The ChiYan sword in huohongjin's hand is the essence of her great flame technique. Her magical power is extremely powerful. As soon as the light of the sword flashed, it killed the birds under the armpit. She still remembered Xuan Zhenghao's words and wanted to catch them alive.

The bird of prey in the gale flashed quickly, but it disappeared from the eyes of huohongjin. Then, the Vajra sword again like a beehive towards the fire scarlet. This man and beast work at the same time, and the laws of time and space compete with each other. Huohongjin makes full use of the agility of the body, shuttles through the law of time several times, and uses the ChiYan sword to kill the Vajra sword group.

They fought fiercely in the air. For a moment, they were deadlocked. Gale birds of prey can not help but be surprised, surprised that this little girl actually has such cultivation, under its attack, it is not weak. And huohongjin was also surprised. She was surprised that the birds of prey were really fierce. She showed her red flame, and the cave could not trap them.

The bird of prey is completely angry at this time. It knows its own situation. If you can't even take this little girl down, then there are two people nearby.

It has to be colored. At the moment, the birds of prey roared in the gale. Suddenly, their feathers flew out and floated rapidly in the sky.

The ChiYan of the ChiYan cave could not burn these feathers, including the Vajra sword, which also turned into feathers.

Fire scarlet see, also don't think much, about to attack again.

At this time, the birds of prey suddenly open their mouths, but they spit out a mouthful of white essence. Then its wings burst into the cave. The white essence turned into thousands of thousands in an instant, fused with the black feather.

All the feathers turned into sharp swords to kill people like a thousand troops and horses.

The power of this time is more than ten times stronger than that of the diamond sword group just now!

This is the bottom pressing skill of Fengfeng bird of prey. It has been used for 8000 years. The spirit and truth contained in this life essence is enough to turn the sea into a mulberry field.

The light of the sword covers the sky and blocks the sun!

And every sword light contains the truth of time and space, breaking all the rules of time and space of huohongjin.

Compared with the old master, the inside information of huohongjin is really far behind.

At this time, huohongjin was shocked. She saw that the swords were dense and stacked. You can't cut a hole with your own sword. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be a dead end.

Huohongjin also knows that he has to work hard. There was no wind in her hair, and her eyes were shining.

"Hell fire beast, burning boundless!" Fire scarlet has stretched the great flame to the limit.

The ChiYan sword in her hand also turned into fire, all the ChiYan cave shrinks, and finally turned into a huge infernal fire beast. The Hellfire beast's whole body is burning with blue flame, and its eyes are blue.

The Hellfire beast is as high as 100 feet, like a towering mountain in the same place. As soon as it opened its mouth, it absorbed all the feather sword light into its belly. In that belly, the seeds of the road are among them. The hell fire is burning wildly, refining these feathers and swords.

"Huh?" The wind and birds of prey are old people. How can they be controlled so easily by the fire scarves. It's white essence instant Pentium, all the black feathers wrapped, and formed a huge sword!

How much space does the hell beast directly shoot from the back of hell.

But just at this time, the hell god fire beast's blue eyes suddenly shot out two red flames. These two beams of light are as fast as lightning and directly hit the wings of the birds of prey.

The fierce wind bird of prey is running the white spirit sword with all his strength, but he didn't expect that the hell fire beast still has this skill. He snorted and his whole body began to burn.

The great flame is not an ordinary magic power!

The bird of prey quickly recovered its white essence, and all its feathers returned to its body. It uses mana to stop the spread of the fire. Then it spreads its wings and is about to escape

At this time, Luo Feng's body flashed, blocking the way of birds of prey.

"Master, wait a minute!" Cried Luo Feng.

Fengfeng bird of prey catches Luo Feng with one claw. It's a guy in the early days of fairyland. How can an old man like Fengfeng bird of prey pay attention to it.

Although the birds of prey were injured, they could not be bullied by Luo Feng.

Its claw itself is a magic weapon. If you grasp it, you can directly kill Luo Feng.

"Bad!" It's too late to save huohongjin. She didn't expect that my uncle would be so reckless and stop me directly. She would never have given the birds a chance to escape.

At this time, it is dragon small nine also see frown, think this Luo Feng is a little silly. What can he do with his accomplishments? Even dare to stop birds of prey.


This time, Luo Feng did not escape the claws of birds of prey. Under one claw, Luo Feng's face and chest were all opened.Beyond recognition, but no blood!

The fire scarves dare not look down.

What about Luo Feng?

Luo Feng's body directly recovered in an instant, and the power of this claw was absorbed by Luo Feng. His eyes were cold, and suddenly he kicked hard.

