After Chen Yang returned to Yanjing, he let leiling and monk Shanren live in his villa. The villa is so big that they don't feel uncomfortable living in it. What's more, they can get along with Chen Yang for a long time, which they are very satisfied with.

Chen Yang also promised the two masters: "as long as the trouble of the holy see is solved, they will leave at that time. I will never stop them!"

Leiling and Shanren monk admire Chen Yang from the bottom of his heart, but leiling is still worried. He said: "the holy see is deeply rooted now, little friend. Is it possible for us to move the Holy See?"

Chen Yang laughs and says, "it's easy to do without you and me. Isn't it? "

Leiling and Shanren monk smile, Shanren monk said: "little benefactor said yes!"

Chen Yang said: "I will not be arrogant, nor do I want the water to be so clear. When the power of Yanjing rises, we will solve some tough forces of the Holy See. After that, I will retire. The most important thing is that we should have our own strength. "

Lei Ling said, "that's the truth!"

In the evening, Chen came to attend the banquet. The so-called banquet is just a few people. Chen Yang, Shen Molong, Lei Ling, monk Shanren. Four people sit together, a pot of good wine, a few good dishes. There are not many dishes, but they are very delicate. The wine is also very good. It's a very delicate state.

Just outside the villa, the night is beautiful and the crescent moon is like a hook.

Although there is still some chill, but also harmless.

Chen Yang talked about it, and he said, "I know Master Lei, master Shanren, you are very curious about me. It's just that my experience is fabulous, but it's real. "

Monk Shanren said with a smile, "as the saying goes, the four sides of heaven and earth are called the universe, and the universe has been called since ancient times. As long as it is still in the universe, it is understandable that something strange will happen. Poor monk and old friend Lei are also people who have seen some of the world. Little benefactor, it's OK to say so. "

Chen Yang said, "well, I'll be honest. Today, I'm not the real me that I'm sitting here and talking with you. My body is still in a very cold wormhole in the universe. The owner of this body is Chen Chen. I'm in the wormhole, touching five dimensional space. In the five dimensional space, my body is the basic signal to connect with the world on earth. From ancient times to the present, the earth has become three-dimensional in the five dimensional space. "

"This..." Although Lei Ling and others have been psychologically prepared, it sounds like Arabian Nights at the moment.

Fortunately, these people are all scholars. As the saying goes, a general rule of law leads to a general rule of law. Therefore, they are not totally unable to understand.

Shen Mo Nong is just listening to Chen Yang say so detailed, she is also speechless.

"But Little benefactor, you said in the wormhole of the universe? This wormhole, we have been studying for a long time, but we can't find it in the end. Wormholes are flimsy and fleeting, which are extremely difficult to capture. Even today's technology is difficult to cross the wormhole. How did you get into the wormhole and survive in it? " Asked the monk Shanren.

Chen Yang said: "in your world, there is also a theory of parallel world. But in my world, my world is the main world, and the world you live in is the parallel world! "

Shen said, "I've heard that from you."

Lei Ling wry smile, said: "now the technology is developed, there are all kinds of theories. We are not old-fashioned, and we keep pace with the times. But we always feel that we are the center, and other worlds are parallel

Monk Shanren said, "but little benefactor, how do you think our world is parallel and your world is the Lord's world?"

Chen Yang said: "just now, master, you asked me how to get to the wormhole. I answered these two questions together. The establishment of this parallel world is due to the emergence of an insect king in our world. This insect king has great power Well, let me first explain what mana is. The more you say this, the further you go. Mana is different from Qi. In this parallel world, there is no magic power. Because the rules, the rules of heaven, limit the world. So even if I came, I couldn't exert my magic power. Because I can't break the law. Like fish in the water, it's a rule. It's a rule that birds can fly. Pig stupid, this is the law, people smart, this is the law. Law is also a rule. There are countless rules in nature, so we can go our own way. In our world, mana... "

Chen Yang explained the mana in detail.

After that, he said that it was because of the insect king that the parallel world was born.

Shen Mo Nong knows the cause and effect, but leiling and Shanren monk stayed for a long time.

Lei Ling said: "I can't believe that we exist because we want to seal a magic power person!"

