After Nalan Yunxue finished, Fu Zhichen and others had a general understanding.

The situation suddenly became urgent. Fu Zhichen got up and said, "everyone, let's go to hell together now. I don't know what happened to Zhenyuan fairy and master Duxing. If they were in good condition, they would have been back by now. Besides, our disciple Duan Xueren should still be alive. We have to find the four demon emperors to come back. Now, the four demon emperors should know how to behave. "

"Supreme, do you mean that something may have happened to my master and them?" Nalan Yunxue was shocked and could not control herself. Her body trembled slightly.

Nalan Yunxue is an orphan. Her master adopted her, taught her this skill and gave her great glory. Master and she are like teachers and mothers.

"Master heard that something had happened to me, so he immediately went to save me. If something happens to Shifu because of me, I will be responsible for my death! " Nalan Yunxue said in his heart.

Fu Zhichen looked at Nalan Yunxue and said, "now everything is uncertain, so we need to rush to hell immediately."

Elder Wuyun said, "supreme, you still need to sit in the door. Please teach me how to do this."

Fu Zhichen said in a deep voice: "no, I can't wait. Go

He then said, "Yunxue, you are with me. Elder Wuyun, you don't have to go, just sit at Yuqing gate. If something happens to us, you should report it to taishangzunlou immediately and invite them to preside over yuqingmen. "

There is no doubt about Fu Zhichen's words!

Dark cloud elder also can only say: "yes, supreme!"

People like Fu Zhichen are extremely clever.

What he shows now is humanistic care. He dares to show such awe inspiring righteousness because he knows that the uncertain risk factors have been eliminated. He would never have said that before when he was not sure about those people.

This is Fu Zhichen's skill of controlling the lower body.

Then, Fu Zhichen and his party immediately went to hell.

In the hell of the 18th floor, the news of the four demon emperors is naturally sensitive. They first came to the dark abyss. In the dark abyss, there is no demon king.

"It seems that something has happened to the two demons." Green black demon emperor said first.

"Who can help you?" Said the demon king in a deep voice.

Hunshi demon emperor said in a deep voice: "there are still some pieces of information in this space. I'll come to inquire about it." After that, he closed his eyes and cast out his mana to investigate.

The rest of the demon emperors don't have this ability, but the mixed demon emperor has his own excellence.

The three demon emperors all looked at the mixed demon emperor.

After a long time, the face of the demon emperor changed greatly.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Green black demon emperor asked.

Mixed demon emperor said: "the event is not good, I seem to feel the emperor's breath, the emperor has come, the two demons are afraid that something has really happened."

DOM demon emperor's face suddenly flashed a look of disappointment and said: "ah, it seems to be another empty joy. Maybe our destiny is to hide in this dark place and never see the prosperity of the world. "

The evil demon emperor said, "DOM, I think you have a big chest and no brain. At this time, we should not care about whether we can go up. It's whether we can stay down here. We've offended yuqingmen this time. Yuqingmen will find out about it sooner or later. They won't stop there! "

"Face to face, we are not rivals of yuqingmen!" Green black demon emperor said.

"Nonsense!" The evil demon emperor said: "in the supreme Hall of Yuqing gate, which one of those masters can we compete with. The best we can do is to rely on our familiarity with the rules of hell, give up all our basic business and go into hiding. But are you willing to do so? "

"Of course not!" But what can we do now

Hunshi demon emperor said in a deep voice: "you don't have to be pessimistic. We still have a blood blade in our hand. In addition, hell also needs us to guard, yuqingmen will not understand this. We can also talk about terms. Anyway, if we can't get along with each other, we'll separate ourselves and wait until the limelight is over. "

"What's more, we have a card," said the demon king. That is to say, every year yuqingmen cultivates its disciples, and they come to the ground to hunt and kill Luocha for trial. If they insist on not cooperating, we will let them fail in the trial. In this hell, unless they don't practice all day and come to stare at us. Otherwise they can't afford it! "

"That's right!" The green black demon emperor's eyes brightened.

People finally found the most critical point, that is, the big men of yuqingmen can't afford it. Those old people who go to the grand building are just as afraid of the sun, hiding in the depth of time and space all day long. Who wants to go to hell all day long to find bad luck!

Hunshi demon emperor and others immediately feel that they have the strength to negotiate.

At the same time, they did not think of Chen Yang.

According to their understanding, Chen Yang and Mojun are gone. Then Chen Yang will be gone!At this time, the demon emperor and others felt the change. Someone's shooting at the 18th floor of hell.

