"This..." Monk Shanren looks at Chen Yang in shock. The meaning of ice and cold in his brain has disappeared. He knows that it is not an illusion! In the world, what illusion can confuse him?

"Little benefactor You are really a master, poor monk feel ashamed of one's inferiority. But I don't understand. How did you do it, little benefactor? " The monk continued.

Lei Ling, Gao Jin, Lu Hua, Duan Lang and others looked at monk Xiang Shanren in doubt. They don't know exactly what happened. However, when they saw that monk Shanren was so shocked, they knew that Chen Yang had the upper hand in this round of confrontation.

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "between the heaven and the earth, take Chinese characters for example. Three thousand five words are commonly used. Some people just know these characters, some can write articles with these characters, some can write beautiful articles, some can write amazing articles, and they have been handed down through the ages. Why do words that we all know have different effects in everyone's hands? What's more, most of you and me are lucky. But whose Qi is dross and whose Qi has been handed down through the ages? It all depends on the heart, on the understanding of the world, the universe. What is the universe in your heart? Is it the bottom of the well or the multiverse? The breadth of our horizons determines our achievements. "

Chen Yang's words were so loud that everyone fell into thinking.

Monk Shanren put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, I've traveled all over the world since I was a child, and I've also traveled many foreign places. I don't think I'm a frog in a well. But I was deeply afraid when I saw the method of little benefactor's luck today. How can the Qi of the world be used to such an extent that the heart moves with the will? "

Chen Yang laughed three times, and then said, "what if you've traveled to every corner of the earth? You've read the Twenty-Four Histories and read them for five thousand years, so what? How big is the earth? It's just a grain of dust in the universe. How long is five thousand years? It's just a short-lived Epiphyllum in an era. The difference between you and me is that you think you have jumped out of the well, but I know that we will never get out of the well. I know what I've seen is a drop in the ocean, but you think you've seen everything! "

Monk Shanren's face changed: "little benefactor, you are so young, but you have such insight, poor monk I admire you

Chen Yang laughed and said, "what's the use of admiration. Master Shanren, the destiny you know is not the real destiny. Do you want to be a frog in the well all your life, or do you want to follow me to see the macro universe? "

The monk was shocked.

Chen Yang said: "I'm just lucky to take a few steps ahead. But I know you've been haunted by the maze in front of you. If the master is willing to come back to China with me, I would like to see the real world for him

Monk Shanren took a deep look at Chen Yang, but he didn't answer. He was obviously lost in thought.

Lei Ling's eyes are already implying murder. "Chen Yang, don't be a liar. What do you want to do when you come here? "

Today, master Chen Lei came to see you. But when I met master Shanren, I wanted to invite him to come with me to China. For me, for the country! "

"It's impossible!" Lei Ling directly rejected Chen Yang. "In this world, no one can let me work for him. Even if Lei is not talented, he doesn't want to be a slave who listens to orders! "

At this moment, Gao Jin immediately said, "master Lei, the Vatican has no intention of driving you away. In the future, we do not need the master to do much. But the Holy See was willing to clear away all the worries for the master. Please don't refuse the kindness of my teaching After a pause, he looked at the monk Shanren and said, "including master Shanren, I'm willing to be an elder."

Lei Ling immediately said, "Mr. Gao, I've been at ease with my old friend Shanren all my life. The snow in front of my house will also be cleaned by myself. We will not accept any invitation from Chen Yang, or from the Holy See. Today, I'm here to hold a banquet and treat you as distinguished guests. Please don't embarrass the host. Lei doesn't want to cause more trouble, but he is not a coward. He can let you bully him! "

Gao Jin looks at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang picked up the tea on the tea table and tasted it carefully.

Gao Jin took a deep breath and said, "master Lei, I came here today on the order of my master. Please don't embarrass me, master! We have promised to be an elder, but nothing will happen to drive the master away. This is the bottom line of my teaching. You have your bottom line, but the master thinks that overseas Hongmen can really compete with my teaching? "

Lei Ling said in a deep voice: "it's a tough situation. I'm not willing to get involved in the disputes in the river and lake. I'm very old now. I just want to live a quiet life. It used to be so, it is now so, and it will only be so in the future! "

Gao Jin said, "master Lei, do you know what to do?"

Lei Ling said, "I have made up my mind."

