Chris immediately said sincerely, "I hope my little brother can give me directions!"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I can save your life, but you are not a gentleman. A gentleman should talk about his relationship. If you and I are friends, it's better to talk about interests. What do you say? "

Chris was a little stunned, and then couldn't help laughing: "little brother, it's very pleasant. OK, what do you want?"

Chen Yang said: "it's very simple. Within a year, I will drive you. You can do whatever I want you to do. You don't do what I don't want you to do. Of course, if I ask you to die, you can also refuse. "

"Good!" Chris agreed directly. He said: "as long as the younger brother can cure the internal injury, this is completely OK."

Chen Yang said: "well, let's talk about the scandal in the front. If I ask you to die, you can refuse, but if you violate women or kill innocent people without my permission, then I will kill you! "

Chris said, "good!"

Chen Yang said, "good! Then I'll tell you that the strength of your true Qi comes from the power of yin and Yang. But the source of your internal injury is also due to the power of yin and Yang. Your so-called power of yin and Yang is wrong. Double cultivation is not what you understand. There are three kinds of double cultivation. The lowest is the skill of gathering Yin and tonifying yang. The meat cultivation is the skill of medium cultivation. The spiritual cultivation is the best method

As soon as Kreis's eyes lit up, he felt like he was on top of the world.

"How to practice meat, how to practice spirit?" Chris asked immediately.

Chen Yang didn't avoid it either. He said, "rouxiu, find a woman who is equal to you. They have the same heart and the same spirit. They will benefit each other a lot. Your internal injury will be cured naturally! It's the connection of true Qi, not the Yin Qi of others, you know? "

Chris said, "I see, I see! I see, but... " He made trouble again and said, "but I'm a big man. Where can I make someone who is equal to my accomplishments fall in love with me? Are you still in touch with me? I've been so rude all my life that I'm suddenly asked to have sex. How can I do that? "

Chen Yang said, "if you can't get it, no one can save you. Or more simply, let a person break your Qi sea with one blow. It's OK to disperse the whole body of Qi. "

"No way!" Chris said: "I have too many enemies. If I don't have this strength, I will die when I go out."

"So that's it," Chen Yang said

Chris immediately asked, "what about spiritual cultivation?"

Chen Yang said, "it's hard to practice meat, not to mention spiritual cultivation. Spiritual cultivation is a man and a woman, the true Qi outside blend, and then into one, and finally into each other's body operation. This kind of art sounds like the art of immortals to you. Moreover, I'm still in a theoretical state. Don't think about it. "

Chen Yang's words are not false. He is very familiar with his magic. But it's different from magic. He thinks that true Qi can succeed in meat cultivation, but spiritual cultivation is too difficult.

"It's also very simple to use the true Qi of rouxiu." Chen Yang said, "there should be some mention of your method, right?"

Chris said, "I do have that picture. It's just that I always think it's a great joy between men and women. I don't think it's useful, so I never use it. "

Then he said, "OK, little brother, I get it. As for the year I promised you... " He said with a smile, "but we didn't say that year. I don't have time recently. Let's talk about it in ten years."

When Chris finished, he laughed and left.

Chen Yang said lightly: "Chris, I don't like to joke with strangers, and I don't like to play word games. If you dare to walk out of this courtyard, today is your death. Unless you are willing to kneel here for three days and three nights after you go out, otherwise, no one can save you today

"Ha ha ha..." Chris suddenly showed his fierce light and said: "good boy, he is more rampant than me. But to tell you the truth, the people who can still kill Laozi are not born. It's true that those people of the Holy See didn't fight me. As a result, I killed several people before I became honest. "

After Chris finished, Chen Yang gave a cold smile and said, "little brother, you are still young."

Chris finished this time. His figure flashed and he was out of the yard in the blink of an eye.

Leiling and monk Shanren were surprised.

"Give me five minutes!" Chen Yang left a word, the next second, the courtyard has also lost Chen Yang's trace. The cultivation of this evil god just now has surpassed leiling and Shanren monk.

And Chen Yang's speed is faster!

It seems that Chen Yang and the evil god are not ordinary people, just like the immortal who knows the art of blinking. However, when Chen Yang left, the place where he was standing still left two clear footprints.

Chris is very fast, and the location of the villa is very remote. All the way past, quickly came to a man-made lake in front.