The wild bird of prey was completely shocked by Luo Feng, but he didn't escape. Moreover, Luo Feng still has the power of wild bird of prey in his foot.

With a bang, the birds of prey were kicked back in an instant. It in an instant, viscera damage, and then hard to move!

The fire scarlet quickly cast a spell to seal the meridians of the birds of prey. At the same time, she also took back the fire of the great flame.

After that, the birds of prey were completely controlled by them and put into the magic weapon of Xumi gourd.

"Uncle, are you ok?" At this time, huohongjin looks at Luofeng with surprise.

LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue also looked at Luo Feng like monsters.

At that moment, LAN Tingyu said in secret: "this Luo Feng is so strange. It's better than my nine fire. "

Luo Feng still wants face in front of huohongjin. He smiles and says: "don't worry, it's OK!"

Huo Hongjin clapped her hands and said, "uncle, you are so powerful!"

Luo Feng laughed and said, "how else can you be your master's elder brother?"

Now Luofeng is not as cold as before. Since he got married, especially with children, he has become more and more fond of laughing.

Luoxue didn't say much.

Then Luo Feng said, "now, let's go to the northern mirage dragon."

Red scarf nodded and said, "OK, I'll listen to my uncle."

Of course, Rochelle would not object.

So they flew out quickly. Luo Feng doesn't know what happened to Xiaojiu riding on Luoxue. He knows something about LAN Tingyu. Moreover, to be honest, Luo Feng doesn't hate LAN Tingyu. He and Luo Xue also talked occasionally. Knowing LAN Tingyu's life experience, he thought he was a respectable man. I've made a big mistake. But Luo Feng felt that he was not qualified to blame LAN Tingyu.

Because he didn't know how many people he had killed.

In their eyes, LAN Tingyu's actions are normal. Unfortunately, LAN Tingyu just killed Luoning.

But later, no matter what, LAN Tingyu died, and he paid all his debts.

Therefore, Luo Feng will not regard LAN Tingyu as an enemy.

Flying in the wind, Luo Feng said to the red scarf: "let's go all out to see if the little nine can keep up."

He wants to know the strength of little nine.

Luoxue was wearing armor all over her body. There was a vacuum inside. Fortunately, the armor is soft and not too uncomfortable. Now she's riding on Xiaojiu. It's very cold in the high altitude and there's vacuum air flow. It doesn't hurt her.

It is also at this time, Luo Feng and fire red scarf suddenly accelerated speed, instant no shadow.

Luo Xue was slightly surprised and said to Xiao Jiu, "how can they

Before her words came to an end, Xiao Jiu roared, and suddenly speeded up. In an instant, she ran after her.

Luo Feng and Huo Hongjin hear the sound of dragon chanting behind them. Then, Xiao Jiu comes after Luo Xue with him.

Luo Feng can't help but be surprised, didn't expect this small nine incredibly so fierce. In fact, he couldn't see through Xiaojiu at all. The power of Xiaojiu could not be judged by their cultivation.

"The Emperor Xuan Zhenghao is really extraordinary. I'm afraid he has already seen the extraordinary of the little nine." Luo Feng's secret way.

The northern mirage dragon is also in the North Sea. But the mirage dragon is not on the island, but hidden in the sea.

Mirage dragon is good at creating mirage, and mirage in the world has a great relationship with it.

And this mirage dragon is also a species that has lived for thousands of years.

As for why they become patrons, it is because of a pursuit of Tao and mission. The specific reasons are hard to explain, but just like a boa constrictor chooses to keep Ganoderma lucidum They also have their own purposes and wants.

Maybe it's spiritual, maybe it's something else.

They are not the only birds of prey and mirages in the world, but they are the only guardians in Tianzhou!

To be exact, it is the guardian beast!

The cultivation of the northern mirage dragon was in the middle of the sky. This time, it was still fire scarves. It didn't take much effort, so they accepted the northern mirage dragon and put it into Xumi gourd.

The law of operating space, hiding directly, is not afraid that they are too big to be loaded.

Then, the last one to look for is the southern turtle!

In the classic of mountains and seas: strange water comes from Yan, and flows eastward into the water of Xianyi. Among them, there are many Xuan turtles, which are shaped like turtles and have the head of a bird and the tail of a cobra. They are called Xuan turtles. Their sound is like a judgment tree. They are not deaf and can be used as the base.When Luo Feng and others arrived in the South China Sea, they found the southern turtle on the beach of an island deep in the South China Sea

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