There are many great emperors on the earth today. But whether it's Tianlin or Yuan emperor. They are all self styled. They have their own country and territory, so they are called great emperors.

And the real seal of heaven's throne is equal to the great emperor who has received the seal, that is, the new four emperors and the ancient four emperors.

In ancient times, there were three emperors: Haotian emperor, Tianlong emperor and Changsheng emperor. After the war between gods and demons, Emperor Haotian and Emperor Tianlong went to the fairyland. The emperor of eternal life was delayed and didn't go to the fairyland, so he mixed up in the world. Naying emperor was the son of heaven, who unified the seven kingdoms. Later, he got the opportunity and was ordered by Yuanjue Dharma God. Later, he was also listed as the four ancient emperors.

Yingdi once showed his means in every big space, but there is no trace in the past 1000 years. No one knows where he went. The only thing is that Cheng Jianhua was found by Yingdi and became the inheritance of Yingdi.

In the bedroom of the sky boat, Chen Ling fell asleep. Dongfangjing sat on one side with his knees crossed and continued to practice.

Chen Ling had a dream.

In my dream, he's still in the Security Bureau. At that time, he was young, sunny and upright.

At that time, there was a little tilt around him.

The girl raised by wolf king, she always wears a little white suit. She never smile, she is like the shadow of Chen Ling. When she was running in the woods, her hands and feet were on the ground. She ran faster than the wolf.

She howled with the wolves, which was her happiest place.

She practiced hard to kill and Feidao, just to protect her brother Ling.

And on that day when the rain was pouring down.

Xiaoqing was poisoned by the Lord of the deep sea. She ran all the way and died in his arms. Chen Ling will never forget that day, small tilt in his arms, lips black, just a little smile, and then forever closed his eyes. She didn't even have time to pronounce a syllable.

That is Chen Ling's eternal regret. It's a pity that before we can say goodbye, it has become a farewell.

It's not that Chen Ling can't accept Xiaoqing's death, but that Xiaoqing's death is too unexpected. He has too much guilt for Xiaoqing.

Even if the magic power is great, it's not that the soul can't be exchanged in the end!

The boat of the sky keeps moving forward in the void. If it jumps through the wormhole, it can speed up greatly. But wormholes don't exist everywhere.

The next morning, it was a quiet turn to be on duty. Shen Muran always goes with Cheng Jianhua. Cheng Jianhua served on one side. At that time, he was as quiet as Longyang, but now he is a man of great powers, and he has no desire for this.

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing practice independently most of the time, and sometimes they talk. Husband and wife's business, occasionally also can do. Fortunately, they are all practitioners and can stand loneliness. Otherwise, it will make people crazy to be trapped in such an immortal weapon day after day.

At this time, the god suddenly came to knock on the door.

Chen Ling and dongfangjing open their eyes at the same time. "Come in, please Chen Ling said.

The emperor pushed the door in. He is still a thick cloth shirt and looks like a strong man in the country. When he first saw the God Emperor, he never dreamed that he was the head of the four emperors who had no rival in the world!

There is no doubt that the God Emperor is the strongest among the four emperors.

The great emperor of China's "one gasification, three cleanings" method is unique. If he really fights God, the outcome is unknown.

Among the four emperors, the magic emperor has the most special skill. He also learned the art of myriad changes. In today's world, I don't know who can kill the devil.

Now it's the Shura emperor who is at the end of the list. But silence is not so easy to be killed.

Each of the four emperors has his own magic power and destiny.

When the God Emperor comes in, Chen Ling and dongfangjing get up to greet each other. At any time, although Chen Ling's cultivation does not seem to be under the God Emperor. But when Chen Ling met the God Emperor, he maintained his due respect. Dongfang Jing follows Chen Ling. Chen Ling respects the people she respects.

"Master!" Chen Ling called.

The emperor nodded faintly and said, "we should be able to reach our destination in a few days."

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing were very excited when they heard the speech.

"Great!" Chen Ling said.

God said, "there is one thing I need to explain to you."

Chen Ling said: "you say!"

God Emperor said: "Chen Tianya is also on his way."

"Well?" Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing were surprised. The God Emperor said, "what I want to do this time needs Chen Tianya to be here. So, this time, he has a share of the core. He will be more difficult to kill in the future when he gets the nucleus

Chen Ling kept silent.

God said: "Chen Ling, I know, it's hard for you to accept."