There are few pedestrians near the artificial lake. But no one noticed Chris. Chris was so fast that it was hard for the naked eye to see.But soon, a strong wind came from behind. Chris didn't have to look back to feel that he was catching up.

Chris was surprised and said in secret: "this boy is famous outside. It's true that it's not false!"

He turned his eyes and suddenly ran into the wide artificial lake. His body method is fast to the extreme, the true Qi runs, every step on the lake, there will be a small whirlpool in the lake.

Chris ran out of the lake as fast as he could.

Chris is to get rid of Chen Yang in the lake. His Yin and Yang Qi is incomparable. He has his own way to walk in the water. If Chen Yang pursues on shore, he can change direction at any time. If Chen Yang catches up, he will directly leave Chen Yang far behind.

His abacus is very good!

Unfortunately, he met Chen Yang. Without any hesitation, Chen Yang ran into the lake.

The movement here has finally attracted the attention of pedestrians. While everyone was amazed, they quickly took out their mobile phones to shoot However, even if it is spread to the Internet, it will only be thought by netizens that it is within the special effects and so on.

Now, no one wants to believe anything beyond recognition. Special effects can explain all the unnatural phenomena!

Chen Yang in the lake, the same real gas operation, he walked across the lake, a footprint is an ice.

Chris thought he could get rid of Chen Yang in the water with his own advantages, but he didn't know that Chen Yang was more powerful than him.

Water is Chen Yang's advantage.

Chen Yang suddenly roared and roared. In front of Chris, the waves suddenly splashed. The waves quickly formed ice. The Dragon roared and attacked Chris.

Chris was surprised. He was also a man in danger. He drank softly. The sound wave and Qi gush out together. His Qi is black and white. The Qi forms a sword of yin and Yang and quickly cuts the ice dragon to ashes. But at this time, Chen Yang hands together, he stood on the water, at the foot of the condensation out of the well cover size of ice! His real Qi is surging and majestic, and all the water around him begins to freeze, rapidly forming thousands of silk threads

"Chris, if you don't go to heaven, if you don't go to hell, you have to break in. On this lake, you will die faster Chen YANGSEN said coldly.

Thousands of silk threads turned into ice sword, quickly swarmed to kill Chris. Chris roared and roared, and the sound waves around him were shaking. His real Qi was surging, so he forced all the ice swords back and broke them. Chris's real strength is beyond imagination. Moreover, Yin Yang Qi can corrode Chen Yang's ice Qi. After pushing back Chen Yang's thousand silk threads, he stepped forward and came to Chen Yang like lightning.

"Little brother, do you really think that Laozi is so easy to deal with?" There was a ferocious light in Chris' eyes. Then, with one palm on his chest, he pushed at Chen Yang

Chris's palm is powerful, and Yin and yang are invincible. This one is extremely difficult to deal with. Chen Yang only felt that the huge force was coming, and he had the momentum of overwhelming, and seemed to devour everything. Chen Yang is too familiar with the power of yin and Yang. But it's always him who holds it and then deals with others.

Today, I come to experience it personally, which has a different meaning.

Chen Yang sneered, he still did not dodge, also clapped!


The two palms were blasted together, and the infinite water vapor and the cold air were fused, which finally disintegrated Chris's palms.

Chris only felt that his opponent's palm strength and Qi were extremely cold, and even his own strength was hard to contend with!

In those days, Chen Yang's Yin Yang mana was also defeated by those with advanced mana. Today, Chen Yang can still rely on his powerful Qi to destroy Kreis's Qi.

After all, Kreis's true Qi of yin and Yang is too tender, and there are too many imperfections. Therefore, Chen Yang will not be intimidated by the truth and momentum he exudes.

Chen Yang broke Chris' palm force with one palm, and then hooked his fingers to Chris' throat. Chris is frightened and shrinks back. Chen yanghei says that behind Chris, huge waves are splashing on the lake, which forms ice dragon and devours it.

Chris's back and forth!

At this time, Morris was more and more frightened!

The ice dragon came, and Chris roared and scattered it with sound waves.

At the same time, Chen Yang is a series of three punches!

Under the three punches, one is fiercer than the other, one is more powerful than the other, and one is peerless than the other!

The surging water forms endless frost in the air, and countless ice sculptures appear on the surface of the lake.

However, Chen Yang's real Qi is still surging and majestic. After Chen Yang's three punches, Chris could not resist, but he could not resist. He retreated vigorously, and his feet were almost unsteady in the lake.

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