In the third second, Shen suddenly felt the cold spot in his true Qi.

Then, those cold ice Qi gathered again, and condensed into palm force to kill her hard. Shen Mo Nong's Qi was instantly disintegrated by the ice Qi. She was surprised and had to retreat at this time.

When she retreated, Chen Yang suddenly moved his hand. He was so angry that he killed him in the air!

With a bang, Shen Molong dodges Chen Yang's first palm, but Chen Yang's second palm is hard to resist. But Chen Yang's cold breath just left a clear handprint on her chest. Frost palmprint, but she is unscathed.

Obviously, Chen Yang was lenient.

"If I want to kill you, the first palm will not be the palm power, but the ice sword power. The second palm will be more ferocious sword power. You have already died without a burial place! " Chen Yang stands in the same place, the cloud is light and the wind is light, light says.

The color of shock flashed in Shen's eyes.

"How can your true Qi work so subtly? It's like having wisdom already? " "I haven't seen anyone who can run Qi to this point," Shen said

Chen Yang said, "I can teach you this later, but now, can we go to Hong Xiulian?"

Shen Mo Nong was slightly stunned, and then said: "I promised you, but I still suggest that you plan before you move! It's not good to act rashly! "

"You talk too much nonsense, Shen Moneng. If our son had an accident, you would be more anxious than me now! " Chen Yang said. Shen Mo Nong blushed and said, "what are you talking about? I have no son with you."

Chen Yang knew that he had let the slip. He said, "I mean if..."

Shen said, "you can also say that if it's my son!"

Chen Yang said: "let's not worry about this now. After saving Yinuo, you can rest assured that I will do my best to help you. At that time, I will be more tolerant than you. If I don't solve all the troubles here, I won't leave at ease! "

"All right," Shen said

After that, Shen monong said, "I need all hands!"

"The more people there are, the more trouble there is!" Chen Yang said.

Shen said, "well What weapon do you want? "

"I never use weapons!" Chen Yang said.

Shen Mo Nong said: "you don't know that. They are very fierce and can't be prevented with their real Qi and sharp sword."

Chen Yang said, "I don't use weapons!"

Seeing Chen Yang's insistence, Shen monong said, "OK!"

Then Shen said, "come with me. I'll take you to Hong Xiulian's house."

Chen Yang said, "go!"

Shen Molong drives a car, which is also a jeep.

Chen Yang sat on the co pilot, and the jeep soon left the military compound.

The night is like splashing ink, but the neon of the city lights up the night.

On the bus, Shen monong said: "we always pay attention to Yinuo, she..."

"How is she?" Chen Yang's face changed.

Shen Mo Nong said in a deep voice: "she is working as a servant girl for Hong Xiulian. Life is hard, but you have to think about the good side, at least, she is still alive

Chen Yang clenched his fist.

"Maid?" Chen Yang's eyes can't help reddening. It's anger and heartache.

Many complex feelings to the extreme, Qi Yong heart.

"My daughter, Chen Yang, actually went to be a maid!" Chen Yang laughed and said, "what kind of hero am I? I can't even protect my own daughter! "

Shen Mo Nong sighed and said, "I'm afraid you will be like this, so I dare not tell you!"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "very good, very good!"

In addition, Chen Yang did not say a word, he fell into a dead silence.

Hong Xiulian is located in an old house in the suburb. It has a simple shape and a beautiful and peaceful surrounding environment. The guard here is very strict, so no one can get near. In the vicinity of this capital, the existence of Hong Xiulian and others is a kind of satire and insult to modern Chinese society.

However, they dare not deal with Hong Xiulian rashly. Because Hong Xiulian represents the Holy See of light.

Who dares to order against Hong Xiulian? Then, it may be retaliated by the Vatican of light!

At this moment, in this old house, the time is not early.

Hong Xiulian closed her eyes in her bedroom, but in front of her, there was a girl in her twenties. The girl was very delicate and beautiful. She was dressed in a servant girl. She had a soft and weak temperament. The girl knelt on the ground with a wooden basin in front of her. Hong Xiulian's feet are soaked in a wooden basin. The girl carefully washes Hong Xiulian's feet. After washing her feet, she finds a pedicure knife to trim her feet. All the way, the girl knelt on the ground, and she did it all meticulously.After waiting for Hong Xiulian to wash her feet, the girl picked up the wooden basin and went out of the room.

