Lin Huaiyu's heart was torn with pain, but he did not dare to make a sound.

That poison evil spirit and hate evil spirit have fear in one side, these two people silently disappeared in the night. Obviously, they went to Hong Xiulian.

But Chen Yang did not stop it!

"If you answer me, did you say that it's your honor for my daughter to be liked by you?" Chen Yang asked.

"Yes My mouth is cheap, you Give me a break Lin Huaiyu was so scared that he finally burst into tears with a runny nose. This guy, who has been a child, has no backbone.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "OK, OK! I'll tell you today that you dare to upset my daughter. This is the most wrong thing you've ever done in your life. Do you know what I'm going to do to you? "

"Don't..." Lin Huaiyu said in mourning.

"I'll dig out your eyes, I'll scrap your hands and feet, and from then on, you'll live forever in the dark and can't move! That's how you upset my daughter! " Chen Yang said word by word.

He had never hated a man as much as he did now.

Therefore, Chen Yang also showed the greatest cruelty. What is the most cruel to a person? Not death, but let him despair, but do not give him the chance to die.

"No, no, I beg you I'm wrong... " Lin Huaiyu was thrilled to hear that.

At this time, footsteps came from the corridor.

Wearing red embroidered clothes and leaning on the old man's crutch, Hong Xiulian came slowly with the help of Dusha and Hensha.

Hong Xiulian's expression was indifferent, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

She seems to walk very slowly, but quickly came to Chen Yang and Lin Huaiyu.

"Grandma, help me, help me!" Lin Huaiyu cried. He seemed to have met the Savior.

Chen Yang also stood up, he stepped on Lin Huaiyu's chest.

"Hong Xiulian!" Chen Yang light coldly said: "we meet again."

"Meet again?" A cold light flashed in Hong Xiulian's eyes. "You are..."

"Didn't you already guess?" Chen Yang gave a sneer.

Hong Xiulian said, "are you really Chen Yang

Chen Yang flashed a chill in his eyes and said, "once upon a time, I was your nightmare. In the future, I will be your nightmare. I'll remember that, little beast. "

"Ha ha ha..." Hong Xiulian burst out laughing. "Little beast, do you think it is today or before?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "Hong Xiulian, no matter before or now, no matter in previous life or this life, I will be your eternal nightmare, Nemesis!"

"Don't be ashamed Hong Xiulian sneered.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "really? Well, let's make a bet now. Just now I said I would break your great grandson's hands and feet. Do you think you can stop it? "

"Old man's great grandson is just one of them. What does his life and death have to do with me! " Hong Xiulian doesn't care. Now that you're ready to give her a cold smile, she said, "well, I know what you're going to do. Do you think you can take the initiative? Do you think you can save your daughter? Your parents, too, are in my hands. Your daughter lived for 20 years and knelt down for 13 years. Now, she still has Yingu, which was planted by her old body. I have only one thought, and she will die immediately. If you dare to touch my humble great grandson, I will make your daughter bleed and die immediately. "

Shen was shocked by the news. She felt the most difficult!

However, there is no change in Chen Yang's face.

He looked at Hong Xiulian indifferently, and then said, "have you finished?"

Hong Xiulian said: "how?"

Chen Yang said, "do you think your means can make me submit?"

Hong Xiulian sneered and said, "no matter how calm you are, you can't cheat me!"

Chen Yang's feet suddenly moved and crushed Lin Huaiyu's leg bone.

Lin Huaiyu immediately screamed, and the cry rang through the night sky.

"Oh, I stepped on it accidentally." Chen Yangchao, Hong Xiulian smile, said: "I have moved, you have to abide by the credit oh."


"Me what me? Hong Xiulian, you old witch have lived in vain for so many years. You think you can fool me? " Chen Yang sneered and said, "you're just a dog. Even if my daughter's life is threatened, she won't be in your hands. Where are you qualified to control such an important chess piece? "

Hong Xiulian's face was very gloomy. She said, "OK, OK, you are really smart!"

Shen Mo Nong put his arms around the girl. She could not help but feel relieved. She thought, because Yinuo was under control, the game fell into a dead end. But unexpectedly, Chen Yang's mind is still so clear at this time.Chen Yang is always Chen Yang!

He is the forever dazzling Optimus youth!

Chen Yang looked at Hong Xiulian and said, "now that I'm back, I have to pay all my debts one by one today. Hong Xiulian, I have to admit that I made a mistake at the beginning. I should have killed you Lin family early! "

Hong Xiulian said, "do you think you can?"

