said: "that boy is the king of the universe. The child knows that he is very lucky and can't be underestimated. I've been very careful. I know there. I'll catch his way in the end. ""What's the matter?" Dan Tai Zongyuan said, "can he plot against you?"

Dan Taijing said: "there are many disposable magic weapons with great lethality on this boy. Even if it's the cultivation of Dongxian, it's hard to resist the personal explosion. At the beginning, he asked Sima Zhen to test them first, and he did try to find out his cards. The child knew that he had these things on him, so he kept attacking from the air and didn't give him the chance to get close to him. He did take a lot of measures, but he always controlled the situation, and he didn't use the five element mirror, so he kept it as a back hand. He had no way to go. At this time, the boy began to throw many magic weapons. He got the treasure of the insect emperor. All the magic weapons he threw were good things, and there were two top-grade weapons. Father, as you know, my child's five element mirror is just a low-grade Taoist instrument. I always want to have a high-grade Taoist instrument. Therefore, at that time, I was careless and caught all those magic weapons in jiexumi. Who knows, the boy put a kind of God thunder into the magic weapon, the child felt bad, it was too late. If it was not for the child's timely response, I would not be able to come back to see you now. Only hateful, the child's five element mirror, and the many pills, magic weapons, baby, all in vain... "

"What a deep calculation!" Dan Tai Zong Yuan said after hearing the speech. "You have always been extremely cautious. It's incredible that he can count you. I'd like to meet him for a while

"Father, never!" He said immediately.

"Well?" Dan Tai Zongyuan said.

Dan Taijing said: "father, you have lived for thousands of years, and now countless robberies are coming. You must not go to answer the robbery. Xiandi, Nalan Yuntian has already gone. Wang Zhaolin also went, and Sima town also died. Even Yin Xuan of the great Jin Dynasty, you know that. "

"Is something wrong with him, too?" Tantai Zongyuan was surprised.

Dan Taijing said: "Yin Xuan's life and death are uncertain now!"

Dan Tai Zongyuan said: "this..."

"It's going to take a long time to recover. There are a lot of people who covet and hate our Tantai family. At this time, you must take charge of the overall situation! " Said the mirror.

Dan Tai Zong Yuan pondered for a long time, then said: "that's OK!"

Yanjiuniang also met with Qin Keqing in the imperial study of the Jokhang Dynasty.

"Sure enough, Chen Yang can't touch it." Yan nine Niang said: "you are good to talk about things with the teacher."

Although Qin Keqing's heart is sad, she doesn't want to let yanjiuniang see half of it. She cheers up and tells the story.

After that, yanjiuniang said, "what do you think? Do you think Zijin and Wenqing are really scheming to be killed by them? "

Qin Keqing shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yan nine Niang sighed a tone, way: "think again and again, all is a pen muddle headed account.". As a teacher, let it go. I will announce tomorrow that no virtue or talent is enough to hold the throne of Jokhang. Pass it on to your highness Tang mu. "

Qin Keqing was surprised and said, "master?"

Yanjiuniang said, "don't think that Shifu is calculating them. When things get to this point, it's unexpected for Shifu. Now it's just pushing the boat with the current. When I first stood up as a teacher, I just didn't want to see Dazhao's thousands of years of foundation destroyed. Now that I have passed smoothly, do I still cherish the throne? I know very well in my heart that it's the old guy like me who should pay special attention and try not to wander around. Maybe we should deal with the robbery. Then old Yin Xuan's life and death are uncertain this time. How can he survive as a teacher? "

Qin Keqing said, "but master, your highness will come to clean up this mess when he succeeds to the throne."

Yanjiuniang said: "don't worry, no one will mention this matter. At least, Tiandu Junfu and Tianji Fu won't mention it. Tang mu can handle this matter. He who has an opinion will go up. As a teacher, no one has the courage to have such an opinion. "

Qin Keqing sighed slightly. She didn't know what to say.

Perhaps, even Linghui monk himself did not expect that the treasure he left would stir up such a violent storm in the central world. It's a big clean-up.

And ling'er and Chen Yang are not so powerful in themselves. But the combination of these two people is like a mysterious black hole in the universe, how many come and how many die. This makes many high-level officials in the central world follow with fear.

Although treasure is good, life is more precious!

The strength of the Jokhang Dynasty is the strongest, but the damage is the biggest. Originally, with yanjiuniang's character of keeping a low profile, she wanted to be on her own, but she didn't expect that in the end, she let the Jokhang Dynasty get involved.

The next day, his majesty yanjiuniang, the emperor of the Jokhang Dynasty, announced his abdication

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