Chen Yang said: "because of the limitation of mana, many things have changed. In my world, military God Chen Ling is not military God, but Chinese emperor Chen Ling. Master Ling has boundless powers now, and few people can defeat him. On this side, my father Chen Tianya, on my side, is the devil emperor, and is also boundless. As for myself, I've also practiced a magic power. Now I'm using my big move skill to activate the space array. It can reach ten thousand li per second. "Lei Ling and others were stunned.

Chen Yang said: "I went to wormhole because I was seriously injured..."

He spoke out all the causes and consequences.

Lei Ling and others stayed for a long time after listening. After a long time, they slowly digested what Chen Yang said.

Shanren monk said: "if I can enter such a magic world, I will die without regret."

Lei Ling also said: "yes! Xiaoyou, can you find a way to take us there? "

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile: "this is really impossible. The last time I went back, I sacrificed my body. Moreover, it was the tide of time and space that opened the channel and was escorted by supernatural powers. If you sacrifice your body, there is no access. Even if there is a channel, your spirit is too weak and has no place to live, it will die! "

Leiling and Shanren monk can only sigh with disappointment after hearing the speech.

Chen Yang said: "don't be discouraged. I think there is a trend of breakthrough in Zhenqi now. In the past, people were limited by heaven and earth when they didn't develop brain mana. I think this is the second way

"How remote!" Lei Ling said.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "yes. However, in the mana world, although feitiandundi looks very good. But the danger is more difficult to imagine, each has its own good. If I have to choose, if all my relatives are in this world, I am very willing to stay in this world for a long time. "

"But here, your life is limited!" Said the monk Shanren.

Chen Yang said: "in my world, although I live for tens of thousands of years, every day I live precariously. I'd rather live here for a hundred years and have a good time! "

Lei Ling a smile, said: "standing in different places will see different scenery, now say these, really meaning is not big."

Chen Yang also laughed and said, "master Lei, what you said is reasonable! Standing at different heights, there will be different desires. From the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of my heart

After making friends with each other, leiling and monk Shanren accepted Chen Yang more. What's more, once it comes, it will be settled. They will also work well for Chen Yang.

Many things are not urgent and need to be done slowly. Chen Yang is not very anxious. Now he is sure that his daughter is OK. He was at ease and continued to practice in the wormhole. At the same time, she also had a spiritual cultivation with ling'er, and let gentle ling'er participate in it. Gentle ling'er sees her daughter in Chen Yang's memory. She has mixed feelings. At the same time, she is distressed and guilty.

It was an impulsive choice to leave with Chen Yang. Afterwards, she also had regrets, because the child is also unable to give up.

Now, Chen Yang also comforts her. "Today, children are better than anything. Luckily you came with me. Otherwise, I don't know how the old lady Hong Xiulian will torture you, and I don't know what you will suffer. "

Gentle spirit son listen to Chen Yang so relieved, in the heart also feel a little better.

Gentle ling'er also exchanged many ideas with Chen Yang, including telling Chen Yang everything she wanted to say to her daughter. She wants Chen Yang to tell her daughter.

Chen Yang naturally agreed.

After that, Chen Yang also turned all the words that gentle ling'er said into words with mobile phone voice, and then asked Shen monong to help print them out and save them on his behalf.

Gentle ling'er has something to say every day. Chen Yang will tell it every day and keep it.

And Shen Moneng was all preserved.

The high-speed operation of Yanjing completely eliminated the information network of the Holy See. The Vatican of light has begun to shrink all its forces in China. Because they know that before Chen Yang is eradicated, Chen Yang will be eradicated step by step. In order to avoid more secret leakage, they took the initiative to shrink.

The high-level officials in Yanjing are very happy to see this situation. A big cancer of the country has been eliminated in this way. It's a blessing for the country!

The senior management attached great importance to both Shen and Chen Yang and praised them.

Shen is also busy recruiting.

Three months later, Chen Yang has ten top experts. Although they are not as good as master Lei and master Shanren, Chen Yang will become the top one in the future.

Shen also recruited a group of loyal soldiers with martial arts background, or Gen hongmiaozheng and so on.

At the same time, some weapons are being developed at the top.

The development of weapons has been going on all the time. In the early days, the weapons they studied were designed to deal with the top experts.

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