Chen Yang said: "I'm too lazy to repeat it with you!"

"You brute, how dare you talk to me like this Gaia is furious!

At this time, a sword light toward Gaia cut in the past!

The air of killing comes out of the sky! It is the combination of ling'er's great killing skill and killing immortal sword. The profound meaning of killing immortal sword is brought into full play by ling'er.

Such a sword is enough to kill the heaven realm master.

Such a sword, in the whole three thousand world, can be regarded as terrible.

But it's a pity that ling'er meets Gaia who is beyond three thousand worlds. It's the king of the earth, the transcendent existence that even the earth can't tolerate.

In the face of ling'er's detached sword, Gaia didn't blink, it was a pop-up!

A blue sword light shoots out, and then it is cut together with ling'er's killing sword. The blue finger sword seems to be ordinary, and does not show any Hunyuan outside. But it is like the vast power of the universe, endless, unable to annihilate, unable to be suppressed, unable to be detached!

Everything on earth seems to be in this sword.

Even if it's just a little bit of spirit coming from afar, it's not something that spirit can fight against.

This blue finger sword is called matchless sword!

The matchless sword quickly cuts ling'er's killing sword into pieces. At the same time, after the matchless sword cuts ling'er's killing sword, it continues to kill ling'er fiercely.

Ling'er was surprised and quickly cut out a sword light again!

Then she sacrificed the eyes of the heavens.

The instrument spirit abyss night in the eyes of all heavens starts quickly, and the magic power of ling'er urges it. All of a sudden, the eyes of the heavens gave out a holy and incomparable light. The Holy Light condenses into a holy sword, and lightning kills it!

The eyes of heaven are immortal tools. They are very important!

But at this time, the holy sword came into contact with Gaia's matchless sword, still without any fluke and accident. The holy sword didn't have any struggle, and it was quickly cut into pieces by Gaia's matchless sword.

At the same time, ling'er feels that the law in the matchless sword has come to her through the holy sword. At that moment, ling'er felt the world, the sky, the universe, the vastness!

She felt that she was as ethereal as dust. In the universe, she was worse than duckweed. She couldn't help herself and had no freedom.

At that time, blue and purple clothes relied on the immortal city, but they didn't get the upper hand when Gaia was injured.

At present, ling'er is just the peak of Tianyu, and he can't resist.

What's more unacceptable is that even one of Gaia's swords can't resist.

At this time, Chen Yang's figure flashed and stopped in front of ling'er.

Ling'er was surprised and said, "Chen Yang..."

She knows that Chen Yang's accomplishments are not as good as her. She wants to protect Chen Yang!

"Don't worry, your husband will always be your husband, don't need your protection!" Chen Yang's eyes flashed with cold light. He hummed coldly and said, "Gaia, you are just like that!"

Later, Chen Yang did not say a word, but also pop up a sword!

It's the sword of the soul!

"What is beyond measure!" Gaia gave a sneer.

The peak of ling'er's heaven is relying on the three thousand Avenue, the sword of killing immortals, and the eyes of heaven. She has no resistance. Chen Yang is at the top of the fairyland. He dares to talk big in front of her. Gaia wants to laugh.

But soon Gaia couldn't laugh.

Because Chen Yang's soul sword and her matchless sword have been killed together. At that moment, a shiver from the soul and a kind of fatalistic fate came.

Gaia shivered.

In a second, Chen Yang's sword was smashed.

"Gaia, you haven't been defeated before, blue and purple clothes have also been defeated by you. But, I tell you, from now on, from now on, from now on, your pattern will change. From then on, you will always be in my shadow, you will lose to me. This is the first time. When you lose the third time, it's your time to die! "

Chen Yang's Dharma is solemn at this time, and his great fatalism!

His life does not need the burning of money. Ten thousand years of life is burning like this, and the flame of fate is surging.

The fire of fate surrounded Gaia. Gaia struggled desperately. She roared and yelled, "no, no, it can't be my destiny. Kill, kill..."

She roared, but her many rules, many mana were all burned to ashes under the fire of fate.

After a short time, the yuan God was burned to death by Chen Yang.

"Good..." There was a trace of fear in his eyes. But he was very happy to see Gaia's spirit burned to death.

Ling'er was also surprised. He didn't expect that his husband had such a way.

Ling'er is a stranger to the great fatalism, because after she comes out, Chen Yang loses the great fatalism.