Hunshi demon emperor's eyes were awe inspiring, and he immediately said: "it seems that the other party's boss is coming. He dares to shoot so boldly. We hid ourselves in the nether world and did not meet them. After that, I'll send someone to negotiate with them! "

"Well!" At this time, the four demons had a good experience.

In hell, there are countless places of the nether world, which are very complex. They rely on the rules of hell to escape into the nether world, and the gods are hard to find.

The blood blade was caught in the weapon by the demon emperor.

At present, shennian is shooting at Fu Zhichen, the supreme leader of yuqingmen. Fu Zhichen naturally did not find the whereabouts of the four demon emperors. Several deputy headmasters and Nalan Yunxue all look at Fu Zhichen. Nalan Yunxue's heart has been corrected into a group, she was terrified to the extreme.

She couldn't imagine what she would do if something happened to Shifu.

"Master is a peerless person. She will never have an accident. Certainly not Nalan Yunxue keeps comforting himself.

Ouyang could not help but ask Fu Zhichen: "supreme?"

Fu Zhichen's eyes were cold. He looked around at the dark wasteland and said in a deep voice: "there are too many factors in this hell. They are very hard to find because they are close to the hell. Let's go and go to the cave of the demon emperor. If he doesn't show up, he will destroy his cave first

"Supreme, have you found my master's breath?" Nalan Yunxue asked immediately.

Fu Zhichen took a look at Nalan Yunxue, then sighed slightly and said, "No

"This..." Nalan Yunxue's eyes suddenly turned red.

The following Da Mo elder comforted Nalan Yunxue and said, "the fairy and the venerable are the top people in the world. They will be fine. Don't be too pessimistic, saint

"Well, my master will be fine." Nalan Yunxue said immediately.

And sadly, everyone seems to have little concern for the solitary.

Fu Zhichen led the crowd to the cave of the demon emperor.

The cave of the demon emperor is in the south, thousands of miles away. But it doesn't matter. They'll be there in a flash.

Hunshi cave is tall and lofty, full of solemn atmosphere.

Fu Zhichen and his party appeared in front of the cave.

Before entering the cave, an old man came to meet him. This old man is Wu Linpu, the brother of the demon emperor.

Wu Linpu looks very old because he is possessed by the devil in his practice. Thanks to the chaotic demon emperor, he was saved.

Wu Linpu's cultivation is the beginning of fairyland!

Wu Linpu is respectful to Fu Zhichen and others: "Wu Linpu, younger generation, is the younger brother of the mother of the demon emperor. My brother asked me to come to meet you

Although wulingpu is old and looks old. But in front of Fu Zhichen, he can only call himself a junior.

Fu Zhichen glanced at Wu Linpu and said, "what about the demon emperor? Why don't you come out and see me? "

Wu Linpu said in a deep voice: "it's inconvenient to meet my brother at present. Please come in

Fu Zhichen's eyes were cold, but he did not refuse Wu Linpu's invitation. But with the people into the cave.

In the hall of the cave, Wu Linpu led his subordinates to greet him.

After that, Wu Linpu said: "my brother intends to reconcile with your predecessors. The conflict between the two sides is due to the demands of the two evil Lords. We also have no ability to resist the demon king. We are sorry for the loss of your staff! "

"I'm sorry. Is that all?" A deputy head teacher said harshly.

Wu Linpu said: "according to the meaning of the predecessors, is it necessary for the four demon emperors to pay for their lives?"

"Yes, it's not too much to cut them a thousand times. We have to let you Dalits know that yuqingmen must not be humiliated! " This is called Wang Zhan. Wang Zhan is also hot.

Wu Linpu immediately said: "if it is true, then we really have nothing to talk about. Senior, we are not opponents. We are willing to kill again. However, the four demon emperors will not compromise. If you have the ability, go and find them. If you can't kill him, in the future, yuqingmen won't send any more disciples to test him. "

"How dare you threaten us?" Wang Zhan was furious.

"It's not a threat, it's a fact," Wu said. If you don't forgive me, what can we do? "

Fu Zhichen stopped Wang Zhan from going on. He looked at Wu Linpu and said, "let the demon emperor come to talk to me."

"I'm sorry, master," Wu said! It's not that my brother is insincere, but he doesn't dare! Please understand that. " He paused and said, "but I will pass on everything you say to my brother."

Fu Zhichen said, "how many of my disciples are still alive?"

"Only Duan Xueren is alive," Wu saidFu Zhichen said, "let him come here."

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