Chen Ling immediately looked up and said, "it's OK. You have a reason to do so. I accept it. But he started late. Can he come in time? "The God Emperor said, "if others can't come, he can. His body can survive without resistance in the solar particles. When we get to our destination, I'll set up a portal to pull him in. I've collected enough solar particles, and by that time, as long as they enter the solar particle storm, we can form a portal

Chen Ling said, "well, it seems that you have already had this plan."

The God Emperor said: "I didn't say it before, and I don't know whether Chen Tianya is willing or not. As you know, when we went into the realm of God, he didn't go. Later we went to central world, but he still didn't go. But he walked out of his own way. Recently, I don't know how he suddenly figured it out and was willing to work with us. If he does, we'll have a better chance of winning. "

Chen Ling nodded and said, "I understand!"

Dongfang said in a quiet voice, "master, I've been confused recently."

The God Emperor looked at dongfangjing and said, "tell me."

"What do you want to do under this unprecedented robbery?" Asked Dongfang Jing.

"You shouldn't ask this question," said the emperor

Dongfang Jing was slightly stunned.

"Well, your pattern can't compare with Chen Ling all the time." The God Emperor took another look at Chen Ling and said, "you should know what I'm doing, right?"

Chen Ling nodded. He gave dongfangjing a helpless smile and said, "you can ask me first."

Dongfang Jing is a little embarrassed.

Chen Ling said: "we are not bystanders of the massacre. It is also on us. Therefore, Shifu wants us to be stronger, conform to the way of heaven, and promote killing and looting. Let's become the people of the way of heaven. This is what master has been doing. That's why we've been able to make it all the way to today. "

Dongfang Jing couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "you really should wake me up earlier. In fact, nowadays, many people are in the game. But few people can see through it. More people are thinking about how to avoid the killing. Even I have this idea. "

God said: "since ancient times, in troubled times, most of the big families who want to escape will be destroyed. And those who seek in danger will either perish or win. The grass on the wall usually doesn't come to a good end. "

Chen Ling said, "what the master said is that it's not very meaningful to hide all the time. If you want this magic power, you have to turn your hands over the clouds. "

The God Emperor said: "what's more, you and I, four of us, were granted by the way of heaven. Just like the imperial court in ancient times, it won't come to a good end if you don't make efforts at the key time and clear up afterwards! "

Chen Ling laughs.

After that, the emperor left.

Dongfang Jing said to Chen Ling, "I didn't expect that Chen Tianya would come."

Chen Ling couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "he'll come right away. I'm afraid he won't succeed."

Dongfang Jing said, "that's not true, but seeing him is always an eyesore."

Chen Ling said: "anyway, it's a bad thing to have silence. One more is not much, one less is not much. "

When the sun shines, the whole void is dazzling to the extreme.

It's dazzling white, and it's very fierce heat poison and radiation. This radiation is lethal to ordinary people.

When the sun shines on the other side, the void falls into endless darkness, full of unspeakable cold air.

The ship of the sky is moving forward with lightning!

It was night, and Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing were on shift.

"Brother Ling, there seems to be a problem!" At this time, Dongfang Jing suddenly said.

"Well?" Chen Ling immediately saw the situation from the array console of the sky boat. The boat of the sky can sense the situation of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Chen Ling immediately reduced his speed. The boat of the sky whirled rapidly in the air, but did not move forward. Soon, the boat of the sky was in the void.

Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing see a terrible thunder and lightning in front of them. The thunder and lightning cover a million miles. The thunder and lightning are extremely strong, but they don't know what's inside.

Blue light in thunder layer!

"It seems that there are still creatures in it!" Dongfang Jing said.

At this time, if the boat of the sky goes in rashly, I'm afraid there will be an accident.

Chen Ling thought for a moment and said, "I'll go in and have a look."

Dongfang Jing immediately said, "I'll call master and let him accompany you."

Chen Ling smiles and says, "don't worry, I won't trust you. It can be solved! "

Dongfang Jing said, "but why do you take risks?"

"It's not a risk, it's just a problem," Chen said. You stay here and I'll come as soon as I go! "

Dongfang Jing can't stop Chen Ling's decision.

But Dongfang Jing also trusts Chen Ling. Chen Ling is seldom bold.

So at this time, Chen Ling's body flashed, and the next second left the boat of the sky. He appeared in the boundless void. In the void is weightlessness.Chen Ling is not the same thing at all.

"Underworld armor!" Chen Ling said lightly. All of a sudden, one of his Youming Yuanshen came out, directly forming a pair of black excellent powerful armor.

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