Gao Jin said, "well, are you really ready to bear the wrath of the Holy See?"

"Lei Ling said

Monk Shanren opened his mouth and said, "little benefactor Gao Jin, I need to discuss with old friend Lei Ling. It's not so quick to make a decision on this matter! "Gao Jin said, "how long will it take?"

Shanren monk said: "three days, how about three days?"

Gao Jin took a deep breath and said, "three days, yes! But the two masters must first drive Chen Yang away and never see him again! "

The monk Shanren felt embarrassed.

Lei Ling's eyes flickered. He knew that everything in front of him was due to Chen Yang.

Leiling immediately said to Chen Yang, "Sir, it's impossible for me to come back with you. Please

Chen Yang said, "is master Lei going to agree to join the Vatican?"

Lei Ling said: "Lei will never play for anyone, this is the bottom line!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I probably understand the meaning. Even if he had to join the Holy See, he would not do it. However, the bottom line of the master is slowly relaxed! This shows that there is still fear in master Lei's heart. Since there is still fear, what is the bottom line? The great terror between life and death can not be crossed, and all the bottom lines will not count! "

He then stood up and said, "this little Mr. Gao Jin is very talkative, but I can give him three days. And I'm in a hurry. I don't want to wait a minute. You two, just follow me. Come back with me first. In the future, there are only two ways for you. One is to serve me, the other is to choose death! "

"That's ridiculous!" Thunder Ling hears speech, burst into a rage, way: "arrogant boy, I again and again give in to you, but you are arrogant boundless.". Kill me? Do you have the ability? "

He then jumped out directly, his eyes full of murders.

Leiling rarely so angry, in front of Chen Yang is repeatedly provocative, finally let leiling broke out. His outburst brought him great dignity.

The temperature of the air around it drops to the freezing point, which makes people feel more depressed. This small reception hall suddenly makes people feel that this place is like a hell. It's so uncomfortable and depressing!

Leiling is like the emperor in charge of the world at the moment. His eyes are sharper than the sword. Let him have a look, then feel shudder.

That wave and Phoenix feel uncomfortable breathing, can't bear the anger of Lei Ling!

Monk Shanren also stood up and said, "little benefactor Chen Yang, we are afraid of lying. Today, your words are too arrogant. I can't say, poor monk and old friend Lei Ling are going to meet you. Let's see how mysterious your universe is, little benefactor

Chen Yang said lightly: "in that case, you two can go together. If you lose, follow me. If I lose, I'll leave my life to you. Let's not talk about who is arrogant or not... "

"I Pooh!" Lei Ling couldn't help scolding at first.

He said to monk Shanren, "old friend, stand aside, I'll meet this young man!"

Shanren monk and Lei Ling are both self-supporting, so they will never besiege Chen Yang. Monk Shanren also has some worries in his heart. He will take the battle first. Whether he wants to do it or not depends entirely on how the war develops.

Chen Yang doesn't talk nonsense, so he stands in the middle of the field.

Lei Ling said, "go outside?"

Chen Yang said, "you can go there. But let's start with that. Lose, how, win, how

Lei Ling's eyes were cold.

Chen Yang said: "well, you and master Shanren, I don't care if you are single handed or two handed. So long as you can beat me in three competitions. My head on my neck is yours. Whether you want to kill me or drive me to be a slave in the future, I must obey. And you, if you lose all three games, then you two, come back with me and play for me in the future. I will not embarrass you or humiliate you. I will still treat you as a national. How dare you play this game

Leiling and Shanren monk stare at Chen Yang.

Duan Lang and Fenghuang could not say a word.

They are thinking, even if Chen Yang can defeat the famous master Lei, how can he have such self-confidence to fight against master Lei and master Shanren alone?

Even the military God of that year did not dare to go to Haikou, did he?

Gao Jin has nothing to say. He is very proud and arrogant! But he knew he wasn't a match for master ray. Not to mention, one person should deal with the joint efforts of the two.

At least, Gao Jin felt that with this, he was not as good as Chen Yang.

Outside the guild hall, the lights are bright and quiet.

All around has been cleared. In the huge arena, there are only Gao Jin, four cardinals, Duan Lang, Fenghuang, Lu Hua and other experts.

Monk Shanren stood by and swept the array!

Chen Yang and Lei Ling stand opposite each other, three meters apart.

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