Chen Yang's body has been practicing in the wormhole, which is of great benefit. And ling'er is also very safe in abstaining from Xumi. The commandment Xumi is stored in the seeds of xuanhuang holy Valley, without the slightest invasion of external breath. And ling'er's breath is enough for her to breathe for ten years, so she is also practicing meditation!

As for the parallel world, Chen Yang's Yuanshen is also advancing steadily.

The Vatican has not done anything.

Chen Yang's power is growing, and Dr. Sun Yi's lightning quantum gun continues to advance. I believe that over time, the quantum gun will have unexpected power.

And just a month later, summer has come. As the sun sets and the wind blows, Chen Yang is sitting in the courtyard with his knees crossed under a tree.

Just now, Shen Molong called to tell Chen Yang something. That is his daughter Chen Yinuo, now called Su Jianxue of course. Su Jianxue is in Beijing.

Su Jianxue came straight to Chen Yang's villa.

Su Jianxue is Chen Yang's only weakness, and Shen monong is worried. Chen Yang is excited. The reason why he can still sit here is to calm himself down.

Not long after that, about half an hour later, the setting sun had completely fallen into the other side of the mountain.

Night rises

Outside the courtyard, Su Jianxue in a long red dress appeared. She is so beautiful and moving, but full of youthful vitality and color.

When Chen Yang sees Su Jianxue, his heart seems to melt.

He wanted to be calm, but he couldn't help standing up.

Su Jianxue comes and then stands in front of Chen Yang. Chen Yang winked at us again

Chen Yang said with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"I can't figure out what you said last time. I think if I don't figure it out, I won't be at ease in my life. So I came. " Su Jianxue said.

Chen Yang's heart was clear, but his face was still happy. He said, "this villa is where your mother and I used to live. You lived here when you were a child, but when you were seven years old, the Holy See came to kill your grandparents, and then took you away. I also have pictures of you when you were a child... "

He took out a lot of photos of Yinuo when he was a child to Su Jianxue.

However, in fact, the photos of my childhood tell nothing. Because compared with Su Jianxue, a seven-year-old is not much comparable. What's more, girls, it's a big change.

Moreover, there is no trace of Chen Yang and situ ling'er in the photo.

This evidence is really pale!

Immediately, Chen Yang is not Chen Yang in front of us.

After seeing the photos, Su Jianxue was slightly embarrassed and said, "sorry, I really don't have any memory. Before I was seven years old, it was a blank for me. "

Chen Yang said: "the memory before the age of seven is a blank. It's because they've been tampered with! "

Su Jianxue said: "this is what I have always suspected."

Chen Yang said, "well, I can take you to see your grandparents. They can prove your blood relationship with them. I wonder if you can believe what they say? "

Su Jianxue said: "if we can prove the blood relationship, we should believe it. But I'm hungry... "

"Hungry?" Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said, "go and sit inside. I'll let mother Liu cook for you. No, no, no Dad has never taken care of you. Today, dad cooks himself... "

Chen Yang seems a little flustered. He is really too inexperienced. Although he has a son, he has never faced such a situation. Suddenly, my daughter is an adult. It's strange.

Chen Yang's cooking skill is not bad, he has a lot of field survival experience. But this time I went into the kitchen and stumbled, but I lost my level. It took him more than half an hour to cook a bowl of good looking tomato egg noodles. Then he personally sent it to Su Jianxue.

Just before the tea table, Chen Yang handed over his chopsticks. He pretended to be relaxed and said, "I haven't cooked for a long time. Try it!"

Su Jianxue took the chopsticks, she smile, said: "can taste the famous soldier God hand-made noodles, I should be the first one?"

Chen Yang said with a smile: "that's because I won't cook for other people. But you are no one else! "

Su Jianxue said: "this..." With a playful smile, she said, "if it wasn't for your identity here, I would have thought it was your new way to pick up girls."

Chen Yang's face immediately changed when he heard the speech. He was a little embarrassed, and then he said, "you little girl, you think all day long."

