"I don't know what it is." Yuan emperor said.

"Then why call Chen Yihan the devil star?" Chen Yang asked again. Emperor yuan said, "God Shen said that this man was born into the world! The northern church advocates justice, and the devil is the one who opposes them. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized. He thought of something, then laughed and said, "as far as I know, Tianting and the northern religion have always been good friends."

Emperor yuan said, "little friend, let's drink!" He was obviously reluctant to talk about it.

Chen Yang also understood that the northern religion had always been a pressure on heaven. Although the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty had good relations with the northern religion, he was not happy.

After that, Chen Yang gave one million pure Yang pills to each other. This is indeed a great gift for the emperor of Yuan Dynasty.

"Xiaoyou, are you here for Chen Yihan?" After receiving the gift, emperor yuan asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said bluntly, "that's right!"

"Who is he of you?" Asked the great emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Chen Yang laughed at himself and said, "who is he to me? Ha ha ha... " But he didn't say anything.

"If he died, I would not be half hearted. It's just a favor. " Chen Yang then got up and said, "in that case, I'll leave."

The great emperor of the Yuan Dynasty said, "do you want to teach in the north?"

Chen Yang said, "that's right!"

The great emperor of the Yuan Dynasty said, "treasure all the way!"

As soon as Chen Yang turned around, he quickly left heaven and headed north.

Northerners are in the far north. In the far north, there are many snow mountains, which are magnificent and beautiful. It is said that sometimes, the northern church appears the legendary Aurora, which sometimes appears for a very short time, just like the festival fireworks flash in the air and disappear without a trace; sometimes it can shine for several hours in the sky; sometimes it is like a ribbon, sometimes it is like a fire, like a huge colorful screen, like a ball screen movie, giving people visual inspiration The enjoyment of beauty.

In northern religion, there is also a tree called bodhi tree. In the cold, the bodhi tree is green forever. It is said that the then Lord Shentian was originally a monk in the world. Later, he went to the north and sat under the bodhi tree for three days and three nights. He realized life and death and established the northern religion.

Chen Yang flew all the way, tens of thousands of miles away, and quickly arrived.

Chen Yang went directly to the far north.

What he saw was thousands of miles of ice and snow mountains standing up. It was desolate and uninhabited.

The establishment of northern religion here is to prevent human beings from coming, and also to establish a sense of mystery. When human beings came to us, the northern church saved him and showed him miracles to return to the world to recite. At the same time, the congregation of the northern religion will also spread the will of respecting the Lord, saving the world and so on, and tell the sacred and beautiful of the northern religion.

Chen Yang came to the northern church and didn't want to fight. He wants to find out one thing, which is why Chen Yihan is trapped in the abyss of death. Second, how to save Chen Yihan.

At this time between heaven and earth, a dark.

In the sky, there are a lot of ice and snow storms rolled together, like a monster to eat. Chen Yang's eyes swept, and he saw a strange tree as high as 100 meters in the distance.

"Bodhi tree? Is there a bodhi tree Chen Yang was slightly surprised.

He didn't think much about it, and quickly flew over there.

There are many ice storms in the air, from which Chen Yang easily swept. About 30 li away from the bodhi tree, Chen Yang felt a protective array!

The magic power of the protective array is powerful, and there are eight trigrams array in it. If you don't understand the characteristics of this array, the more attacks you have, the stronger the array will be.

Chen Yang didn't plan to break into the battle. He was just curious about the bodhi tree. This array completely envelops the bodhi tree, so Chen Yang can't feel the power of the bodhi tree. But in this ice and snow, the bodhi tree is luxuriant to the extreme, the branches and leaves extend very long, this tree is almost growing into a small forest.

Chen Yang didn't dare to shoot at random for fear of causing big trouble. When he looked far away, he found a huge red roof palace near the bodhi tree.

The red roof palace is not surrounded by ice and snow, but gives people the green beauty of spring and summer.

Further away, there is a long river.

The river is colorful, constantly changing, strange and beautiful.

Chen Yang carefully looked around, and soon found that there was a place of snow a hundred miles away. Over the snow, there is a strange snow Eagle circling, the snow Eagle issued a sharp call. It was the north wind blowing towards Chen Yang, and Chen Yang's abnormal ear power that made him vaguely hear the sound.

Vaguely, there is the sound of human pain groan.

Chen Yang's body moves and leaves the Red Palace of the northern religion from the side. In the twinkling of an eye, he comes to the snowy end.

