Chen Yang has thought about meeting his daughter many times in his mind, and even thought about how to make her try to believe in herself.

But he did not think that it would be such an unexpected meeting!

When Chen Yang sees Su Jianxue, he directly knows that the girl in front of him is the daughter of him and ling'er.

When he saw the girl Chen Yining, he didn't feel anything. He knew it was wrong!

But at the moment, his heart was pounding.

In front of the girl, the eyebrows, the look, is the copy of ling'er!

Chen Yang knows that this girl is his daughter Chen Yinuo.

Chen Yang could not say a word. At this time, he felt that there were thousands of words in his mind. But he couldn't find a word.

In the first sentence, what should we say?

At this time, Chen Yang's eyes are only Su Jianxue.

Su Jianxue is also extremely alert to Chen Yang, but at this time, Chen Yang's look makes her a little confused.

The young man in front of him is the enemy that Shifu is afraid of.

Su Jianxue has done a lot of homework. She has thought of many strategies to deal with Chen Yang. But now, Chen Yang's look makes her not understand.

She saw that the young man was shocked, cherished, hesitant and full of emotion It was a complex look that she couldn't understand.

Su Jianxue has seen too many men obsessed with her beauty. But in front of the youth, his eyes do not seem to be obsessed with beauty that simple.

Su Jianxue didn't think too much. She summarized Chen Yang's eyes as obsession, obsession with her beauty. Su Jianxue has absolute confidence in her appearance.

"Hum!" Su Jianxue sneered in her heart and said in secret: "the outside world has turned this boy into a God, but after all, he is not a man. Such an opponent is not a real opponent. It really disappoints me! I overestimated him

"Yinuo..." After Chen Yang had been brewing for a long time, he called in a trembling voice.

Su Jianxue frowned slightly and said, "who are you calling?"

"You, you are my daughter Yinuo, I am your father!" Chen Yang said excitedly.

"Damn it When Sue saw Sherton, she got angry and said, "I'm still your mother. Who's your father? Take advantage of me?"

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

I met my daughter for the first time and had a dialogue like this for the first time. He was so sad.

But for no reason, Chen Yang feels extremely sad.

If, if you can accompany her to grow up, how good.

Chen Yang doesn't ask her to have such great ability. At her age, she just needs to be in college and go to school happily with a group of friends. That's good.

The lack of her growth, it will become a permanent regret in Chen Yang's life!

At this moment, Chen Yang made up his mind. Today, we should seize our daughter and bring her back home. Anyway, let her accept her father.

At this moment, Chen Yang came back to his mind, and his mind had been made up.

"Aunt, I've seen so many wonderful things. I haven't seen you like that." Su Jianxue is a little angry with Chen Yang. "The first time we met, it was my father. Can you give birth to me? When I was alive, you didn't even know it was in your mother's stomach. "

"Presumptuous!" Chen Yang suddenly became angry and said, "don't insult your grandmother!"

"Granny?" Su see snow Leng a Leng, then burst into a rage, way: "you still dare to take advantage of me?"

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and felt that he was too eager for quick success. He said, "OK, I'll let Gao Jin go, and you'll let Phoenix go, OK?"

At last he didn't forget the business.

Seeing his daughter, Chen Yang almost forgot everything.

Su saw snow Eye Bead son a turn, immediately say: "certainly can, however, not exchange here.". I'm going to take the Phoenix away. After you take Gao Jin back to Los Angeles, I'll release the Phoenix again! "

"Younger martial sister, you..." When Gao Jin heard Su Jianxue calling himself a fool, he was very happy. He wanted to vomit blood.

Su saw snow vomit tongue, say: "how, Gao Jin, you still don't accept! Are you stupid? If you don't admit it, I'm too lazy to save you. "

Gao Jin laughs bitterly. My younger martial sister is always so smart! And he could do everything, so he had to shut up.

Su Jianxue snorted and said, "it's almost the same."

Chen Chao said, "what if I don't agree with you?"

"Nonsense!" When Chen Yang heard her call for his younger brother, he was immediately annoyed and said, "no big, no small!"

"Damn it Su Jianxue said, "this is my most polite address to you."

"You..." Chen Yang thinks it's hard to care about her at this time. Immediately said: "you this proposal, not in!"

"Why not, it's very good!" Su Jianxue said.Chen Yang said: "well, let's have a competition. Gentleman agreement, you catch me three moves, I will send Gao Jin back to you. Phoenix doesn't need you. But if you can't catch my three moves, Phoenix will let you go on the spot. Gao Jin, this Fool, I'll give it back to you. Besides, I'll never catch him again. This deal, OK? "

Su Jianxue disdained to say: "I don't want to believe a punctuation mark of your words."

