Sun Yi continued: "this is a major scientific research achievement of our country in recent years. Once upon a time, a senior physicist discovered something. That is arc lightning, arc lightning has its particularity, its structure is very strange. Just like a small ball, as long as the matter and magnetic field are not right, it passes through the body and will be safe. But if it collides with the corresponding magnetic field and material, it will have the power of terror. The first page of the book is good, the second page is ashes, the third page is good, and the fourth page is ashes. This kind of arc lightning is divided into innumerable properties, which will cause corresponding damage to all kinds of materials. We made a lot of efforts to find this kind of arc lightning. The strange material of this arc lightning is not replicable, and our technology can't make it. This lightning can only be caught in nature by various means. "

"Lightning can be caught!" Lei Ling thumbed up and said, "great!"

Shen monong said: "master Lei, catching lightning is just a child. But this kind of arc lightning is extremely special. If the magnetic field of its corresponding material is not right, no matter how good the material is, it will be burned to ashes by this kind of arc lightning. It's just that arc-shaped lightning is hard to catch. Countless scientists here have studied it day and night for a long time

Lei Ling suddenly realized.

The monk Shanren is also amazing.

After that, Sun Yi took out another kind of gun.

"The arc lightning in this is aimed at Zhenqi, which is also the main project we have been working on. The quantum matter in this kind of lightning has a very special reaction to Qi. As long as there is energy in the body, it will become its target! " Sun Yi said: "I named this kind of gun arc electric quantum gun!"

Chen Yang and others are looking at the gun, but Sun Yi said with regret: "at present, this kind of arc electric quantum capture is very rare, and it is extremely difficult to synthesize. This kind of gun will be useless once it is fired, and it can only be fired once! "

"It's a pity indeed!" Chen Yang said: "however, I believe that if you continue to study, Dr. Sun, you will be able to improve this kind of gun. But now, how can the power be confirmed? "

Sun Yi zhengse said: "this is also where we are currently troubled and troubled. For the time being, we haven't taken it to actual combat. Everything is based on theory. I don't dare to do experiments with real people. I'm afraid that something will go wrong. At the moment, you and two other masters are masters of this. That's why I asked Mo Nong to do some experiments for us. Of course, I don't want you to be the target, but you represent the authority in the aspect of Qi. If this gun can only deal with ordinary experts, it's of little significance. "

Sun Yi's remarks are based on his feelings and reason.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Dr. Sun, we understand what you mean. Well, experiment with me. "

"This..." Sun Yi is in a dilemma.

Shen Molong, Lei Ling and monk Shanren were also surprised.

"Soldier God, I know your cultivation is very high, but the power of nature is extremely terrible. Well, you still can't take it up! " Sun Yi said immediately.

"Nothing!" With a smile, Chen Yang said, "I didn't trust you. If you really have this ability, you can kill me with one shot. Then, we don't have much threat. "

In fact, he has something else to say, but he thinks that Sun Yi doesn't understand what he said anyway. No more!

Anyway, the body is dead, and it's a big deal to bring down a new God.

At that time, with the help of this gun, it will be much easier to destroy the Holy See.

Chen Yang hoped that the gun would have supernatural power.

"This..." Sun Yi looks at Shen Moneng in embarrassment.

Seeing that Chen Yang's eyes were firm, Shen Mo Nong said, "Chen Yang is a man with music in his heart. Let's do as he says."

Shen Molong saw too many miracles of Chen Yang, so he didn't believe that this gun could kill Chen Yang.

Leiling and Shanren monk also feel that Chen Yang is a bit adventurous, but based on their trust in Chen Yang, they don't say much.

Sun Yi is worried because he made the gun. If he kills the warlord with one shot, then

He's under too much pressure.

Chen Yang is already standing in the central area, he closed his eyes, attentive.

This kind of lightning quantum gun gives Chen Yang a very novel feeling.

That is, human processes are surprisingly similar. In this world, although mana is limited to death by rules. But the magnetic field, the quantum and the power are beginning to appear in other ways. If Chen Yang's mana is still there, he can directly analyze this lightning quantum gun with his mana, but now, Chen Yang doesn't have this ability.

Chen Yang also wants to see how powerful the lightning quantum gun is!

After hesitating for a while, Sun Yi saw that Chen Yang was so devout, and his eyes finally became firm.

Sun Yi raises his gun.

