Doreen said: "the Bodhisattva king of Tibet suddenly appeared in hell a few years ago. He talks about the Buddhist scriptures and publishes the demons. Today, he is respected by countless believers in hell

Chen Yang has great respect for the Bodhisattva, but he is skeptical about the demons. Pudu what? Brainwashing? Or is it the same as your own big thunder method? However, Chen Yang also knows that if he does not know the truth, he should not judge rashly.

He still believes in Bodhisattvas.

Chen Yang then asked Duolin, "where can I find Bodhisattvas?"

His communication did not let Nalan Yunxue know that it was a pure conscious communication between him and Doreen.

Chen Yang is not ready to be honest with Nalan Yunxue. At present, he only uses two words for Nalan Yunxue, and has no other thoughts.

Doreen replied, "I don't know where the Bodhisattva is. There are eighteen layers of hell, which are vast and boundless. There are also various kinds of mixed caves, nether world and abyss. Endless, endless. Many incredible things between heaven and earth are buried in hell. "

Chen Yang thinks that there is a shady world in the world.

The shady world is unique to the vast world, and there is no shady world in the rest of the world. It seems that among the three thousand worlds, the great thousand world, the central place, is indeed favored by the way of heaven.

Protect the capital from the invasion of evil spirits with the spirit of ZuLong. To absorb Yin Qi in the world of yin and make it clear. After the killing and looting came, the Dharma God Yuanjue guarded the whole world. The world has become a piece of iron.

Chen Yang has come to understand the particularity of the great world. Among the three thousand worlds, the great world is like the engine of a car, which is the key to all the worlds. If the world collapses, the rest of the world will collapse. And when the rest of the world collapses, there will be a new world.

A car, the engine is destroyed, rebuilding the engine is equivalent to changing a car. Other parts can be replaced.

This is the truth!

Chen Yang asked more about the hell world, and Doreen knew the hell very well. After listening to some of Doreen's comments, Chen Yang was shocked and shocked by the hell world again.

The 18 levels of hell do not belong to any of the three thousand worlds. It's like the world under the river.

In this, what the demons understand is just the tip of the iceberg. There are also many mixed holes, swirls, impermanent netherworld fire, many things are tearing, killing demons. There are many dangers in this hell.

This is an absolutely dangerous place.

The vast hell world!

Chen Yang also feels that the earth is more and more different. In the universe, the earth is not the largest planet, but Chen Yang has never seen anything more special than the earth. Many planets have no civilization, and the earth has.

Three thousand worlds, hell like the sea, this is the most special place of the earth.

After nearly half an hour, the DOM demon emperor finally came back.

Doreen immediately welcomed up, DOM demon emperor put on a red cloak, she came in with wind, not angry from power.

The Luocha demons in the cave kneel down to salute when they see the DOM demon emperor.

DOM demon emperor ignored, she and Doreen face to face.

"Sister!" Doreen cried with a smile and came up to take the arm of the demon king. The demon king went to her cave and asked, "is there anything special in the cave when I'm away?"

Doreen said, "no, everything's normal!"

The DOM demon emperor nodded and said, "that's good!"

At this time, Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue hold their breath and listen carefully. It's a very risky thing. In fact, Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue can't hide with the cultivation of DOM demon emperor.

But the huge soul power of the soul crystal can hide all the breath, which hides the DOM demon emperor.

Soon, Doreen and the demon king came to the cave of DOM. This cave is more spacious and luxurious.

Dom, sit down.

Doreen poured a cup of tea for DOM.

The DOM demon emperor took a sip of tea, and then said, "Doreen, the 18 levels of hell are going to change."

Doreen pretended to be overjoyed and said, "really?"

DOM demon emperor smile, said: "now we have done a good job, waiting for the people of yuqingmen down. As long as the next master of creation, let the two demons absorb. In this way, the two demons can get out of trouble completely. After they get out of trouble, we will accompany the devil to attack yuqingmen. From then on, we don't have to live in the darkness forever. In the future, we may still ascend the fairyland! "

Doreen said happily, "that's great."

"I've never seen the outside world before. I can't wait to think about the future," he said

Doreen said, "me too!"

