Fu Qingzhu's daughter, Xiao AI, is now 13 years old. She is a beautiful girl. However, the little girl lived in such an environment for a long time, and she was very lonely.

Xiao AI is wearing a red skirt. She sees Fu Qingzhu and shouts dad in a low voice. The little girl used to be very close to Fu Qingzhu. Now it seems strange, which is normal. Girls are always sensitive when they reach puberty.

Li listened, and the great master of Hotan followed him. Luo Feng and others are all here.

Fu Qingzhu said in front of the crowd, "please come here today to be a witness. My daughter, Xiao AI, will be brother Chen's daughter. "

As soon as he finished, AI said, "I don't want to!"

Fu Qingzhu was slightly stunned, and his face was a little ugly.

Li listened and said, "brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

Chen Yang felt embarrassed.

Fu Qingzhu said in a deep voice: "Xiao AI, kneel down and kowtow to Godfather."

"I don't want him. I hate him. I don't want him to be godfather!" Xiao AI is very stubborn, and she disdains Chen Yang.

It's not surprising that Xiao AI's temperament in the bronze immortal hall is lonely. Second, Xiao AI and Li are close to each other. Li listens to Chen Yang, but he doesn't like Chen Yang at all. Influenced by Li's listening, Xiao AI only hates Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "brother Fu, forget it. You don't have to. I promise you, I will do it. "

But Fu Qingzhu said, "no way!" He seemed determined.

"I, Fu Qingzhu, have never seen or experienced anything." Fu Qingzhu said coldly, "today, I don't believe that I can't even discipline my own daughter."

After a pause, he said: "Xiao AI, as a father, today is not to discuss with you, but to order. Kneel down to your Godfather and kowtow three times

Xiao AI is afraid of her father after all. In fact, deep in her heart, she also loves her father very much.

After taking a deep breath, Xiao AI, with tears in her eyes, stubbornly bit her lip and banged her head three times to Chen Yang. She banged her forehead with blood, and then rushed out of the room. Li immediately ran after him.

"Brother Fu, this..." Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "I'm afraid Xiao AI will hate me the most in the future."

Fu Qingzhu, however, said with a smile, "a child is still young and doesn't understand. Brother Chen, please bear with me more. "

Chen Yang hugged his fist and said, "I understand what brother Fu means. Even if you don't do it, now that you've asked me. I'll do my best! "

"I believe in brother Chen!" Fu Qingzhu said. The earth soon arrived, and Fu Qingzhu collected the bronze temple. Fu Qingzhu asks Chen Yang and others to go to Yanjing first, and then he will take Xiao AI to get there.

Chen Yang expressed his understanding.

After leaving a contact mark, Tang Ling went directly to meet his wife nishang. Before leaving, Tang Ling asked Chen Yang, "brother Chen, if Miss Song Ning asks, how can I answer?"

Chen Yang was silent for a moment and said, "just say that my wife and children are perfect and enjoy the happiness of family."

Tang Ling sighed.

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "it's been a few years. I think she has put it down. It's right for her to end this unworthy wait. "

Tang Ling said: "but there are such infatuated people in the world as nishang and Miss Song. Nishang has been waiting for me for so many years without hope."

Chen Yang's heart sank. He then said: "you help me to watch more, I know, softhearted is a disease. I want her to be happy, but I may not be able to give her this happiness. "

Tang Ling nodded and said, "well, I know!"

When Tang Ling leaves, Chen Yang and others return to Yanjing.

And Fu Qingzhu and Li listen between the outbreak of a quarrel.

Tian Da Xian people are all installed in the bronze immortal hall by Fu Qingzhu, and there are other experts in the bronze immortal hall collected by Fu Qingzhu.

In an open mountain, Li listened, took Xiao AI and said to Fu Qingzhu, "brother-in-law, Xiao AI has been following us for so many years. Now you have to leave her here alone. I don't agree. I'll never agree unless you kill me. "

Xiao AI is also in tears. She is afraid to go out and see the beauty of the world.

So many years, living like that, has formed a habit.

Fu Qingzhu gave Li a cold look and said, "are you sick? Am I trying to kill my own daughter? You're looking for life and death with me here. Do you think you're doing good for Xiao AI? Do you want to make Xiao AI feel that the world is as big as the bronze immortal hall all his life? Will she grow up or get married in the future? Also, I ask you, if I die, what will Xiao AI do? Can you protect her? Yanjing is protected by the Qi of ZuLong. Where is the world not in danger? However, no matter how dangerous the world is, Yanjing is the safest. I put AI there. What do you think I do for? "

Li was speechless."I If AI is in Yanjing, I can't help it. " Li listened and said.

