O'Donnell felt a cold sweat in his palm.

Chen Yang then said, "when I see elder long, I'm sure elder long is not different from what you said. I'll spare your life. If I find out that you've played a trick, I'll kill you immediately. You can cheat me, but you must not be found by me

Chen Yang's aura is so strong that O'Donnell thinks he is omnipotent and omniscient. O'Donnell didn't think he had the guts to lie in front of such a strong man.

O'Donnell took a deep breath. He calmed down and said, "Mr. Chen Yang, I'm curious about a question."

Chen Yang said: "I wonder when the tacit understanding between Shen and me came into being? When do I know that girl is not my daughter

"What's wrong?" O'Donnell said? Shen is under my watch all the time. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "don't you know that some traditional methods can also deliver messages? For example, she holds my hand and writes on it? "

O'Donnell's face changed slightly. He said, "well, I see. It's normal for me to listen to you all the time, but you're not always under surveillance, so you're using handwriting. "

Chen Yang said: "in fact, he didn't say much. Shen monong just told me that the girl was fake and everything was a trick. But she'll solve everything. It's so simple. What I've done is to go along with it. "

O'Donnell said in a cold voice, "if that's the case, when I went to see Shen Moneng that day, you can make trouble."

Shen opened her mouth at this time. As she was driving, she said, "O'Donnell, you have no intelligence. When you showed up, we didn't know about your plot. After you have said your plan, I have to verify whether what you said is true. If you act rashly, don't you know that you have been poisoned? The rose perfume you gave me, I directly asked people to go quietly to the laboratory. The results came out as soon as possible, and there were other ingredients in the rose perfume. Including the girl, we have a special person to study it. "

Chen Yang said: "that poison is really wonderful. If I don't pay attention to it, I'm really caught in a trap. However, even if Mo Nong doesn't say it, you think that you can catch me at this point. That's fantastic. "

O'Donnell's face was hard to see. He said, "Oh, really? This kind of poison is invisible, unconscious, and has no sense of danger. Is it hard for you to detect Mr. Chen Yang? "

Chen Yang said: "insight into the micro, although this poison is invisible, it will still make my aura produce disharmony. You don't understand my realm. Therefore, we can not say that there is something wrong with your design. "

O'Donnell said in a deep voice: "we have listed Mr. Chen Yang as the most powerful enemy, but we still underestimate you!"

Chen Yang said, "only when you know yourself and the other can you win a hundred battles. But you will never know my cards

O'Donnell said, "but We have trumps

Chen Yang said lightly: "yes, my daughter is your trump card. So, please treat her well. Because if you lose this trump card, then all of you will die. You will all die, I promise

O'Donnell said, "Mr. Chen Yang, you are terrible. But I'm afraid you don't know our real cards. Your Majesty the Pope, and his power, you don't quite understand. "

Chen Yang said, "maybe, but it's meaningless for us to dispute these, isn't it?"

"That's true," O'Donnell said

The car drove all the way out.

It's ten o'clock in the morning. It's sunny!

Soon, the car came to a mall. And the front is a villa with one door and one courtyard!

The door of the villa is made of brilliant nano gold. If you look at the villa carefully, it's like a blockhouse, indestructible!

"The armed forces?" Chen Yang took a look at O'Donnell. He said with a smile: "I bet elder Ping Sulong is not here. He can't help but understand the truth that Da Yin is in the city. This place is a small deterrent to the authorities. However, as long as elder long is not here, the authorities do not dare to do anything about this place. Of course, even if elder long is in it, the authorities will not do it. Now that Huaxia has developed to this point, the need for stability is greater than everything else. And today, O'Donnell, you brought me here to think that even if you blow up here, you will kill me, right? "

O'Donnell was shocked and said, "Mr. Chen Yang..."

"Don't explain." Chen Yang said: "put away your bad acting skills, want to cheat me, you are not qualified."

O'Donnell was speechless.

Shen Mo Nong immediately said: "there are countless high-tech, Chen Yang, this kind of dragon's den, how many people are dead in it. He brought you here to kill you

Chen Yang said with a faint smile: "Mo Nong, you are waiting outside. I'm going to go in and have a meeting with you for a while! "

Shen said: "Chen Yang..."Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "no need to say more."

Seeing Chen Yang's insistence, Shen monong can't say anything more now.

