Chen Yang naturally takes off his clothes in front of Qiao Ning, and then soaks in the bathtub. Warm water will soak the whole body, each pore has been stretched. Qiao Ning stands behind the bathtub, kneading her shoulders gently for Chen Yang.

The last time Chen Yang left, he was still looking for his eldest brother and second brother. He later turned back to find the Emperor Xuan Zhenghao. But because time is urgent, did not come to see Qiao Ning. Qiao Ning listens to Chen Yang's situation from Su Yanran. Although she is a little worried, she also knows that Chen Yang's task fails this time, and it's OK.

"Your last assignment?" Qiao Ning asked.

Chen Yang gave a bitter smile and said, "I didn't expect that. I failed. It's actually the second brother who failed. I've searched many places, but there's no such thing as them. "

"Should they be ok?" Qiao Ning is also worried about them.

Chen Yang said: "it's OK. If something happens, it will be removed from the list of eternal life."

Qiao Ning was slightly relieved and said, "what's your mission this time?"

Chen Yang said: "we still need to find the elder brother, the second brother. When I got the last three treasures, the star Lord gave me another year. " Qiao Ning was overjoyed and said, "I'll go with you."

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, he took Qiao Ning's rouyi, hesitated for a moment, just said: "ling'er and I have been together."

Qiao Ning is also stunned, she immediately some unnatural. Ling'er and Chen Yang's things are clear in Qiao Ning's heart. She immediately forced herself to smile and said, "that's good. Let ling'er accompany you. By the way, where is she? "

Chen Yang understands Qiao Ning's feelings. He is full of guilt, so he pulls Qiao Ning into the bathtub and kisses her lips.

Qiao Ning is not an affectation, but also responds to Chen Yang's kiss.

Therefore, Qiao Ning is also wet, and the skirt is close to the skin.

"I'm sorry!" Chen Yang said.

Qiao Ning charming smile, said: "that what sorry."

Chen Yang said with some difficulty: "I really hope to give it to you, to ling'er and Mo Nong. They are all promises of a couple for life. But I can't give up any of you three. "

"Why give up?" Qiao Ning is slightly surprised and says: "isn't ling'er willing?"

"No!" "She's just shy and not very sociable," Chen said. I've been practicing with her. She's seen our memories in my brain. She knows the relationship between me and you, as well as with Mo Nong. She understands, too. It's just You know, she's not like you. "

"I haven't seen her yet, but I've seen her from your memory," said Qiao Ning. It doesn't matter. I'm willing to accommodate her and understand her. "

Chen Yang said: "she and I have been together for the shortest time since we got married. She is not used to many people. I will try my best to accompany her this year. "

Qiao Ning said, "well, I know."

Chen Yang said, "I'm sorry!"

"No more sorry. I've known all about you since I decided to be with you. " Qiao Ning said with a smile.

Chen Yang felt a lot better.

He sincerely thanks Qiao Ning, Mo Nong and ling'er for their love and understanding. "Don't say anything, love me well." Then, Qiao Ning offered a kiss.

After a long, long time, Qiao Ning was relieved. She nestled in Chen Yang's arms.

The water in the bathtub is cold.

Qiao Ning was a little shy and said, "every time you come back, my skirt is useless."

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "as heaven testifies, you took the initiative this time."

"Go away, who pulled me in?" Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang laughed. At this time, the voice of the servant girl closing the moon came from outside, "young master, madam, do you need the servant girl to heat the water?"

"Add your sister's hot water!" Chen Yang can't help laughing and scolding.

Qiao Ning is also shy and flustered, said: "dead blue moon, you deliberately see my joke is not?"

Biyue couldn't help laughing outside and said, "it's Madame. Your voice is too loud. I'm afraid that other people will hear you, so I'll stay outside."

Qiao Ning is a good person to get along with. The servant girl in the house loves her, but she is not big or small. But Qiao Ning is willing and likes to get along like this.

After that, joning got up and dressed. Chen Yang also changed his clothes!

After that, Chen Yangcai said to Qiao Ning, "after dinner, I'll have something good for you later."

Qiao Ning said, "Oh? A present for me? "

"There are too many gifts for you to choose." Chen Yang said: "ling'er and I came from the central world. We came directly from the hall of stars to the central world."

Qiao Ning said: "the Prajna heavenly boat in the hall of the stars can tear the border directly and enter the central world without even the transmission array?"

