Ling er's words are thought-provoking. Although ling'er always talks less, it doesn't mean she is a stupid girl. On the contrary, she is very smart, and she can see through a little. She has her own understanding of things, laws and rules. If she were a stupid girl, her cultivation would not reach this point.

Chen Yang was thoughtful.

This is a topic that cannot be concluded!

Linghui monk said: "the saying of ling'er girl is really interesting, just like the poor monk heard such a legend when he was in the parallel world. Vishnu is huge and floating in the universe. He is dreaming, and all human beings, even creatures, are his dreams! "

Chen Yang said, "pen? A writer's pen? That pen, whether it's a writer's pen or not, is at least heaven's

"That's why we can't defeat the way of heaven!" Linghui monk said, "because we can't get out of it."

Chen Yang said: "but the writing of the way of heaven can't be made out of nothing. It also has to follow a certain track. Just like a person falling from a building, it can't make that person suddenly fly. That's the track and the law

Linghui monk smile, said: "yes, Daoyou, you see this very thoroughly."

Chen Yang said: "come on, discuss these illusions. Now, I'm going to continue to observe the mystery of this wormhole. "

Monk Linghui nodded and said, "be careful, Daoyou!"

Ling'er also looks at Chen Yang with concern.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I will!"

Then he sat cross legged.

Chen Yang feels more real about all the molecular structures around him. He closed his eyes and found that everything around him changed again.

The place where he was standing was not in the center, but at this time, it was as if he was in the center. It seems that he is the center.

Chen Yang suddenly opens his eyes, but he loses the trace of linger and Linghui monk.

"Ling er?" Chen Yang was surprised.

But there was no response.

"It's not an illusion, it's not an illusion!" Chen Yang knows in his heart that he is not in a hurry and observes again. Then he felt the changes around him, which were the changes of time particles. These time particles condense and shuttle, with Chen Yang as the center

"No, it's not me as the center, but these time particles are not chaos of time and space, so they don't attack or change on their own initiative. But I'm exposed to the particles of time and space, so what's blocking me and ling'er now is not something else, but the particles of time. "

It's like Chen Yang today and Ling Er yesterday are in different time and space.

Chen Yang calms down more and more. He knows that this is a big difficulty. At the same time, he also knew that this place was definitely different from the chaos of Linghui monk's time and space. So, you don't have to be too nervous. But it's also a tightrope on the cliff. You must be careful. Once you destroy space-time, it will cause a storm of space-time particles. Then the consequences are disastrous.

The surrounding space-time particles began to condense, and Chen Yang felt the existence of space-time particles so clearly for the first time. On earth, space-time particles are not so concentrated. They are both imperceptible and untouchable. But here, space-time particles are so pure and visible to the naked eye.

It's a wonderful scene.

Chen Yang saw that the space-time particles around formed four walls, and each wall was smooth, like a crystal. In the sky, there is also a wall. At the foot, there is also a wall.

Chen Yang feels trapped in a crystal house.

He reached out and touched the wall around him. Once touched, Chen Yang's heart leaped, and a picture appeared in the crystal.

This is a picture of the earth's ancient flood and famine era, countless wild cattle are frantically running, and the rear is a large army of dinosaurs chasing.

Chen Yang's hand has not been released, then the crystal began to flow in his hand. He saw the cattle in the rear being overtaken by Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then killed and injured.

That scene is very real.

Chen Yang was shocked. He had never seen such a real Tyrannosaurus Rex. There are so many Tyrannosaurus Rex, but they are quite different from the existence in those books and movies.

The reason why we know it's a Tyrannosaurus Rex is that the crystal reveals information.

Chen Yang seems to have discovered the new world. His hands keep touching other crystals. Later, he saw the earth frozen, it was a meteorite impact on the earth, the earth, the sea roll, the whole earth's civilization submerged. On the earth, the sea was rough and there were no people. Later, all the ice, the whole earth, a vast expanse of white. Over the earth, dense fog surrounds

So Chen Yang's fingers didn't move for a second. Chen Yang's fingers stay for as long as possible, which has been in a state of white.

Chen Yang immediately removed his finger again!

He touched the other crystals again.

