The fire scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scar. The good news is that the crisis has been relieved, and she doesn't need to worry about the situation there. It's amazing that she and her martial uncle have always underestimated the ability of Xiaojiu. I didn't expect that this guy was really hiding! Huohongjin slightly knows the strength of the green bird beast. She doesn't think she can win over the green bird beast.

Fire scarlet at this time in the heart of the big set, cohesion mind to deal with the turtle spin. At the same time, Luo Feng also broke out. It is a shame that he can come out. This is because the green bird beast can no longer control the cave, so he got the chance to come out. Luo Feng joined hands with huohongjin, and he directly displayed the juexian sword. Juexian sword is a highly poisonous skill. Coupled with the fire scarlet attack and kill, the turtle also completely defeated!

The green bird was frozen by Xiao Jiu.

At this point, all the four beasts were caught in the bag. When Luo Feng saw that Xiao Jiu was so powerful, he was also surprised. But he didn't say much.

He is very curious, but curiosity does not have to ask. Among people, the most precious thing is to respect the privacy of others.

Three people in one, quickly return to Tianzhou.

In Yuqing world, Fu Zhichen once again held an emergency high-level meeting in Yunding Tiangong.

Elders, deputy leaders, including Nalan Yunxue, excellent disciples all attended.

Elder Wu Yun said in a deep voice: "that's what happened. Tianzhou has not been calmed down. According to our information, today's emperor Dakang of Tianzhou is very high-profile. And there's the lady of Jialan to help. All the experts under Jialan nvjun have come to participate in Tianzhou Dakang. In the sky of the imperial city of Dakang, they sacrificed the pictures of mountains, rivers, and the country, as well as the horrible pure Yang River. According to our staff report, there are 100 trillion pills in the Chunyang river. Today, the world is boiling. Emperor Dakang was bold and reckless. He said that he was willing to take Chunyang River as a guide and gather heroes from all over the world to attack yuqingmen. After the event, each person will present one billion pure Yang pills! "

"One billion pure Yang pills?" One of them, Zhan, the deputy leader of the sect, was so surprised that he said: "in other world, there is a shortage of pills. How many famous schools do not have 500 million pure Yang pills in stock. He's really rich in this move! "

"But people really have the right to say that. Is there any fake pill? How much is the whole world Ouyang said immediately.

Elder Da Mo said, "where did emperor Dakang get so many pills?"

Elder Wuyun said immediately: "emperor Kang and Emperor Changsheng have been cooperating. The river of Chunyang belongs to Emperor Changsheng."

Ouyang sentimental said: "that is to say, the emperor of eternal life will be fully involved, otherwise, he will not hand over such an important thing."

Nalan Yunxue heard whispering.

She couldn't imagine that in the outside world, in order to save Chen Yang, she was doing such an earth shaking thing.

There was a lot of discussion.

Fu Zhichen sits at the top.

Don't know why, at this time he suddenly remembered that Qiao Ning said before.

The corner of Fu Zhichen's mouth pulled out a cold smile. "What's the matter? Can Chen Yang really stir up my yuqingmen? These people are crazy, so desperate for a man in fairyland

Fu Zhichen can't understand.

He took a deep breath, faced the crowd, and said, "does anyone know about the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor?"

Elder Wuyun said: "back to the supreme, our intelligence system can't reach the Immortal Emperor. But in those days, the emperor of eternal life was already the second reconstruction of the creation environment. We don't know what it is today. "

Fu Zhichen said: "that is to say, in addition to a female emperor of Jialan, we have an enemy of a master of creation?"

Elder Wuyun said: "this is still the most optimistic idea. We have also investigated emperor Dakang. He rose abruptly in just 20 years. More than 20 years ago, the Dakang Dynasty was just a small vassal state of yuntianzong. But now the strength of the powerful, has been faintly beyond the cloud Tianzong, eclosion door and even the Protoss. This man is meticulous and calculating. Over the years, he has never failed. Now that he's done it this time, I think he's sure of it. "

"Sure?" At this time, another deputy head teacher Doreen spoke. Dorrhine sneered and said, "mortal, mortal! He is only a mortal after all. Does he understand what his enemy stands for? He knows taishangzunlou. What does our Hunyuan Taiji represent? Three thousand worlds, as long as the Yuanjue doesn't move, who can help us Yuqing world? On the whole earth, only the God of Yuanjue has the power of the world and is still on the earth. The rest of them are expelled from the earth. Yuqing world, however, is an extra law rule of the celestial world and yuanjueming. It is our Hunyuan Taiji diagram that controls the world power of Yuqing world and completes the rule. Don't say that we have the power of the world, even if we don't have it, we can deal with our Yuqing world with an Immortal Emperor, a female emperor of Jialan, and a mob of mobs? "

Doreen looked a little excited.

