Dragon small nine directly with Luoxue left, this is not controlled by Luoxue.

As for Chen Yihan, he left directly afterwards.

Small nine carries Luo snow to roam in the void, in an instant arrived on a boundless sea. Rochelle didn't speak. She had too many questions. After that, Xiao Jiu stopped on an island.

Luoxue came down from Xiaojiu. She couldn't help staring at Xiaojiu. Small nine is crawling on the ground, also don't see snow, more don't say a word.

"You It's LAN Tingyu. You're not Xiao Jiu, are you? " Rochelle asked her questions. When Xiaojiu showed great strength, Luoxue began to doubt Xiaojiu.

But soon, Xiao Jiu also spoke. His voice formed an idea, which was transmitted directly to the brain of Rochelle. "I'm not LAN Tingyu!"

"Then how can you know his magic power?" "Who are you?" she asked

Small nine said: "Lan Tingyu has died, I am a drop of nine burning heart fire and your ice soul force to breed out of life. LAN Tingyu and I have cut off all the past. "

"You are LAN Tingyu. You still have his memory, don't you?" Rockton was excited when he was young.

Xiaojiu was silent for a moment, and then said, "Lan Tingyu, who killed your sister, gave up everything. Flesh, blood, all abandoned. I'm warm and moist in your body temperature, giving birth to life again. This dragon body is my essence. I have nothing to do with LAN Tingyu. I have your blood in my body. You and I are one. "

"You are LAN Tingyu!" Said Rochelle.

She couldn't accept the result. Then she got up and said, "I want to go back to Tianzhou and take me back. I don't want to see you again

Small nine swing head, then closed eyes, simply ignore Luo snow.

"You..." Luoxue is in a hurry.

Small nine then suddenly tail a swing, and then will Luoxue rolled back to the body, and then with Luoxue fly to the sky, and suddenly into the ocean, so happy, play, will Luoxue scared scream repeatedly, can only hold small nine, dare not let go.

Small nine in mid air, facing the sunrise, roaring, the sound of the dragon, spread to all directions.

Xiaojiu said that it was not LAN Tingyu. It did think so. In the past, it has been returned. When it explodes its heart, abandons its body and everything. All previous enmities will have nothing to do with it any more.

It has done wrong before, but it has died once. To survive this time is a gift from God. It will not feel guilty and sorry for anyone. It wants to live happily

Luoxue, it will never let go.

Moreover, it also felt that God had bound it with snow. Only when it is with her can it give full play to its power.

Only when people have lost, will they know how to cherish.

In LAN Tingyu's life, Xiao Jiu resolutely chose death to end everything. But now, if let it choose again, it does not want its life to be so absurd and sad.

Therefore, in this life, it will no longer leave regrets for itself.

In Shaowei's mansion, there was unprecedented excitement. Luo Feng and Qin Lin have rarely been in the imperial city of Dakang, and now they think it's pretty good. Qin Lin said: "when you have a chance, you can bring bao'er and bao'er's mother to visit. It's a tour."

Luo Feng after listening to a smile, said: "I can also bring Ziqing mother and son to play, but my daughter is too young."

The whole family is happy.

Chen Yang went to the palace for the first time.

Chen Yang's most important thing now is to revive Xuan Zhenghao!

Should not be said to be resurrection, but help Xuan Zhenghao reshape the body. Xuanzhenghao is ready to go on this road, has been ready for the back road.

After Chen Yang arrived at the palace, empress Yongle immediately received Chen Yang.

Later, empress Yongle leads Chen Yang to the pagoda of the eight part of Tianlong. Chen Yang stands on the bridge of one yuan. Empress Yongle gives Chen Yang a ring Xumi.

After that, empress Yongle stepped back and looked at Chen Yang with concern.

Chen Yang sat cross knee.

He took out the things in jiexumi, which is a pair of heart, a pair of beating heart!

Be soaked in a wonderful fairy water!

What carries the heart is a gourd. This gourd is a magic weapon, which is called Qingxin gourd!

Chen Yang understands what Xuan Zhenghao has done. A long time ago, Xuan Zhenghao cut off his heart.

A monk can grow a broken heart into a good condition, break an arm, get an eye cut, and so on, all of which can grow again. But the heart is cut off, but still alive, this is very rare, almost impossible. It's incredible!

However, Xuan Zhenghao did it.

