The Bodhisattva king of Tibet offered a golden silkworm egg. This golden silkworm egg is the most precious one in the Buddhist world. It is called dari Tathagata silkworm egg! It was in this silkworm egg that the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet hid before that that Zeus, the God King of the Western Kingdom, could not do anything.

Chen Yang also knows the strength of this silkworm egg.

Yazhenyuan listened to all this coldly in the soul crystal.

She also wanted to know how Chen Yang would react.

At this time, Chen Yang took a look at the king of Tibet Bodhisattva, he said in a deep voice: "that is to say, Bodhisattva, you are not sure that you can defeat the people of Yuqing gate?"

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, was slightly stunned, and then said, "I'm here. If they can't find you, they won't embarrass me."

"How to be sure?" Chen Yang asked.

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "the Buddha Kingdom has a source with Yuqing gate."

"What if?" Chen Yang said.

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "everything has been decided by heaven."

Chen Yang said, "no, Bodhisattva, all the troubles are caused by the younger generation. No matter how incompetent you are, you can't hide as if you don't know anything. If you can't do something, I'll do it myself! "

"How can you afford it?" The Bodhisattva asked.

Chen Yang's eyes glowed with cold light and said, "if they don't care about yazhenyuan, why are they afraid to burn with them?"

The Bodhisattva king of Tibet said, "absolutely not!"

"Why not?" Chen Yangcai doesn't care about anything else.

The Bodhisattva said, "you You don't understand. "

Chen Yang said, "if people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will pay them back ten times."

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet sighed slightly and said in secret: "the benefactor is arrogant. If I tell you this, I'm afraid she won't be able to accommodate the fetus in her womb. I hope things don't go to extremes. "

Golden power world envelops Donglai mountain!

The four demon emperors were trapped in them and could not escape.

It's not easy to see that millions of demons wish together.

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet may not be earth shaking in his cultivation, but he is a real Bodhisattva, and his profound understanding of Buddhism is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

At this time, Fu Zhichen, the supreme leader of yuqingmen, led a group of assistant leaders to come. The vice leaders who came here this time are Wang Zhan, Ouyang Duoqing, Qian Kun and duorhine.

The elders didn't come, but they were sitting in Yuqing gate!

Fu Zhichen's white clothes were floating. With a wave of his big hand, he immediately broke through the maze of the golden power world with the power of heaven. At that moment, the four demon emperors saw clearly everything in front of them, quickly accepted the power of Dongtian and came to Fu Zhichen.

"See you The four demon emperors give face very much and salute Fu Zhichen with knowledge and interest.

A few people are still in the air, and Fu Zhichen has Nalan Yunxue beside him. Fu Zhichen nodded his head lightly, then led the people to flash again, and came to the Bodhisattva of dizang king.

The Bodhisattva of dizang is in the cave.

In a small room, in a flash, the gods gather!

Beside the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, stands Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's heart sank to the bottom when he watched the big guys coming together.

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibetans, wears a monk's robe and has a light complexion. He looked up at Fu Zhichen. Although Fu Zhichen is arrogant, he has maintained due respect for such a kind person as the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. He saluted slightly and said, "I have seen a Bodhisattva!"

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, also stood up to greet him and said, "the supreme one has come here. I'm very polite."

Fu Zhichen smiles a little, then says: "today I come here for the family affairs of yuqingmen and the mission of fairyland. Please don't stop me

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "I have promised you that as long as you are in the Donglai mountain, I will protect you. If you want to embarrass me, you must kill me first. "

Fu Zhichen's face changed slightly.

Nalan Yunxue and others also changed slightly.

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibetans shows a kind of attitude that if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell will see death as if at home.

This awe inspiring righteousness, this fearlessness, itself has been worthy of respect.

But at this time, Chen Yang has been stopped in front of the Bodhisattva. He said to Fu Zhichen in a deep voice: "at this time today, it has nothing to do with Bodhisattva. My wife, my friend, must have been captured by you? "

Fu Zhichen looks at Chen Yang lightly.

He seems to want to see through Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's accomplishments are really low.

In Fu Zhichen's eyes, at least, he was really humble. However, this Chen Yang stirred up countless events, causing heavy losses to yuqingmen.

He wants to see what's special about Chen Yang.

But unfortunately, Fu Zhichen did not see anything special in Chen Yang. He pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "I have no interest in your wife or friends."

After he finished, he sacrificed Ziyang gourd.Later, Qiao Ning and Mingyue xianzun were also released. Mingyue xianzun is sleeping. Qiao Ning holds Mingyue xianzun.

Qiao Ning looks up and sees Chen Yang.

Qiao Ning doesn't care about the surrounding environment. When she sees Chen Yang, her eyes are filled with tears.

Thousands of miles, he is desperate to come.