Then, Chen Yang began to rescue the demon king. After solving Gaia's original God, it's much easier to rescue the demon king again.Chen Yang uses xuanhuang liquid to destroy the Hunyuan array, and then uses great fatalism to break it.

Soon after, all the chains in Tongtian jiejiao stele were changed into runes and returned to Tongtian jiejiao stele.

The demon king of the mixed world officially regained his freedom. The tablet of Tongtian jiejiao changed a few times and suddenly turned into a streamer into his brow. Then, the three thousand magic hairs of the demon king began to shrink. After a long time, the evil Lord was dressed in black, and his face also changed. Before, there were countless blood lines on his face, which looked terrible. But now, he seems to be a middle-aged man in his forties, but he also has a trace of heroism. There is an indescribable beauty in Xiaoxiong's temperament.

It's a contradiction!

In the body of the demon king, the vitality flows, and a strong breath spreads in hell.

Chen Yang looks warily at the demon king.

The demon king also looks at Chen Yang.

"Don't worry, little friend. I won't bite the hand that feeds me!" Then he said with a smile.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "you have not recovered from your injury now. If you really want to help me, you may not be able to get the upper hand."

The demon king laughed and said: "although the cultivation of Xiaoyou is not good, the flame just now is really strange, with the power of fate. If my guess is correct, it should be the great fatalism of Megatron

Chen Yang said bluntly, "that's right!"

The demon king said: "this skill is superior to the sky, but it's very harmful. You should be careful, little friend."

"I have nothing to fear." Chen Yang laughs again.

Mixed world demon king is tiny a Zheng, he also understood Chen Yang's meaning immediately.

Chen Yang then said no more and said, "I'm leaving. Be careful yourself. Among the three thousand worlds, there is the Dharma God Yuanjue

The demon king said: "I know that now I'm weak, so I don't have to work for Yuanjue. I also want to leave the earth at this moment, and I will talk about it later. If you have a chance, you will not die. If you meet again in Japan, you will surely repay today's great kindness. "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "don't say that, demon. There is no favor between us. Your flesh and blood has helped me a lot. "

"One yard to one yard!" said the demon king

Chen Yang said, "well, whatever you think."

He said: "if you can live, you should pay more attention in the future. You are not allowed in the fairyland. "

Chen Yang was distressed and said, "I know, but I can't do anything. This thing is connected with me. Kill it. I'll die first. So, let's take a step and look at it! "

"Green mountains will not change, green waters will flow forever!" Said the demon king.

"Goodbye!" Chen Yang also said.

After that, the demon king disappeared directly.

Chen Yang left hell with ling'er.

Chen Yang first found a place, and then took out the Hunyuan fruit to ling'er. He uses great fatalism to help Ling Er recover his life. After a short time, ling'er's life also recovered to 20000 years.

After that, Chen Yang has one more thing to do.

He uses great fatalism to burn mana desperately, which is to wake up the idea of the eternal demon king in the soul crystal.

The idea of the eternal devil was not powerful. After his death, it was hidden in the sea of soul, and then it remained. But this thread can't absorb external power, so it will die if it doesn't sleep.

What Chen Yang wants to do now is to help the eternal devil absorb energy and make this silk idea strong. Just like helping Suzhen in Heiyi at the beginning!

Chen Yang's great fatalism is burning!

The power of destiny moistens the mind of the eternal demon king, which gradually reacts. Shennian had no ability to absorb the vitality of the outside world, but Chen Yang directly refined Hunyuan fruit and changed its essence with great fatalism.

Thus, the idea of the eternal devil began to absorb.

It is impossible for the eternal devil to absorb any vitality from the outside world. But great fatalism is to change any blood type into a usable one. Great fatalism changes the nature of things and endows them with supreme luck.

It's like when you walk, something falls from the sky and hits you. As a result, what hit you is a lot of money, which is fate, it's your destiny.

The eternal devil is greedy to absorb.

The power of fatalism helps him to maintain his origin. If it is not for the great fatalism, these external forces may submerge the eternal demon king and turn him into pure energy.

The eternal devil has absorbed the power of a thousand Hunyuan fruits.

He began to grow stronger.

At this time, the eternal devil completely awakened.

He actually formed a yuan God, which was the appearance of the eternal demon king at the beginning.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The eternal devil laughs in the sea of Chen Yang's soul. "The sky is endless, I will never die. I can't imagine that I will live again.""Master!" Chen Yang immediately called out.

As soon as he looks up, he sees Chen Yang and ling'er.

Ling Er didn't know why, but she didn't feel proud. She also looked at the Eternal Lord!

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