"I never felt that you had any right to be superior to me!" Chen Yang then said, "when I get to your age, I will be better than you!"

Yazhen yuan snorted coldly.

Chen Yang said no more.

There is no way to break through the present predicament. Chen Yang and yazhenyuan can only wait. Chen Yang has experienced too much despair, so he will not easily despair.

He believes that there will be a ray of life in the end.

But this time, the hand of God is more cruel.

Five days later, in the middle of the night, Chen Yang and yazhenyuan are sleeping. They were suddenly woken up by the roar of horses outside.

Yazhenyuan is still very weak. She is prone to nosebleed now. Because she only drank Chen Yang's blood, which made her body very angry.

She felt very hot and dry in her heart.

At this time, Chen Yang jumped up. As soon as Yazhen yuan got together, he staggered and sat down again. She really hated her weak body.

Seeing this, Chen Yang wrapped the cloak around yazhenyuan, and then put it under his rib.

Then, Chen Yang came out of the cave with a cat's back.

Chen Yang then sees the horizontal line over there, endless demons are spreading like the tide.

"What's the situation?" Chen Yang's secret way.

Yazhenyuan said: "we'd better go into the cave."

"Fart you!" Chen Yang said: "the demons are not coming for us. There is only one reason why they are in such a hurry. Here comes the netherworld storm. This kind of netherworld storm strangles the past, and our small cave will be abandoned! Go

He then sped forward without saying a word.

Chen Yang knew that even if the cave was not twisted into pieces by the netherworld storm, it would be crushed into pieces by the demon army.

This is terrible.

Chen Yang is very fast.

After he ran far away, when he looked back, he saw the dark storm coming from the horizontal line. The whole sky is full of netherworld storm, and countless demons are screaming and wailing. Innumerable demons are drawn in and become fragments.

Before the netherworld storm, the life of demons is not worth more than that of ants.

The living environment of demons is extremely cruel.

After a round of strangulation, the netherworld storm finally began to calm down.

After recovery, you will see thousands of miles, all of them are demon debris. The ground is a gully tens of meters deep.

It's a terrible storm.

Only a few demons can survive. All the way through, there are corpses everywhere!

Chen Yang saw on the horizon, a few demons got up and moved forward. Chen Yang sighed and then went forward.

No purpose, no goal.

Yazhenyuan can't stand it. Chen Yang runs around her. She can't stand the turbulence. Now it's Chen Yang who supports her.

They were walking hard on the wasteland.

Yazhenyuan doesn't say anything about revenge now. Most of the time, she chooses to be silent.

Chen Yang went all the way forward, and then found a cave.

There are traces of demons living in the cave, but there are no demons.

Chen Yang can't care about anything else, so he takes yazhenyuan to live in.

Yazhenyuan was wrapped in her cloak, and she couldn't open her eyes. In a daze, he heard her shout: "white Big brother white

Chen Yang looks at yazhenyuan around her, and her face has already recovered. Although this period of time, but her face still looks beautiful in the dust.

Chen Yang has always felt that yazhenyuan is hateful, but at this moment, she is just a woman.

What I have done to her seems too much.

Of course, if Yazhen yuan is a man. Chen Yang has cut her heart with what she has done. But men and women are different after all. Especially now, yazhenyuan is so weak.

"Big brother Bai?" Chen Yang said in secret: "who is it? Is it her sweetheart? Are you still alive? I... "

"If I were alive, would I not have done evil?" Chen Yang's secret way.

Later, Chen Yang went to explore yazhenyuan's forehead.


"I have a fever!" Chen Yang said: "it's really not the way to go on like this. For most of the past half a month, the only thing she has drunk is my blood. I can't stand it with her physical quality. No, I have to go out and look. I can't let her die like this. "

Now, Chen Yang is ready to go out.

At this time, Yazhen yuan seems to have a sense and suddenly grabs Chen Yang's hand. She didn't open her eyes, but like a drowning person, she didn't let Chen Yang go.

"Brother Bai, don't go The road ahead is not clear when we go there! "

Chen Yang looks at yazhenyuan with complicated eyes.

"Brother Bai, why? Do you have to ask for that Avenue? Even if you die, don't you regret it? ""Brother Bai, I know you. I heard that you could die in the evening, but after all, you didn't get what you wanted."

Yazhenyuan whispers nonsense like this, and then releases Chen Yang's hand.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and he got up and left the cave.

On the wasteland, it always seems to be static and unchanged.


Chen Yang has been looking for it many times, but nothing has been gained. But this time, he hopes, there will be a miracle.