"That's what I want. It's the safest place where all the experts can't go." Fu Qingzhu said.

"Dad, I don't want to be separated from you or my aunt!" Xiao AI said immediately.

"Dad, don't scare me. You will be fine." AI then said.

She was terrified by the conversation.

Xiao'ai pear is full of flowers and rain.

Fu Qingzhu embraces Xiao AI. He has to prepare for a rainy day. Such a world is a troubled time for a monk. He dare not guarantee that he can live forever. He hopes his daughter can live happily!

"Xiao AI, when you get to Yanjing, you must be obedient and protect yourself." Fu Qingzhu's careful advice. "Dad will come back to see you as soon as he has time. When things are finished, dad will always be with you!"

Xiao AI became a tearful person.

After listening to Li, she didn't say anything more. She felt that her brother-in-law's words were correct. Would he harm his own daughter?

After that, Fu Qingzhu asked Li Tingting and others to take the bronze immortal hall to Tianzhou first. He was also familiar with many rules of the world. Then he taught Xiao AI a lot of things. After that, he took Xiao AI to Yanjing.

AI doesn't have magic and doesn't learn it.

But Fu Qingzhu quenched Xiaoai's body and strengthened her resistance. Usual nutrition is also very attention!

It's strange that Fu Qingzhu, Chen Yang and Qin Lin are not willing to let their children go on the road of cultivation. Because they know the hardships and dangers of this road.

However, for the sake of inheritance, the children of those ancient sects can not avoid this road.

Fu Qingzhu and Chen Yang want their children to live a good and happy life under their own protection. Of course, if they really want to go this way, their parents can only support them.

Chen Yang, Luo Feng, Qin Lin and others welcome Fu Qingzhu and Xiao AI. That night, in Chen Yang's villa, the cooks had a sumptuous dinner. Chen Yang took out the Maotai wine and drank it with everyone.

Xiao AI is still short of words. It's boring to be alone.

But Qin bao'er and Nian CI don't know each other. They run to Xiao AI to play.

To Fu Qingzhu's satisfaction, although Xiao AI is indifferent to adults, he is very kind to the two little guys.

Fu Qingzhu is very happy, his daughter nature is good.

"This villa is very big. We have a lot of people here all the year round." Chen Yang said to Fu Qingzhu, "brother Fu, don't arrange any servants or servants. After that, Xiao AI will live here, and we will arrange for her to go to school. "

Fu Qingzhu was overjoyed. He said, "but I'm afraid my sister-in-law will feel trouble!"

"Don't worry, she won't," Chen said

Fu Qingzhu said, "brother Chen, I will never forget your kindness and virtue."

Chen Yang said: "no, brother Fu, people share this heart. I'm also a father. I understand your love for Xiao AI. "

Fu Qingzhu said: "it's just that I'm afraid Xiao AI can't keep up with the courses in the world."

Chen Yang said: "Xiao AI is a smart child. She can keep up with her tutors."

Fu Qingzhu said, "thank you very much, thank you very much." He's a little incoherent.

Shen Mo Nong also listened, she immediately said: "brother Fu, I will treat little AI as my own daughter."

"Thank you Fu Qingzhu raised his glass and said, "brother and sister, thank you for your kindness."

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "you are very kind."

After the show, it was late at night and the children were all asleep.

In the bedroom, Shen Molong came out after a bath and put on his nightgown.

Chen Yang said apologetically: "Mo Nong, I'm sorry, I've given you a lot of trouble."

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "it's really troublesome."

Chen Yang was embarrassed.

Shen said: "it's OK, there are human resources, material resources, financial resources, power, these things are not so difficult to deal with. If we are an ordinary family, I can't bear all the troubles you have given me. I can't bring them with you. "

Chen Yang hugged Shen Mo Nong, gave him a heavy kiss and said, "thank you, wife!"

Shen Mo Nong took Chen Yang's hand and said, "but why do you help brother Fu so much?"

Chen Yang said: "in fact, I didn't think so much, probably because I have a common identity with him."

"The king of destiny?" Shen said.

Chen Yang said, "we are all fathers!" He hesitated and said: "he is really in a bit of a dilemma. He takes his daughter with him for a long time, but it is not good for her daughter's growth. Moreover, he will often experience danger! He is not as lucky as I am to have such a capable wife as you

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "are you flattering me?"Chen Yang laughs and says, "I'll shoot you What about that Then he really pinched Shen's buttocks. Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but white Chen Yang one eye, spat a way: "you are really not a bit serious!"

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