After the girl cleaned up the outside, she was ready to go back to Hong Xiulian's house. But just as he was walking down the corridor, a young man stopped the girl. This man is the young master of the Lin family. From the perspective of seniority, he is the great grandson of Hong Xiulian.

His name is Lin Huaiyu. He is 21 years old.

Lin Huaiyu forced the girl into her arms. The girl was surprised and exclaimed: "master Huaiyu, don't do this!"

"Hoof, young master, it's your blessing that I think highly of you. Don't toast, don't drink Lin Huaiyu was also annoyed and said.

The girl struggled, and Lin Huaiyu couldn't stop her. He was so angry that he slapped her.

The girl was slapped by Lin Huaiyu. She was stunned, and then her eyes were red. She covered her cheek, said nothing, and turned to leave.

"Stop!" Lin Huaiyu said coldly, "young master, do I allow you to go?"

The girl said, "young master Huaiyu, I have to wash my feet for laotaijun. Lao Taijun is waiting for the maid

In fact, she has already washed Hong Xiulian's feet, but now she can only move out Lao Taijun.

"Damn it, every time you put my grandparents on me. Young master, I'll ask you not to be angry. At that time, young master, I will find more friends to play with you. What can you do? You'd better be wise, little slut. My patience will be used up by you, young master. "

"Master Huaiyu, I'm just a humble girl. Can you let me go?" The girl was sad.

Lin Huaiyu said: "it's your honor and great blessing that I look up to you. Tonight, after you serve my grandparents, come to my room. After that, you will have a good life. If you dare to stand me up again today, don't blame me for being impolite! "

He's been upset for girls many times.

Fortunately, every time Hong Xiulian pressed him.

Lin Huaiyu didn't want to live in the old house. He seldom came to the old house. This time, he happened to come. Just saw this little girl again, the little girl has grown more and more beautiful. It's totally different from the young models he played outside!

The girl is full of tears.

She shook her head and said, "no No... "

However, at this time, the courtyard, I do not know when there are two more people.

A man and a woman. The male looks only 18 years old, while the female is graceful and noble with outstanding temperament. She looks in her thirties.

The 18-year-old is wearing a simple black coat. Although his face is immature, his eyes are as deep as Yuanyue's.

"Who are you?" Lin Huaiyu turned and saw the boy and the woman. He was surprised. The two appeared as ghosts.

The girl also looked at the comer, her eyes flashed the color of doubt.

Naturally, Chen Yang and Shen monong are the two.

"Is she my daughter?" Chen Yang asked Shen Moneng.

Even if meet should not know, tears

Chen Yang saw that the girl was bullied and that she lived a hard life. Even though he was as strong as iron, he couldn't help crying at the moment.

Shen Mo Nong nodded and said, "yes!" There was a struggle and complexity in her eyes.

Chen Yang thinks there is something wrong there, but he can't tell the details. He goes to the girl, who looks at Chen Yang timidly.

But Lin Huaiyu quit, "who the hell are you? Come on

There are many masters guarding this old house.

In a flash, the figure flashed. The next second, four old men in black, like ghosts, flashed in front of Lin Huaiyu like lightning. They are blocking Chen Yang's way.

"Get out of here!" Chen Yang's eyes are red. At this moment, his murderous spirit blooms.

The four elders were surprised, they didn't say much, and they immediately took action.

All of the four old men in black were promoted by the Holy See of light. Their true Qi was fierce and their cultivation reached the peak of the golden elixir!

The four elders cooperated with each other very well. They were called the four evil spirits in black. They were blood evil, hate evil, poison evil and evil evil evil!

Xuesha is good at the art of blood soul and true Qi. It is like magic and true, and it is invisible to kill.

Hateful spirit has endless resentment, and the true Qi is better than the cold bone.

Poison evil spirit is the combination of genuine Qi and poison, and it's even more terrifying!

The evil spirit is confusing!

These four people were cultivated by Hong Xiulian. The existence of the four evils is her iron wall. It can even be said that Sisha is ready to deal with Chen Yang. Hong Xiulian knows that Chen Yang may make a comeback.

The original Optimus boy fell from the sky, giving her a lifetime of terror and shadow!

She lives to wait for Chen Yang. She wants to humiliate Chen Yang. It's a kind of abnormal revenge that she humiliates Chen Yang's daughter. However, only when she really defeats Chen Yang, can she really feel satisfied and have no regrets in this life!The four evil spirits in black immediately surrounded Chen Yang in the middle, and they shot togethe

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