"Three..." After Chen Yang finished. Zhenyuan fairy still did not kneel!

Chen Yang nodded and said, "OK, you have backbone." He gave Zhenyuan a thumbs up.

Zhenyuan fairy took a deep breath. She sat cross knee, closed her eyes and said, "the road is ahead. All kinds of humiliation and torture are just experiences. Either die in the experience, or nirvana in the experience. But never give in to experience! " She then opened her eyes and looked at Chen Yang, sneered and said, "do you think this seat will kowtow and beg for mercy like you? Come on, do everything you can. If you frown, you will win. "

People are afraid of life and death!

It is normal for some people to bend their knees, while others would rather die than surrender.

Chen Yang looks at Zhenyuan fairy, but Zhenyuan fairy is still arrogant. Even though she was beaten as a pig by Chen Yang, her pride is still immortal. This is a kind of spirit, as if she is always right, and Chen Yang is just a clown.

Chen Yang can't swallow this tone.

But he still couldn't kill Zhenyuan fairy and let off his hatred. Because as long as you're alive, there's hope. If there is hope, you can't give up.

"I really can't do it!" Chen Yang sighed. He said, "I'm not as good as you. You can do what you say."

Zhenyuan fairy shut up and didn't want to pay any attention to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang suddenly said with a smile: "however, I don't know if you are still so strong and proud when you are under a man? Give me one last chance to kowtow. Then, that's all you insult me. Otherwise... "

"Or what?" True yuan fairy said: "is not the dirty matter of the flesh and skin?"? Do you think that will threaten this seat? "

This woman is sure to eat Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang could not calm down.

He looked at Zhenyuan fairy's pride, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was.

"At this time, what else should I worry about?" Chen Yang's eyes are shining fiercely. "Smelly girl, OK, I'll teach you how to be a woman!"

After he finished, the tiger jumped on it.

Zhenyuan fairy is struggling.

So, at this time, Zhenyuan fairy was just like an ordinary woman who was invaded. She began to struggle twice. Later, she simply did not struggle. She just looked at Chen Yang coldly.

This is a psychological game.

Chen Yang has been defeated again and again.

At this time, Chen Yang was already riding a tiger. He gritted his teeth, no longer any hesitation and hesitation.

After that, he didn't have any foreplay and tore open the real yuan fairy's skirt.

Cold, rough!

Chen Yang and Zhenyuan fairy look at each other. Their eyes were cold and full of killing intention. But they are doing the most intimate action at this time.

After a long time, the tide finally passed.

Chen Yang felt satisfied.

The evil spirit in the chest finally came out. Zhenyuan fairy got up coldly and put on her clothes. But the skirt was torn a little bit rotten, some spring inevitably exposed.

Chen Yang sat cross knee.

Although he was angry, he finally did something he despised in his life.

It's a depravity.

It's the depravity he's afraid of.

He has to purify and put his mind in order. Otherwise, he will go to the devil's way, and go further and further in the devil's way.

However, Zhenyuan fairy naturally hated Chen Yang to the extreme.

Although she is still cold and proud on the surface, the sense of humiliation she felt in her heart is real and lingering.

Chen Yang is not a moral guardian. He soon adjusted his mind. What he has to do now is to restore his mana, and then take Zhenyuan fairy to the Western kingdom. In order to get out of hell, after that, we can make a deal with yuqingmen.

He began to feel the magic in his brain. But there is no clue, the state of the brain is like a power failure of the computer.

When electricity is connected, computers can connect to the world, covering everything. But after the power went out, the computer was left with a cold screen.

Chen Yang doesn't feel the existence of magnetic field and mana at all. It scares him!

I can't go up to heaven or enter the earth any more.

"Mana must still exist. It's also a powerful magic array!" Chen Yang is very clear in his heart. But mana is a form of mental power. Like the Internet economy, you say it's a bubble. It may have bubbles. But you can't ignore it. The wealth it shows is earth shaking.

So is mana. You say it doesn't exist, and it doesn't seem to exist. But once it is used, it can sweep the world.

Chen Yang has nothing to do about it.

Zhenyuan fairy also wants to recover her mana, and she is just as helpless as Chen Yang.