Su Jianxue said wrongly: "that can't blame people's imagination! If one day, a girl who is two years younger than you suddenly comes and says that she is your mother, can you accept it? "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "well, I know it's really hard for you to believe. I don't blame you. In fact, I have no right to blame you. But, little girl, you believe in dad. If there's a way, Dad won't leave you. ""At that time, suppose that what you said was true. Why did you leave that year? " Su Jianxue asked.

"You eat first. After eating, I'll talk to you and I'll tell you everything I have. " Chen Yang said.

"Good!" Su Jianxue said, "I'm really hungry." She sniffed it first and said, "it smells good. It must taste good."

Su Jianxue took a mouthful of noodles and gave Chen Yang a thumbs up. She said sincerely, "it's delicious."

Chen Yang is content to be on the side.

Su Jianxue burst into tears in the middle of the meal

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Su Jianxue quickly wiped away her tears, and then said, "if only you were my father. But I know, it's unlikely. Sometimes, when I go out to perform tasks, I envy some children who are loved by their parents. I think I'm different from them. Everyone should have parents, but why didn't I? Since they don't love me, they want to leave me. Why did you give birth to me? "

"It's not like that!" Chen Yang said: "girl, your mother and I miss you all the time..."

"Did you come to me? Why, why let me fall into the hands of others? Why don't you protect me? " Su Jianxue asked tearfully.

"I..." Chen Yang said: "your mother and I have to suffer."

"I only know that it was my master who cared for me from childhood, and it was my brothers who gave me warmth. Now, you are the enemy of our holy see. Do you think that if you say that you are my parents, I will give up all the warmth around me and go to you? " Su Jianxue said with gnashing teeth.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, but he was happy. Because my daughter finally revealed her true feelings, no longer wearing that mask. He said bitterly, "I know that we brought you to this world without your permission. We brought you here, but we didn't take care of you, didn't let you enjoy the warmth of parents that a child should enjoy. It's my fault and your mother's fault, and we'll always regret it. Now, I just want to make it up to you! "

Su Jianxue turned her head. When she turned her head again, she had recovered her normal mood and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my manners."

She pushed away the bowl of noodles and said, "I want to hear your story now. What's the trouble in it?"

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Chen Yang first told Su Jianxue about the world he lived in and why he first went to the parallel world. He has been talking to Su Jianxue for more than three hours before he finished vaguely.

"I had to go when I wanted to go. Because there are too many people and things I can't give up over there. "

"After all, you can't go. That so-called mother, how lamentable, in order to follow your life and death, a head hit dead, soul back. But have you thought about me again? You don't have no choice, but I'm not the most important choice, right? " Su Jianxue questions Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was stunned.

He didn't know how to refute.

He is always smart, but in the face of his daughter's questions, he can't say a word.

"It's not like that, girl!" After a long silence, Chen Yang said, "Dad and your mother don't need any parents to love you less. Your question just now really stopped me. But At the beginning, if I didn't leave, my friends and relatives would die. And you, I entrusted you to your grandfather, grandmother, you will not have an accident. On this condition, I left. If I had known that you would have such an experience, I would not have gone. And your mother's departure was an accident. You're still young. You haven't loved anyone. The choice she made at that moment, at the moment when the passage was closed, was full of irrationality. There are always times when people are irrational, and she is not without regret. "

Su Jianxue was silent.

"I know it's hard for you to accept," Chen continued

Su Jianxue suddenly gave a brilliant smile and said, "I don't know how I should face all this. I don't believe you, but in fact I have no choice

"What do you mean?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Su Jianxue said, "do you know why I came to you? I told you before that I was lying. "

"What?" Chen Yang said

Su Jianxue said, "my master told me that you are indeed my father. Everything you said is true. He asked me to come to you! "

"How is that possible?" Chen Yang can't believe it.

Su Jianxue said: "of course, it's possible, because I've been poisoned by incurable poison. It was my master who poisoned me. No, you see... "

With that, she stretched out her snow-white qianqianrouyi

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