The snow is a hundred feet deep, which is the real cliff.

There are countless snow Eagles circling fiercely over the snow. It's really freezing here.Chen Yang immediately see clearly, in the snow cliff, actually locked a person. The man who locked it was a little girl, about thirteen or fourteen years old. Her whole body does not have the inch wisp, like this embarrassment is locked in there. What's more shocking is that her two Pipa bones are penetrated by iron chains.

Long hair will cover half of the little girl's face, the little girl endured the ice and snow, her back has been frozen with the cliff.

Chen Yang took a look and couldn't help cracking his canthus. Even if the little girl has committed a great crime, it's killing her. Why treat and torture like this?

"Is it..." Chen Yang said in secret: "is she the little girl who has something to do with Chen Yihan?"

As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he came to the little girl. At the same time, he saw snow Eagles gnawing at the little girl's heart. With a wave, he patted the snow eagles to death. The little girl's heart has been exposed, bloody and terrible.

Chen Yang felt that the little girl had magic power, but it was very weak. Her constitution seems to be very special, and she has a strong regenerative ability. Even if the heart is bitten, it can recover quickly.

Chen Yang finds out a dress to cover the girl's shame quickly. Although he also likes women's color, he will never have any dirty thoughts on this kind of underage girl.

The little girl had closed her eyes, but now she opened them. She looks weakly at Chen Yang

At this time, the little girl had a look in her eyes. "Brother Chen..." She cried.

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "well, do you know me?"

The little girl looked at Chen Yang carefully again and immediately said, "you are not brother Chen. Who are you?"

Chen Yang's heart read a telegram and immediately understood. The little girl recognized herself as Chen Yihan.

Although he and Chen Yihan are not twins, they all have the blood of the devil. He and Chen Yihan still have some similarities. At this time, the little girl was too weak, so she recognized the wrong person at first.

Chen Yang didn't save people blindly. He saw that the little girl was controlled by some magic weapon. It's not difficult to save people by force, but it will certainly disturb the people of northern religion.

Chen Yang quickly takes out a few Ningxue pills. After he gives xuanzhenghao Taoist tools, xuanzhenghao gives Chen Yang about one million Ningxue pills. The healing effect of ningxuedan is very good. The little girl's health improved a lot immediately after she took Ning Xuedan. Her heart began to recover at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The little girl's injury will soon be better. She regained her look, but she said, "go away quickly. If they know that you are going to save me, you will be miserable. It's because he saved me that brother Chen is now in such a field. "

Chen Yang frowned slightly and said, "do you mean Chen Yihan?"

The little girl was surprised and said, "do you know brother Chen? You're here to save brother Chen, aren't you? "

Chen Yang said: "we have to say whether we can save or not. First of all, you have to tell me what's going on? "

The little girl said, "as long as you can save brother Chen, I can tell you anything."

Chen Yang said, "what's your name?"

"My name is wind chime," said the little girl

"Wind chime? What have you done? " Chen Yang asked.

Fengling silent down, she after a while slightly stubborn said: "I'm not wrong."

"Oh?" Chen Yang said: "if there is any mistake, maybe it's not up to you. I can't judge until you say it. Of course, my judgment is not necessarily accurate. But I will act according to my judgment

Fengling said: "the northern religion is fundamentally different. They tell the world that if you believe in the Lord, you will get well-being. They said that if we want peace, love and kindness, we can get the Lord's mercy. However, the northerners regard the world as a plaything, and they are cunning and mean. They don't believe what they're saying. They are making a fool of the world. They said to be compassionate. You see, that's what they did to me after I put forward different opinions. They can kill me, but they don't. That's how they torture me. They want me to admit my mistake, but I don't I'm right. "

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling big. He said, "so, what do you want to seek?"

Fengling said, "I want to expose the true face of northern religion to the world. I want to let the world know that Lord Shentian is just a mean person."

"But you don't have the ability. You're just asking for trouble," Chen said

Fengling said, "so what if everyone chooses to be silent after knowing the truth. Then the truth will remain silent forever. Everyone is equal. Why should they be superior and fool all living beings? "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "do you know why you have a broken head and blood flow?"

The wind chime said, "because I don't compromise!"

Chen Yang said: "because everything has rules, you don't follow the rules. The law of the jungle, that's the rule. People stand at the top of the food chain and want to eat meat. There is no place for pigs to complain! "

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