"Sister, when you say that, can we also find a husband?" Doreen suddenly seized the hands of the demon king dom.DOM demon emperor smile, she said: "in this hell, there are really no men. You girl, are you in love

She was about to continue talking when her eyes suddenly changed. Just at this time, Doreen showed her divine power.

The sky god Suo quickly twined to the DOM demon emperor. DOM demon emperor is not on guard against Doreen. This accident is absolutely unexpected. But it's not easy for the demon king of DOM. As soon as her face changes and her body shakes, she wants to get out of the way.

She's very fast.

At this time, Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue contributed to the crystal of soul. Chen Yang drives the soul black light, quickly turns into innumerable tentacles to entangle the DOM demon emperor!

"That's ridiculous!" The DOM demon emperor is furious. No matter how much she changes, it's too late to change. The movement of the body slowed for a moment, to the God rope has tied her firmly.

In this way, the DOM demon emperor could not move immediately.

Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue just came out of the soul crystal. With a wave of Chen Yang's hand, the sea of soul envelops the whole cave. It's not even a glimmer of light.

"You Doreen How can you... " DOM demon emperor anger sad, she can't accept the most obviously is Doreen's betrayal.

Doreen immediately said, "sister, you are now sinful. My master and I want to save you. You must not be stubborn any more. "

DOM demon emperor how smart, immediately know that there is something wrong with his sister. She flashed cold light in her eyes and looked at Chen Yang: "is that the woman you saved before?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "that's right."

"Who are you? How dare you fight us? What did you do to my sister? " Said the demon king.

Chen Yang said: "your sister sincerely converted, I spend her kindness! She's very grateful to me now. "

"You want to die!" The DOM demon emperor was furious.

Chen Yang said, "well, stop talking nonsense. Tell me, what's the situation with those two demons? "

"Don't you want to know!" said the demon king

Chen Yang said: "you still want to see the outside world. Isn't it a pity to die like this? Now that you are sealed, you are my trump card. How can I kill you easily, so, you cooperate obediently, there is definitely a way out. I think in the face of your sister, you will also open up one side. "

DOM demon emperor looked at Chen Yang, she suddenly giggled and said: "why do you do all this? Do you want to help the woman around you? "

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "well, why should I tell you this?"

"Do you think it's good for me to serve you with my sister and this woman. If you promise to be our man, I'll tell you everything. We'll be our own people in the future. "

"Damn it Chen Yang swallowed saliva involuntarily.

In front of these three women, that can be really chunlanqiuju, each wins its field!

DOM demon emperor's proposal is very tempting!

That man doesn't have such a good fortune!

"Oh dear!" Chen Yang took a look at Nalan Yunxue and said, "this Not so good! "

DOM demon emperor said: "what's wrong, you are so successful, so smart, so handsome, it should be like this."

Nalan Yunxue said immediately: "Lin Feng, don't be fooled. When you climb into her bed, she'll break your neck for the first time. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "well, I'm not worried. I have a lot of control over her. But this proposal is really attractive. I don't have to work hard, miss Naran, do you

Nalan Yunxue can't help being angry and anxious, and says, "Lin Feng, how can you do this?"

"If you give me a kiss, I'll refuse her." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Nalan Yunxue is angry, but she still has a decision. She quickly comes up and kisses Chen Yang on the cheek.

With a smile, DOM said, "little man, I can not only kiss you, but also make you happier. Am I not prettier than her? "

Chen Yang chuckled, then straightened his face and said, "well, don't be coquettish. Brother, does my IQ look so low? I'm just teasing Miss Nalan. Do you really think I'll act on your proposal? I'll tell you, Lin Feng is his mother's gentleman. "

"Ah, I thought I could spend the spring night with you tonight," said the demon king with a sigh

Chen Yang said, "first of all, what's the situation of the two evil lords? Be honest and don't play games. "

Nalan Yunxue is not so eager to know about the demon king now. She wants to know how to leave and send a message to her master.

Chen Yang and Nalan Yunxue have different purposes, so they ask different questions.

But now Chen Yang is home, Nalan Yunxue can only shut up first.

The DOM demon emperor thought for a moment, and then said, "I can tell you, but you have to promise to remove the magic from my sister afterwards.""Yes, no problem!" Chen Yang said.

"That's good," said the DOM demon empero

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