Chen Yang thought about it and said to Zhenyuan fairy, "no matter how you think about it, I'll write it off with you. If you want revenge later, I'll wait for you! ""What do you think you are now?" Zhenyuan fairy snorted coldly and said, "what's the difference between you and the most despicable villains? How can you behave shamelessly

"Zhenyuan, at this moment, do you still want to attack my spiritual loophole?" Chen Yang sneered and said, "come on, I don't care about what you don't care about. Do you think I'm mean and you're noble? How to understand the word noble? You forced people to kneel first. Is it noble? "

True yuan fairy said: "but you boast noble, you think you still have some bottom line. But now, you have no bottom line. "

Chen Yang said: "I kneel down to you, not because I am humble. You say the immortal can't be humiliated, I tell you, the mole ant can't be humiliated. You don't have to kneel to me because you're not afraid. Because there is no one you care about in this world. I kneel down to you because I want to save my useful body. It's not worth it to die in your hands like this. " He paused and said, "come on, I don't have to talk nonsense to you." He pulled off his coat and said, "cover yourself."

Then he lost it.

Zhenyuan fairy did not feel used to it. She did not refuse Chen Yang's coat. After catching Chen Yang's coat, she tied it around her waist to hide the spring light. In this way, she felt more comfortable.

On the moor, it suddenly became very cold.

To be exact, it's not that the wasteland is cold.

But after they lost their powerful Mana Shield, they began to be unable to resist the cold. Fortunately, Chen Yang said that his body was tempered by thunder and lightning, and then by Disha. Not afraid of cold!

But Zhenyuan fairy can't bear it.

The coldness on the wasteland is not the extreme coldness of the Arctic Ocean. The cold here is corrosive and poisonous. This is not a suitable place for ordinary human beings.

If two ordinary people stay here for a minute, they will die.

"Can I go now?" Zhenyuan fairy suddenly said: "since you say that gratitude and resentment have already been!"

Chen Yang immediately said, "that's not good. I have to rely on you to save my wife and friends."

"I have a wife, but I'm not as good as a pig or a dog." Said the fairy.

Chen Yang said, "what is worse than pigs and dogs? What I have done to you is more kind than what you have done to me. Isn't it all insults? "

Zhenyuan fairy can't help saying something. She then said, "you and I have to die in this wasteland. Without magic power, demons run wild and have to wait to die. What are you doing with this seat? At least die. I don't want to die with you dirty man. "

"So, you are different from me." Chen Yang said: "although we have little hope of survival, as long as we are not dead, I will not give up. You can't get out of my hand unless I'm dead. "

Zhenyuan fairy was silent.

She really can't help it now.

It was then that the first danger came.

Around the wasteland, I don't know when four red hair Luocha appeared. These four red hair Rocha are about two meters high, with one red hair and a twisted and strange face. All around are hard black scales, full of monsters.

Chen Yang and Zhenyuan fairy feel the crisis at the bottom of their hearts. In ordinary times, they have never looked at these insignificant demons. But at this time, after losing the mana, I found that this thing was very terrible. Especially here is the 18th floor of hell. The demons here are the most powerful.

Zhenyuan fairy immediately stood up.

Chen Yang was also attentive. He can't feel jiexumi now. He doesn't have any weapons in his hand.

In normal times, the four demons, Luocha, feel the breath of Chen Yang and Zhenyuan fairy, and they will stay away from them. But today, they have the courage to come around.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said to Zhenyuan fairy, "if you can't fight, run! Don't die ahead of time, I'll use you! "

True yuan fairy cold hum a, don't talk.

Four demons surrounded Chen Yang and Zhenyuan fairy.

They give off a strong smell.

One of the first demons, Luocha, had cold eyes. He didn't speak, but let out a low roar, and then let the three men attack Zhenyuan fairy. And it locked Chen Yang.

Three demons together to kill the real yuan fairy, they have great power, a fierce tear, like a madman.

Zhenyuan fairy in this moment, head a blank. Losing her mana, she had no idea how to fight. All she felt was that there was no place to hide, no place to hide.

Chen Yang is helpless. He's one step ahead!

How could he let Zhenyuan fairy be torn to pieces by the demon. Chen Yang moves, the demon that that leads Luo Cha also followed to move. The leader steps forward and blocks Chen Yang's way, then grabs Chen Yang's tianlinggai. Chen Yang didn't want to, but an antelope with a horn inserted obliquely came to Zhenyuan fairy in an instant. He grabbed Zhenyuan fairy with his waist, and then put it under the rib.Then, Chen Yang catches the gap and moves forward

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