"I heard Gao Jin tell me the details there. Chen Yang's accomplishments are really unfathomable. He fought against leiling and Shanren monk, and finally defeated them. Gao Jin wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, and then he attacked and killed Chen Yang. In the end, he was defeated by Chen Yang. "

The old man over there listened quietly.

After a long time, the old man said, "what happened later?"

"Gao Jin confessed everything to his disciples, and he was really caught by Chen Yang," said iris. But later, Xue went to save Gao Jin! "

"I think it's strange, too. I know that younger martial sister Xue is a rare martial arts talent. But she was able to save Chen Yang under Chen Yang's hand. This disciple thought it was a little incredible. Since Chen Yang appeared, his disciples have been observing him. He acts decisively, ruthlessly and never procrastinates. According to his behavior habit, snow younger martial sister rashly goes forward, also can fall into his hand

After the report, the old man was silent for a while, and then said, "I know the reason for this. You don't have to speculate. What's the situation now? "

"Younger martial brother Gao Jin, younger martial sister Xue and others are coming back by plane," said iris

"Where's Chen Yang?" Asked the old man.

"It's still San Francisco," said iris

The old man fell silent again.

After a long time, the old man said: "start" all understand the truth, just slowly, the rest understand the truth, but do not abide by the truth. " Chen Yang said: "you think you know everything, just like you think you know everything when you look at those shallow people, but you know nothing in front of the real universe. When I think I can, I can. The power of physical body is limited, but the end of true Qi is there. To be honest, I haven't seen it yet. So, where is the end of my true Qi? I don't know. You think you've seen the end of Qi. That's the biggest mistake. One step further

"One step further?" Leiling and Shanren monk's body shocked violently. In the short conversation with Chen Yang, they seem to feel that they have touched a glimmer of light. But to be specific, I can't say.

People are a very strange thing.

When you try your best and can't break through a barrier, you feel that the barrier is your limit.

But then someone breaks through this barrier one after another, and you will be motivated to break through this barrier again.

After the breakthrough, you will wonder why it was so difficult before.

Chen Yang said to monk leiling and Shanren, "let's talk about it in detail when we get back to Yanjing. This matter can not be accomplished overnight. You need to realize it slowly. Whether you can realize it or not depends on yourself, and even more on chance! "

"Thank you for your help!" Leiling and monk Shanren are convinced of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang then laughed and said, "I'm not as old as you, but I've probably lived at least 50 years in this world. Let's talk about it later. Eighteen year olds don't understand this. What's more, I have experienced more than you can imagine. " After a pause, he said, "the reason I'm telling you this is to make you not too depressed. Because it's normal to lose to me. It's not a shame... "

Leiling and Shanren monk heard the words, immediately secretly said strange, at the same time to Chen Yang more curious.

They are really more comfortable.

Before the two lost to an 18-year-old boy, it is really a big blow for them!

After that, Chen Yang called Duan Lang and Fenghuang together, as well as leiling and Shanren monk.

"I have a hunch that the Vatican will fight against me soon." Chen Yang said.

Lei Ling and others were surprised.

Lei Ling immediately said, "I will try my best to be a good friend."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "it's not necessary. It's not a fight to death. We can't win the holy see in a desperate battle. The problem now is that we can't take a plane at present. Once we are attacked by them in the air, we will parachute immediately and fall into the sea. It's not a good taste. "

"What does that gentleman mean?" Duan Lang asked.

Fenghuang, Shanren monk and Lei Ling are all staring at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "well, master Lei, master Shanren, you will take Duan Lang and Fenghuang back to Hongmen headquarters first. I'll go out on my own and give them a chance to do it so that they won't do it to you. "

"You want to fight alone?" The crowd was taken aback.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "don't worry. The person who can kill me is not born yet."

"It's settled!" Chen Yang then said.

"Well Sir... " Duan Lang couldn't help saying, "I believe what you said. We dare not doubt your ability. But What if the woman hit you yesterday? I think she will be the biggest variable! "

Chen Yang was stunned, and his eyes became more complicated.He is indeed the most powerful and fearless. It's just His daughter is really his only weakness!

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "don't worry, I can handle it!"

"Woman? What woman? Can you even threaten Xiaoyou? " Lei Ling can't help but feel very strange.

Duan Lang and Fenghuang stop talking.

Chen Yang gave a wry smile and said, "that woman, you don't have to guess and think too much. I came to this world for her. She is the daughter I left behind... "

Duan Lang and Fenghuang were shocked. Duan Lang said, "is she miss Yinuo?"

The Phoenix suddenly realized.

Leiling and monk Shanren are at a loss.

Chen Yang sighed slightly and said, "thirteen years ago, the Holy See started, and my daughter's whereabouts are unknown. He was accepted as a disciple by the Pope. When I saw her yesterday, I knew in my heart that she was my daughter. No one could deceive me and I would never be wrong. "

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