"Strange, the vast universe, why no matter what kind of crystal I change to, what I contact is the space-time on the earth?" Chen Yang has doubts in his mind."Is it because I'm from the earth? Yes, it must be. There is a chemical reaction between the signal of my body and the signal of time and space of the crystal. If it's a creature from another planet, the signal it receives is its planet. "

Although Chen Yang didn't quite understand the causal relationship, he also felt that this speculation should be correct.

So he continued to search for other time and space. But countless times of search, only to find a relatively early era. Even human beings have never seen it. In fact, Chen Yang would like to see some things in the ancient times. But he didn't find it.

Chen Yang also knows that there are too many things stored in this hundred million years of time and space. It's hard to find what you want to see. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly thought of something.

"If only I could see my daughter Yinuo." Chen Yang's secret way.

Once his idea came out, it became out of control. He missed his poor daughter so much. He didn't want anything, but If you can see that she is happy and healthy, then Chen Yang will be satisfied.

But there is another problem.

It's not easy to find the time and space that belongs to my daughter.

You can't find it just by looking.

"It's like looking for something in a computer. It's programmed and motorized. It's unrealistic just to look for it foolishly. " Chen Yang's secret way.

"What about the strong signal in my heart? Parallel worlds are what I've been through, and I should be able to send that signal

Chen Yang is really brilliant, and everything is just as he imagined.

When he only had everything in the parallel world in his mind, the virtual information magnetic field actually formed a kind of connection.

But Chen Yang can't imagine the ancient times, because he didn't see it. Therefore, that kind of information magnetic field is the same as the error on the circuit board, it can not form a real image.

At this time, Chen Yang's hand touched the crystal.


In his mind, it was like an explosion, and countless information poured in. But soon, the picture stopped. Chen Yang saw Mount Tai, song Lingshan, he, gentle ling'er, and Tong Jiawen climbing together.

Time began to quiet down

It's normal.

Chen Yang can't hear any sound, only images.

However, for a moment, Chen Yang had mixed feelings. At that time, how simple and happy!

And that happiness, time has been like water, gone, never to return.

Even if you go back to that place again, you won't have such a young mood any more.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, but he thought it would not work. He mainly wants to see his daughter instead of remembering the past But if we keep looking at it like this, how many years will it take!

Chen Yang immediately transformed the crystal again. He found the right region and distinguished the space-time zone belonging to the parallel world. Then, he changed again, and soon, there was another picture. This time I was in Los Angeles, m country, but it was just a bustling metropolis. I didn't see what Chen Yang wanted to see. He changed again, never tired of changing.

Everything in it is in a parallel world, but Chen Yang has never found what he wants to see.

He kept looking for it all day and night

If he condenses the information magnetic field in his brain, he will see something that happened before. But it was too far from the time he wanted to see his daughter. So, he can only keep changing.

He wants to see his daughter grow up! It's enough to see her happy, healthy and happy.

Chen Yang kept changing, three days and three nights passed quickly.

It's three days and three nights for Chen Yang, but he can't say exactly how long the time has passed.

Chen Yang is also afraid that there are three days and three nights in this, but ling'er and them have passed many years, which is a big sin. But he couldn't stop looking

Finally, Chen Yang found a familiar person.

In the picture, there is master Chen Ling!

Chen Ling, the God of the army, is called Uncle by Chen Yang in the parallel world. He saw that on a dark night, Uncle Chen Ling seemed to be on a mission.

It was a mixture of fields and farmhouses, with substation and other facilities nearby. Chen Yang's perspective is God's perspective. He can see other places.

Chen Yang quickly affirmed that uncle's place is not in China. He saw a farm house without lights. But there are terrorists with guns lurking inside.

These terrorists are Europeans. Chen Yang can't tell which country they belong to.

In the middle of the house sat a Chinese. This Chinese is very elegant in Tang costume.

About 40 years old!

Chen Yang doesn't know the Chinese either, but he guesses that uncle came here for the sake of the Chinese.

"This kind of small task, should the laborer do it himself?" Chen Yang said in secret.He felt a little strange. At this time, Chen Yang watched patiently and did not change. Because once it's converted, it's hard to get it back. After all, it's not like watching movies on a laptop. It can fast forward and backward

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