Chen Yang said, "if I can, you will know immediately."

After a pause, he said, "at the beginning, we saved your life, but you avenged us."

"How can we make the mistakes you have made again?" Hong Xiulian said.

Chen Yang said, "this time, I want you to be buried with the Lin family."

Hong Xiulian sneered and said, "let's do it. Today I want to see how good you are. How dare you boast such a Haikou. Besides, your parents are in my hands. They are reserved for you. "

"Kill you, and I'll save them!" Chen Yang is not threatened at all!

This is Chen Yang!

When it comes to Chen Yang's accomplishments, there are few things in the world that can threaten him.

As soon as something is threatened, the martial arts experts will be arrested and abused. It's all a plot that can only be performed by a TV play with brain damage.

Chen Yang steps forward, and the poison and hate look at Hong Xiulian.

Poison evil spirit says: "old Tai Jun, we have already informed the person over there, at present, we advance and retreat together with you!"

"No need!" Hong Xiulian snorted coldly and said, "how can I be afraid of this little beast? For today, I have been keeping up my energy for more than 20 years." After aging, the normal function of the human body will gradually degenerate.

The so-called fear of young boxing is the truth!

This is also the cycle of heaven!

But Hong Xiulian is different, because Hong Xiulian has practiced the true Qi, and she has provided all the functions of her body. It's like hibernation

With the source of life of the Holy See, Hong Xiulian's fighting capacity is always at the peak!

This old lady has existed since the country was in turmoil. All the way through, experienced countless ups and downs. I've seen countless strange people and strange things, experienced countless difficulties and obstacles, and killed countless experts.

Her walking stick is the symbol of her authority all her life!

She lived all her life, but in the end, a teenager took over the shadow of her heart for the rest of her life.

She will never forget that on such a night, the giant boy appeared and smashed all her ambitions with his extraordinary and terrifying cultivation!

In this life, if she can't defeat that teenager, her life will never be complete.

Hong Xiulian leans on crutches, originally bent, but now she straightens up. She is as tall and straight as a benchmark

This old lady looks old and dying. It seems that a gust of wind can blow her down. But now, it seems, that's a big mistake.

Hong Xiulian's body gives off a strong and frightening atmosphere. It's like in this courtyard, everything is just a follower, a decoration, and he Is the absolute protagonist!

Shen Mo Nong was beside her, her eyes flashed a deep color of fear. She always knew that Hong Xiulian was hard to deal with! But did not expect that this old woman is still so powerful!

Chen Yang stands at will. He lets go of Lin Huaiyu.

But Lin Huaiyu has also been unable to escape.

Chen Yang steps forward and stands three meters across from Hong Xiulian.

Two people stand opposite each other!

"Hong Xiulian, I've given you another chance to repair it for decades. Today I'll see how much you've improved! " Chen Yang said with a sneer.

"You'll see it!" Hong Xiulian gritted her teeth.

A venomous look flashed in her eyes.

Chen Yang is not wordy either. He yells and says, "I'll take it!"

At that moment, a cold shadow suddenly rushed to Hong Xiulian.

Fast as lightning!

Fierce momentum!

But Hong Xiulian's eyes were burning, but she saw clearly.

It's only a virtual shadow that comes from attacking and killing. It's the skill of transforming true Qi into form.

Hong Xiulian didn't dare to underestimate. She stepped back and puffed up!

Suddenly, the sword will be destroyed, and the true Qi will be killed.

Chen Yang's real Qi turns into a form and attacks half of it. Then he grabs it with a big hand. It is smashed and the real Qi condenses quickly. It condensed into a sword of ice and killed Hong Xiulian's throat.

"You..." Hong Xiulian's eyes dilate. Unexpectedly, Chen Yang's true Qi can be manipulated to this point. After scattered, can also reunite!

Is this boy a human being?

As soon as Hong Xiulian's dragon head crutches stand upright, they block the ice sword!

With the sound of a crash, the sound of gold and iron was extremely heavy, and the sparks came out Hong Xiulian is also really good at blocking Chen Yang's ice sword. She stands in the same place as a rock.At this time, Chen Yang's figure flashed and he had already killed him.

Hong Xiulian had been on guard. She swung the dragon's crutch again, and the tip of the crutch hit Chen Yang's heart hard

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