When he sees yazhenyuan silently reciting and missing his brother Bai in his heart, Chen Yang begins to regret what he has done. After all, she is a woman. She shouldn't be treated like this.

Chen Yang wants to find something that can keep yazhenyuan alive. In this way, as long as she can live in the future, maybe these mistakes can be made up.

Chen Yang has been looking in the wilderness for a long time, but he dare not go far.

In the end, he got nothing.

"Die Linghui, you're out of here!" Chen Yang couldn't help but scold.

How he hoped that the voice of wisdom would ring in his brain at this time.

But, nothing.

"What's that?" Just then, Chen Yang suddenly saw a green bud on the ground in front of him.

"It's a jellyfish!" Chen Yang can't help ecstasy.

This is the road of heaven and man. He once ate water dragon fruit in DOM demon emperor. The water dragon fruit is a product of hell, very rare. Generally, they were seized by the demon emperors with their magic power.

But I didn't expect that there were still fish who missed the net.

But it's 10 meters underground.

Chen Yang didn't care about anything else. He went around first and found the body of a demon. Then the ribs were removed. Then dig!

It's easy to dig ten meters when the spell is on. Now Chen Yang is working very hard. He has been digging for a whole hour and finally found the fruit. A total of three water dragon fruit, each is the size of a fist.

Chen Yangru got the treasure and took out the fruit. Then grab all the water dragon's vines. After that, I ran back to the cave in a hurry.

In the cave, yazhenyuan has been completely unconscious. Chen yangyao yazhenyuan, she did not respond. Chen Yang has no choice but to peel the fruit, chew it in the mouth, and then spend it in yazhenyuan's mouth.

The sweet juice first flows into yazhenyuan's throat, and yazhenyuan reacts immediately.

She is so eager for the sweet juice!

Chen Yang gave yazhenyuan a mouthful. Yazhen yuan is eating in a daze

A water dragon fruit is thus given by Yazhen yuan.

Chen Yang also stopped feeding. He believes that with Yazhen yuan's physical fitness, he will gradually get better.

Chen Yang himself was greedy. When he chewed the fruit, he didn't even dare to swallow the juice. What a temptation that is!

But Chen Yang is such a ruthless temperament, he is such a mouthful do not eat all feed to yazhenyuan.

After that, Chen Yang began to remove the soil from the vine, little by little.

When yazhenyuan wakes up in a daze, she sees Chen Yang eating.

She tried to open her eyes and saw that Chen Yang was chewing the green vines, and there was mud in the corner of his mouth.

Yazhenyuan suddenly felt more comfortable.

She thought it was wonderful, and then she began to remember it. She recalled being in a coma, as if she had eaten something. And it's in the juice.

"What did you feed me?" Yazhenyuan didn't expect it to be shuilongguo. She asks Chen Yang angrily.

Chen Yang looks at yazhenyuan. He wipes the mud off his mouth and points to the water dragon fruit next to him. And he said, "that's it."

"Jellyfish?" Joy flashed in yazhenyuan's eyes.

"Why don't you eat it?" Yazhenyuan then said, "but eating vines?"

Chen Yang ha ha, said: "I have eaten several, now look at this vine there is juice! Although it's a little bitter, it's better than the blood of those demons. So as not to waste it, would you like to try it? "

The color of complexity flashed in yazhenyuan's eyes.

She is not a fool. How can she not know that the fruit is extremely precious.

She was sure that Chen Yang did not eat the fruit.

"Don't think I'll thank you for doing this, and I won't kill you!" Yazhen Yuan then said coldly.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry!"

Yazhen yuan was slightly stunned.

"I was very angry that day, but anyway, my behavior was wrong," Chen said. I'm sorry

Yazhenyuan immediately became angry and said, "get out of here. You are a base. If you have the ability, you will be broken into pieces now!"

Chen Yang said, "I don't want to ask you to forgive me. You can rest assured about that. In the future, if you want to take revenge on me or something, I will follow. If the ability is not good, I will die in your hands. But before that, I have to hold you in exchange for the lives of my wife and friends! "Yazhenyuan said, "get out of here!"

"Well, calm down yourself!" Chen Yang gets up and goes out of the cave.

Despite the cold wind outside, Chen Yang also stood outside the cave.

In his mind, Ya Zhenyuan was helpless when he was in a coma, and he was talking about big brother Bai like that

This is also one of the important reasons for Chen Yang's guilt. Otherwise, with yazhenyuan's normal attitude and character, Chen Yang would not feel guilty.

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