Duan Lang was baffled. He didn't say much at this time, but looked at the situation in the field with concern. There's a security guard outside. He's going to stop it.

Then Duan Lang came back soon.

Chen Yang is also good-natured to Su Jianxue, to the extreme, smell speech is not upset, said: "well, I first let Gao Jin, you call people to pick him up."

"You'll take my men." Su Jianxue said immediately.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "what do I do with your people? Is there any hostage more important than Gao Jin? I don't even want him. You should believe my sincerity. Otherwise, I think Gao Jin can still go. He'll go by himself and call you, OK? "

Su saw snow slanting head to think for a moment, then said: "that can!"

Chen Yang said to Duan Lang with a smile, "let him go."

When Duan Lang goes in and out, he always holds on to Gao Jin. Now hearing the words, he could not help worrying and said, "Sir, we will be controlled by others if we make such a deal."

"Don't worry, it's OK!" Chen Yang said to Duan Lang, "she dare not move Phoenix."

Duan Lang nodded when he thought about it.

He released Gao Jin, and he was free. Gao Jin is not heartless. He looks at Su Jianxue anxiously and says: "little younger martial sister, you..."

"Get out of here!" Su Jianxue said, "call me when it's safe!"

Gao Jin said, "but you..."

Su Xue said, "I'll worry if you come to the wheel."

Gao Jin is helpless and knows that he can't help if he stays here. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "then you should be more careful."

Su saw the snow impatiently.

Gao Jin then said to Chen Yang: "today's disgrace is recorded by Gao. In the future, I will pay you back more. Besides, if you dare to touch my younger martial sister's hair, you will be a ghost, and I won't let you go! "

"Go away!" Chen Yang paid back the word Gao Jin.

Gao Jin was so choked by Chen Yang that he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. He is an arrogant guy, but he is choked everywhere today!

Gao Jin will leave soon.

Chen Yang sits down in front of the sofa. He looks at Su Jianxue happily. It's amazing that my daughter Chen Yang is so old. It's really good-looking, horizontal and vertical. I'm not tired of seeing it!

Chen Yang at this time, there is no master style.

Even the waves are not right.

I don't think Chen Yang's mystery, or even Taishan's unchanging demeanor, has disappeared.

Phoenix also noticed Chen Yang's change, but she didn't think much, because her life was still in Su Jianxue's hands.

But Su Jianxue felt a little It's not so wonderful.

Chen Yang was so straightforward looking, she felt very uncomfortable. She was looked at by Chen Yang for a long time and couldn't help saying, "you're a pervert. You're looking at me like this. I'll tell you, you're not the one I like. Don't think about it

"Cough..." Chen Yang just missed a mouthful of old blood. This is embarrassing!

"You smelly girl, what are you talking about. I'm your father. What else can I think of you? " Chen Yang immediately scolds Su Jianxue.

"You pervert Su Jianxue can't help getting angry. "You are sick. If you want to be a father, you have to live by yourself! Call me dad when you catch people

"I gave birth to you Chen Yang's helpless defense.

Su Jianxue said, "go to hell!"

She was so angry that she didn't bother to pay attention to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang had a bitter smile in his heart. Ah, this matter should be considered in the long run! It's better to catch her first, and then take her back to the country to get in touch with her.

"Warning you, don't look at me any more." Su Jianxue then angrily pointed at Chen Yang and said, "look at me again, I'll scratch her face!"

Chen Yang helpless, said: "good good, do not see, do not see." He can only compromise!

Su Jianxue's temper went down a little.

"Are you still peeping?" Su Jianxue suddenly catches a glimpse of Chen Yang and shouts immediately.

Chen Yang doesn't turn his head at once. His daughter is in front of him. It's hard to see. I'm not allowed to watch it yet. It's a real pain!

Duan Lang was completely confused. He finally realized that Chen Yang was in the wrong state.

He was very calm when he followed Chen Yang before. Because he knows that no matter what happens, master Chen Yang can easily suppress and deal with it.But now, the waves are bottomless. I feel that if there's a sudden situation, Chen Yang's side will not be able to deal with it.

"What's the matter with you, sir?" Duan Lang can't help but ask Chen Yang in a low voice.

"Ah?" Chen Yang said, "it's nothing!"

"Really nothing?" Duan Lang asked.

Chen Yang waved and said, "of course it's OK."

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