Chen Yang and O'Donnell get out of the car.

Chen Yang then motioned O'Donnell to lead the way.

"See elder long, you live. No, you're dead! " Chen Yang said, "I won't repeat that. Also, don't send someone to catch Shen monong before I die. All the people in your villa are under my lock. If you dare to mess around, I'll make none of you live! "

O'Donnell was shocked and said, "such a magic power?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "it's just a joke. I'm bragging!"

When O'Donnell heard the words, he became even more suspicious.

Then they came to the gate of the nano alloy. O'Donnell is going to use iris recognition to open the door.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Yang said.

"There is no trap!" O'Donnell immediately said, "I can swear to God!"

"I believe there are no traps!" Chen Yang said.

"And you?" O'Donnell was puzzled.

At this time, Shen monong has been watching Chen Yang and O'Donnell in the car.

Chen Yang said to O'Donnell, "what's the defense of this gate?"

O'Donnell immediately said, "you can't open it with a two door rocket unless you use a missile!"

Chen Yang said, "really? Why don't I try and see if I can kick it? "

"That's impossible," O'Donnell said. There is a limit to force. No one can open this door! "

"Oh, yes!" Chen Yang smiles.

Then the light flashed in his eyes The next second, Chen Yang shot.

He takes a deep breath, takes a step back, and bows and fists Ten punches in a flash!

It's really just a moment, and finally it's a kick!

Each fist contains the terrible cold air, which is surging, and the whole nano alloy gate is covered with frost. With each punch, a crack appears on the nano alloy gate. The tenth punch down, it's full of frost cracks.

Then, with Chen Yang's foot down, the whole alloy gate flew out.

Inside suddenly came the roaring alarm!

Although Chen Yang used ten punches and one kick, Chen Yang's speed is extremely fast. Almost a second, almost as soon as Chen Yang's voice fell, the nano alloy gate was kicked out by Chen Yang.

O'Donnell was stunned.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Oh, I'm old. My strength is not as good as before. It took a second to break the door. "

O'Donnell could not help feeling bitter and said, "Mr. Chen Yang, are you still not human?"

Chen Yang said: "of course, I am human, but in those days, the insect emperor was not human. His little genes can make countless masters. But later, the insect emperor became my little brother. Now I'm obedient. Unfortunately, he's not in this world. "

O'Donnell said, "this..."

"Lead the way!" Chen Yang said.

It was at this time that the figures in the villa flashed quickly. Then, ten fully armed believers in black were wearing explosion-proof clothes, and all of them were heavy AK. This kind of heavy AK is called hand. The lethal power is also great. It can be fired continuously, and each bullet can pierce the jade. Even if you wear a bulletproof vest, you can't resist it.

A bullet can crush an elephant's internal organs!

The ten believers in Black shot together and shot hundreds of bullets in an instant. Even Da Luo Jinxian had to die!

However, as soon as these believers in black came out, they did not see clearly, and there was a figure in front of them.

The next second, a group of people screamed and howled.

Chen Yang returned to O'Donnell. O'Donnell hasn't seen clearly yet. Chen Yang is holding ten heavy AK in his hand.

"Good weapon Chen Yang couldn't help praising O'Donnell and said, "when I was in Africa, I didn't get in touch with this kind of thing. The weight is twice as heavy as before. It's not that the technology can't be broken through, but it's purely for the purpose of lethality service. You believers, the power is OK. So it's okay to be heavier, isn't it? "

O'Donnell looked at the tumultuous believers inside, and his mouth was bitter.

"Mr. Chen Yang..."

O'Donnell didn't know what to say.

Chen Yang freezes all the AK in his hands with real Qi. The next second, when he shakes his hands, all the AK become fragments and bullets are scattered everywhere.

He had a bullet in his hand.

O'Donnell was thrilled to see it.

"Lead the way!" Chen Yang said to O'Donnell.

O'Donnell nodded.

Then, they entered the villa smoothly.

This villa looks just like an ordinary luxury villa.

O'Donnell was frightened ahead, and Chen Yang slowly followed behind At this moment, a very sudden accident happened, and O'Donnell's body method unfolded and ran forward like lightningAt the same time, Chen Yang's feet were empty, and the ground under his feet disappeared. It was a hanging trap

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