But what he said is basically correct. Yuqing world really has the strength to be proud of the world."That's right!" Others agreed with dorrhine.

Fu Zhichen pressed his hand, but he looked at Duan Xueren and Nalan Yunxue who also attended the meeting.

"Duan Xueren, Yunxue, what about you? What do you think? "

Asked Fu Zhichen.

Duan Xueren took a deep breath and said: "back to the supreme, from the disciple's point of view, there is no mistake in the words of deputy commander dorrhine. But, the lion fights the rabbit, still needs the full strength. Perhaps, the enemy has unexpected means in us, such as this time the four demon emperors suddenly shot, it seems that they have no chance at all. But in the dark but dormant the existence of the devil, almost let us end. The disciple thought that this matter must not be careless, should attach great importance to

Duan Xueren's words were reasonable and justified, which made dorrhine feel a little blushed. Others nodded and thought that Duan Xueren was a good disciple with ideas and insight.

Fu Zhichen also nodded, looked at Nalan Yunxue and said, "Yunxue, what about you?"

Nalan Yunxue immediately said, "I have the same opinion as elder martial brother Duan."

Fu Zhichen said: "good, good! Yes, we must not be careless about it. The other side is not without knowledge. Although yuqingmen is powerful, it is not immortal. This matter needs to continue to be thoroughly investigated. At the same time, I have to report it to the grandfathers of taishangzunlou. "

Fu Zhichen is very conservative now. He has to report everything to his grandmaster.

This is not because he is timid, but because he is not blindly arrogant.

But at this time, there was a sudden movement outside. Soon, a disciple came in and reported to him, "I'm the supreme. There's a woman from outside who claims to be the wife of the thief Chen Yang."

"Qiao Ning?" Fu Zhichen's secret way. "What does this woman come for?"

"Let her in!" Fu Zhichen ponders for a moment and decides to meet Qiao Ning.

After the woman came in, she surprised Fu Zhichen and others. Because it was not Qiao Ning, but a very beautiful girl in plain clothes.

It's ling'er!

Ling'er's cold is dusty, which makes people dare not see more. The beauty of ling'er is to make such great beauties as Nalan Yunxue feel ashamed.

It is such a peerless person as Fu Zhichen who trembles at the moment of seeing ling'er.

"There is such a beautiful woman in the world!" Fu Zhichen said in his heart.

Ling'er came in and soon came to the middle of the hall.

Everyone's eyes are attracted by ling'er.

Fu Zhichen looks at ling'er and is shocked by her cultivation. "Look at his breath. I'm afraid he's less than 30 years old, and he has such accomplishments. This girl... "

Fu Zhichen soon gave up all the confused thoughts. He looked at ling'er and said, "who is coming?"

Ling'er looks at Fu Zhichen. Her eyes are very clear without any impurities. "My name is situ ling'er, Chen Yang's wife."

"Wife?" Fu Zhichen is an old fox. He said immediately, "his wife seems to be quite a lot. Before, he sacrificed his life to save a wife named Qiao Ning."

Ling'er's eyes didn't fluctuate at all.

She still looks at Fu Zhichen.

Fu Zhichen was surprised that he wanted to investigate ling'er's real intention through words. Fu Zhichen once used this move to figure out Chen Yang's cards. He is a top-notch master. No matter how deep he deals with the city, he can detect the small waves in his heart.

But now, he found that ling'er's heart is really not any vibration.

"I know!" Ling'er answers Fu Zhichen's question.

"Then you come?" Asked Fu Zhichen.

Ling'er said, "I hope I can save my husband peacefully."

"Oh, how do you want to save it?" Fu Zhichen asked with great interest.

Ling'er said, "my husband has many close friends, because he is a good man. If you really kill him, even if nothing happens today, you can't take precautions day by day. In the future, Yuqing goalkeeper will have no peace. "

Ling'er is not used to speaking so much, but today, for Chen Yang's sake, she has to learn to do something.

Fu Zhichen nodded and said: "indeed, your husband surprised us. He has a lot of friends, but we still can't let him go. Unless... "

Ling'er said, "I know, unless he gives up the grain state tree!"

Fu Zhichen said: "it's good that you know. Anyone, anything, he has a bottom line. Yuqingmen is not afraid of any challenge, but is not willing to make enemies for no reason. Our bottom line is to control the grain, the country and the divine tree. If we can't satisfy this point, we will not have any need to discuss it. "

Ling'er said, "in fact, he can't hand over the grain, the country and the divine tree."

"I guess so." Fu Zhichen said.

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