Chen Yang said: "it's not surprising that we can't imagine the magic weapon of the star master."Not long after the establishment of the boundary of the central world, Fu Qingzhu's Bronze immortal hall was free to reach the central world. But later, when Chen Yang wanted to find the baby, he had to send it.

Chen Yang has no idea who set up the border in the central world.

Chen Yang is eager to see Luoxue, so he goes to Luoxue alone.

Luoxue spent most of her time in the room, and Qiao Ning took Luoxue out for a few times. But Rochelle showed a lack of interest.

People who like to be lively can't stand loneliness.

But Luoxue is a person who likes to be lonely. She once stayed alone for several years in the cold world. There, she hardly needs to eat. The smell of ice warms her body. When she sleeps in ice and snow, she is in the most comfortable state.

Chen Yang was surprised when he came to Luoxue's room, because he could no longer feel the cold. He knew that Rochelle was inside, so he knocked on the door.

"Who?" The voice of snow came.

"It's me!" Chen Yang said.

Luo Xue was silent for a moment, and then said, "come in."

Chen Yang pushes the door and enters. He sees Luo Xue sitting at the table. She is looking at some ancient books.

Luoxue's air is peaceful, a snow-white clothes, snow dust. There was still a chill in the room, but there were no frost particles. It's like turning on the air conditioner.

"Your body? Is something wrong? " Chen Yang was surprised and asked.

Luo Xue looks at Chen Yang. Instead of answering Chen Yang's question, she says, "why didn't you protect my sister? Where were you when my sister had an accident? How long has she been gone, and you'll find another one? "

Chen Yang Leng a Leng, never thought that he would come back to face Luoxue such questions. But Chen Yang couldn't escape. He took a deep breath and said, "things were a little complicated in those days..."

"No matter how complicated it is, it's time to make it clear." Said Rochelle.

Chen Yang said: "we should start with that thing..."

Chen Yang talked about how he froze himself and almost died. Later, because of his grief for the death of Chen feirong, he drove Luoning away. When we go back to the world, ronin is dead.

Chen Yang won't hide anything. He can't hide it without conscience. Although, there are many things that can't be explained clearly.

Luo Xue was silent.

Chen Yang is a little worried about Luoxue. He can't help saying, "Luoxue, I..."

"What's wrong with my sister?" Luo Xue asks Chen Yang seriously.

Chen Yang's words are reserved.

Rochelle said, "it was the elf who was willing to die, not my sister who forced her. She just loves you and wants you to live. Can that be your reason to drive her away? "

"No!" Chen Yang said.

Snow said: "my sister's death, you have a responsibility, a great responsibility."

Chen Yang said: "yes, I do have a responsibility."

"If you really feel responsible, separate yourself from Miss Joe, from the rest of your wives," she said. I'll stay with my sister all my life, so that I can look up to you. "

"No way!" Chen Yang said.

After a pause, he said, "the dead are gone, and the living are working hard. Luoning's death, my pain is no less than half of you. But I have to live on. "

Luo Xue sneered and said, "I've been waiting for you to come back."

Chen Yang said, "I'm coming back this time to take you back to my hometown in Fuzhou."

In Luoning's hometown, Shen monong helps Chen Yang set up a clothes tomb for Luoning.

Chen Yang didn't go because he couldn't face it.

"Don't go with me, just tell me the address," she said. Besides, you arrange for someone else to see me off. Don't arrange for Qiao Ning. We'll never see each other again

Chen Yang was shocked and said, "do you hate me so much?"

Luo Xue took a look at Chen Yang and said, "shouldn't I hate it?"

Chen Yang said: "Luoning is no longer here. You are her only relative. I wish I could take care of you! "

"But I don't need it!" Said Rochelle.

"Then why do you keep the crystal stone of Lanting jade?" Chen Yang said angrily.

A little snow.

Chen Yang said, "you don't just hate me for not protecting Luoning well. Why do you want LAN Tingyu to kill Luoning? I think you blame me for LAN Tingyu's death. Luoxue, you don't understand the relationship between Luoning and me. Therefore, I also ask you not to speculate. I can tell you one thing for sure. If Luoning is alive, she will hope you and I are relatives. You and I are her closest relatives. "

Rochelle was silent.

Chen Yang said: "I just want to calm down with Luo Ning. I just think that seeing her will think of Xiao feirong who died for me. So, I just want to separate for a while. If I know that this will cause her to be killed by LAN Tingyu, I would rather die than do it myself. "

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