Chen Yang knows what's going on. In Xuan Zhenghao's later words, Chen Yang reveals everything. That is, God's will is God's will, and God's will is my will!Xuanzhenghao's willpower is strong to the extreme. Although the heart is cut off, it is full of magic power, and is connected with xuanzhenghao's noumenon. Finally, in this pair of heart and Xuan Zhenghao strong willpower, actually did nothing, let Xuan Zhenghao grow a heart again.

So, Xuan Zhenghao has a heart!

So at this time, Chen Yang is to help Xuan Zhenghao use this pair of heart to grow a body again!

It's like cloning!

In this pagoda, xuanzhenghao's spirit is everywhere. These spiritual powers are xuanzhenghao's spirit and soul.

Rely on the dragon eight Fu Tu captive soul, Yuanshen, so that it does not disperse. Use the heart to reshape the body!

Xuan Zhenghao has already made all preparations!

Then, Chen Yang performed the great fatalism. With the help of the great fatalism, his heart began to grow. In the pagoda, countless mental forces and magnetic particles begin to condense!

Chen Yang's life span is only 500 years, and it takes another 300 years.

But that's enough. Xuan Zhenghao came back to life after a short time.

It depends on the condensation of magnetic particles and other energy substances, only the heart is the most real. But no matter how, in front of Chen Yang and empress Yongle, Xuan Zhenghao is alive.

He was wearing a bright yellow robe and stood in front of them with warm eyes.

Is the body shape still some ethereal!

"The emperor!" Seeing this, empress Yongle could not help but burst into tears. Then she quickly stepped forward and rushed into xuanzhenghao's arms.

Xuan Zhenghao hugs empress Yongle and comforts her in a soft voice. "Don't be afraid, it's all over."

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao was obviously extremely gentle.

Later, Xuan Zhenghao asked empress Yongle to retreat.

Empress Yongle also sees that Xuan Zhenghao has something to say to Chen Yang. She nods at the moment, and then withdraws from the one yuan bridge.

"Next, the emperor will rely on the power of his mind to continue to reshape his body. Although you don't have the power of the world, your willpower is so strong that you will be invincible in Tianzhou. Many forces and rules of Tianzhou will be subject to your will. In the future, it will be easy for you to create the world. It's just a matter of time Chen Yang hugged his fist and said, "congratulations to the emperor!"

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Chen Yang and said, "in your heart, blame me?"

Chen Yang said, "of course not!" He looked at Xiang Xuan Zhenghao and said, "although the emperor has done so much, it costs countless manpower and material resources, but it's just to get to this step. But I got at least a glimmer of life in it. I still have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. "

Xuan Zhenghao said, "are you regretting the death of those people? You think that's your debt? "

Chen Yang said, "I know it's a disaster. But not everything can be pushed to doom. They really died because of me. I can't take it as if nothing happened. "

Xuan Zhenghao was silent.

Then he looked at Chen Yang and said, "how long do you have?"

Bitterness flashed in Chen Yang's eyes.

He It doesn't really take long.

With the power of fatalism and heart fire burning at the same time, and the power to urge the grain country tree, so as to save the life of linger and Linghui. But he has also paid a price. His heart is failing. To be exact, his heart is still burning. This heart fire will burn him to ashes. Once it is ignited, it cannot be extinguished

However, Chen Yang's fatalistic power has suppressed his heart fire to the limit.

In this way, Chen Yang can barely survive.

However, Chen Yang has not lived for three days.

"Three days, now one day has passed, and there are still two days to live!" Chen Yang said to Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "after two days, the heart fire will completely burn your heart?"

Chen Yang said: "yes, the power of destiny can't put out the fire. My heart has been damaged beyond remedy. It's the power of destiny that replenishes the heart

"Unfortunately..." Xuan Zhenghao said: "if your heart itself is complete, with your willpower, you can grow a good heart again like me."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I feel that my whole body is beginning to fail. I'm afraid that this time, there's no remedy."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I If I want to deal with zhongchunmou and taijitu, I have no other way to solve them except with 3000 flames and my own heart fire. I hope you understand! "

Chen Yang said, "I understand. I would have been dead without you. Now I can walk freely here. It's a blessing. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "there must be a way to save you, the flesh and blood of the human snake race. Depending on your great fatalism, you can turn it into fruit to supplement your life. There is a devil in hell. I can ask Dixuan to help you catch the devil's flesh and blood and make up for your life. After that, you can continue to replenish your heart with infinite life, and maybe you can put out your heart fire... "

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