"Qiao Ning!" Chen Yang is very excited, but he does not step forward, but let Qiao Ning come over. Chen Yang maintains a high degree of vigilance.

Qiao Ning comes to Chen Yang with Mingyue xianzun.

Fu Zhichen didn't do anything.

"How are you, not controlled by him?" Chen Yang asks Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning shook his head and said, "No

At this time Qiao Ning, is still bright, she is still so beautiful. It can be seen that Fu Zhichen did not torture them.

Chen Yang was slightly relieved.

Then, Chen Yang solemnly said to the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, "Bodhisattva, Qiao Ning and xianzun, please take care of them."

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet was slightly stunned.

Qiao Ning realized something, her face suddenly changed. "Chen Yang, what do you mean?" Her delicate body trembled slightly.

Chen Yang smiles. Then he took out all the commandments and Prajna bells.

"Please take care of these things. If I die, you can deal with these things and remember to leave some for blue and purple clothes at that time. If I live, I will come back to the Bodhisattva to get it back. "

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is speechless.

"Chen Yang, what are you going to do?" Qiao Ning felt the fear from the bottom of her heart.

She put the moon immortal into the precepts. Her precepts can breathe.

"Chen Yang, what are you going to do?" Qiao Ning grabs Chen Yang's hand.

She's aware of something.

Chen Yang looks at Qiao Ning. His eyes are very gentle. He took Qiao Ning's cheek and gave her a deep kiss.

Joe's eyes were full of tears.

"It's all my fault. I should listen to you. I shouldn't leave Tianzhou. Why do I want to go out? " She cried like a child.

"It's none of your business. Whether you leave Tianzhou or not, they will try to deal with me. You're just an introduction. Qiao Ning, don't blame yourself. It's my greatest joy to meet you in this life. "

After Chen Yang finished, he broke away Qiao Ning's hand.

He released yazhenyuan from the crystal of soul.

"Master!" When yazhenyuan appeared, Nalan Yunxue quickly stepped forward and knelt in front of yazhenyuan. She also has tears in her eyes!

Chen Yang looked at Fu Zhichen and said, "never embarrass my family and friends again!"

At this moment, Chen Yang and Fu Zhichen have reached a tacit understanding.

Fu Zhichen nodded and said: "the premise is that they don't come to offend yuqingmen."

Chen Yang's eyes darkened.

Later, he took the soul crystal into his brain. He said to Fu Zhichen, "OK, let's go."

Fu Zhichen nods. He grabs Chen Yang with his big hand. The next second, Chen Yang was loaded into the Ziyang gourd.

"Let's go!" Fu Zhichen said no more, and then he said to the Bodhisattva, "excuse me! Bodhisattva

His eyes are on Qiao Ning again.

"Goodbye, Miss Joe. No, I hope we don't see each other again. Because if we meet again, you may not be able to live Fu Zhichen said.

This group of people, turn around and go.

"Fu Zhichen!" Qiao Ning suddenly stopped her weak tears, and her eyes were surprisingly firm. Remember what I said when she gritted her teeth

"Oh?" Fu Zhichen turns around and looks at Qiao Ning.

Including yazhenyuan, Nalan Yunxue, the four demon emperors all turned to look at Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning said in a deep voice: "yuqingmen will regret what they did today. From then on, Qiao Ning will promise you that yuqingmen will never have a better day!"

Ya Zhenyuan looks at Qiao Ning silently. In her eyes, Qiao Ning is just a mole ant.

But at the moment, the threat of ants has a wonderful deterrent.

It's a kind of deterrence!

But What's the use?

Yazhen yuan's secret way.

Fu Zhichen was slightly stunned. Then, with a faint smile, he said: "no one on earth has such energy. You have no chance of that. "

Later, Fu Zhichen and his party left quickly.

After all, Chen Yang left with Fu Zhichen. This is Chen Yang's helpless move. Chen Yang had a plan. He wants to rely on Zhenyuan fairy to save Qiao Ning and xianzun.

But Fu Zhichen and his party came too fast.

It's so fast that Chen Yang has no other choice.

Although Fu Zhichen did not talk to Chen Yang alone, Fu Zhichen has made it clear. Moreover, he released Qiao Ning and xianzun first.If Fu Zhichen wants to, he can use thunder to control Chen Yang and save yazhenyuan.

After face-to-face, Chen Yang actually has no cards.

Fu Zhichen is willing to release Qiao Ning and xianzun, which is an unexpected joy for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is very clear about this. Therefore, Chen Yang chose to hand over himself and yazhenyuan.

In the end, everything is calm.

Yuqing door, yazhenyuan directly back to taishangzunlou inside.

Fu Zhichen has asked yazhenyuan for instructions: "the master thinks, how to deal with Chen Yang?"

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