Chen Yang suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Mo Nong, master Lei, master Shanren, you all go out. You've got a lot of energy in you. I'm afraid the bullet of this gun will deal with youSun Yi was surprised. He almost forgot such an important thing. Immediately said: "yes, Mo Nong, two masters, you have to go out."

Shen Molong, leiling and Shanren monk are afraid to take risks. After hearing this, they leave the research room together. Before going out, Shen monong was also worried and said, "Chen Yang, be careful!"

Chen Yang a smile, also don't open an eye, say: "don't worry, I know!"

After they went out, Sun Yi finally gritted his teeth and fired a shot into the sky. There's no need to aim!

So at that moment, almost before Sun Yi shot, Chen Yang felt dangerous. Moreover, the powerful sixth sense tells him how to make the right choice. At that moment, his figure flashed, leaving a real spirit in place.

His body is ten meters away. In a flash, Chen Yang's true spirit was burned to ashes.

Chen Yang felt the heat.

Chen Yang was shocked!

Pure power to dodge, if dodge after shooting, then Chen Yang can not dodge this lightning quantum gun.

It's very hard to avoid the lightning quantum gun!

It must also be formed independently as a body of Qi and energy. If Chen Yang has any connection with the spirit of true Qi, he will be burned up.

Then, Chen Yang should have absolute speed after forming the body of true Qi. Few people in the world can do this.

Chen Yang knew enough about the lightning quantum gun in his heart.

At this time, Sun Yi looks at Chen Yang intact in front of him, and his heart is full of frustration.

Chen Yang is still alive, which is something to be happy about.

However, Chen Yang is still alive, which proves that Sun Yi's lightning quantum gun failed.

Seeing that Sun Yi was depressed, Chen Yang stepped forward and said, "Dr. Sun, your Lightning quantum gun has been very successful. It's just

Sun Yi brightened his eyes and said, "it's just what?"

Chen Yang said, "it's a long story. In a word, there are many things that need to be improved. However, there is no doubt about its power. You are right. This kind of lightning quantum can not be resisted by human power and Qi. In particular, this kind of quantum lightning has something to do with real Qi. Once it rubs together, it will burst out a powerful burning force. "

Chen Yang continued: "the problem is that the lightning quantum gun is not targeted. It will attack nearby. If there are three Qi masters in the room, then it's useless to aim. It will find the nearest attack and kill, as long as the two are not connected, this shot can only kill one person. And the biggest problem. If an ordinary soldier uses this gun, I'm afraid he doesn't have a chance to shoot. If you're a gas master, I'm afraid this bullet will kill us first. This is a problem you have to overcome. I can give you a direction. That is, let this lightning quantum kill the most powerful energy field within ten miles. If this is done, it will be the place where I have just been and where I have no burial. "

Chen Yang is the strongest in the energy field. If the lightning measures the bullet to kill the strongest, then Chen Yang's real Qi will be useless.

As soon as Sun Yi's eyes brighten, he has a research direction again.

Sun Yi said: "if this can be done, ordinary soldiers can kill the most powerful enemy as long as they have enough distance. If the research is really successful, no one in Yanjing and Huaxia will dare to make trouble again! "

Chen Yang smile, said: "yes, at that time, the so-called gas strength master, but also a decoration."

Sun Yi said, "OK, I'll start to study it."

Chen Yang said with a smile: "wait for good news!" He then sighed and said, "the success of this weapon research is actually not a blessing for us. But since ancient times, the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation. Maybe the warrior's ability will be improved. I'm not sure how it will be! "

Sun Yi also said, "I haven't thought about something deeper. I make weapons, not because I love war. Instead, weapons can protect my country and my family from foreign enemies. The devil's spear is not evil. If we can master the devil's spear in front of the devil, then the devil's spear is the spear of justice. "

Chen Yang said: "Dr. Sun's words are thought-provoking. Kitchen knives can kill people. We should not be afraid of these things. If you don't have weapons, others will have weapons to kill you. "

Sun Yi said, "that's right!"

Chen Yang then joined Shen Moneng and others and said goodbye. Sun Yi once again expressed his thanks to Chen Yang. After that, he also wanted to ask Chen Yang to write an article on his experience. Chen Yang promised Sun Yi!

For Yanjing and everything here, Chen Yang has no selfishness.

At the same time, Chen Yang also said to Shen: "what Dr. Sun studies is the secret of heaven, which is the artifact of the country. You must be careful to protect Dr. Sun. Let me know if you need anything! "

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