Su Jianxue's body trembles slightly. She thinks that the longer she gets along with Chen Yang, the easier it is to indulge. What he said seemed to have some kind of magic, bit by bit, a word can poke her heart. But then she sneered in her heart.

How could she be so easily corrupted by him.

She can't believe such a ridiculous story. And the bigger reason is because of emotion, in emotion, she has no doubt that she is inclined to the Vatican. How can Chen Yang's feelings of more than ten years suddenly appear, say a few words, and then change.

Su Jianxue slightly stayed for a while, and then sat beside Chen Yang.

She deliberately close to Chen Yang, with a trace of charm.

She is always testing Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang immediately got up. He is not used to It's too close for him to think it's blasphemous. He has no experience, because the growth of his daughter is also missing in his life. But Chen Yang knows that his daughter has grown up after all. Then, he should be more taboo, men and women are different.

Children avoid their mothers and women avoid their fathers. Chen Yang still has this awareness.

Chen Yang sits opposite Su Jianxue.

Su sees snow tiny a Zheng, this instant, her facial expression is some strange. But she soon recovered. Su Jianxue looks at the opposite Chen Yang. She suddenly smiles again and says, "will you braid your daughter's hair?"

Chen Yang Leng for a while, and then very honest said: "no!"

Su Jianxue said: "whether I'm your daughter or not, I'll give you this opportunity to braid my hair today."

"Sheep's horn braids?" Chen Yang said with a smile, "I'm only familiar with this one."

Su Jianxue said: "all right!"

Chen Yang said, "are you sure?"

"Sure!" Su Jianxue said.

Chen Yang said, "well, go and change your clothes and come out first. After all, you're not a girl of six or seven. "

Su see snow a smile, said: "can't see, you are not big, but the thought is an antique."

Chen Yang said: "your father, I am by no means an antique, but at least, I know how to handle my daughter."

Su Jianxue gets up at the moment, and then goes to put on her clothes. Then he sat down on the sofa and said, "this is OK."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "barely."

He really went to find a comb to come over at the moment, and then clumsily tied two sheep horn braids for Su Jianxue. In the process of re stabbing, he said to himself, "your mother is a very beautiful girl. If she sees me dressing you up like this, she will not be happy."

"My mother?" Su Jianxue has a very special feeling for her mother. I've never seen it before, but I miss it. Because of nostalgia, but hate!

In fact, she had the same feelings for her father.

Su Jianxue said, "can you tell me in detail what my mother looks like? How did you get together with her? "

Chen Yang said, "if you are willing to listen, of course I will tell you. Your mother recently in my wormhole body, every day there will be a lot of advice and heart to say to you. I've recorded all of them here. I've already called and asked Shen to sort them out and send them to you. "

Su Jianxue said, "that's good. I'll see it later. But I still want to hear about you and my mother. "

Chen Yang said, "well, good! Your mother and I, when I came to this world, she was only 16 years old, less than... "

Such a period of youth, Chen Yang said to Su Jianxue without reservation. He is willing to say, Su Jianxue also listened attentively. The more she listened, the more she felt it was true. But deep in my heart, I will go against the truth.

With Chen Yang's story finished, Su Jianxue fell into silence again.

Chen Yang said, "I hate your master, although I know you will not be happy if I say that. But it's all your master's fault. I don't know what he said to you, what he did, will make you so desperate to believe him. However, he is not a passer-by, he is my enemy, but also your enemy. Because, your grandfather, grandmother, your relatives, all died in his hands, you are now recognized as a father. Girl, do you know why you will survive? "

"Because of me? Can I deal with you? Because I'm your daughter? " Su Jianxue's mind is complicated again and asks.

"That's right!" Chen Yang said: "the Holy See, and even the whole world, who can help me?"

"But in that case, why did my master send me to you?" Su Jianxue asked.

Chen Yang said, "because you are already poisoned. It makes no difference whether you believe me or not. I have to go and get you an antidote, and where the antidote is, there must be a dead end waiting for me. "

Su Jianxue shook her head and said excitedly, "it's impossible. Don't bewitch me any more. If you say that again, I'll leave at once. "

Chen Yang immediately said, "OK, OK, I won't say any more. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to make you miserable. "By this time, the braid had been tied.

Although this braid has the flavor of a country girl, it is still smart and beautiful in Su Jianxue. There is a different style.

Chen Yang couldn't help thinking, in the future, who can be her husband?

At the thought of this, he would also have some resistance.

As a father, it's never pleasant to see a son-in-law.

Shen sent someone to deliver the letters, which were edited by Chen Yang and sorted out by Shen.

Bound into a book!

Chen Yang gave it to Su Jianxue.

Su Jianxue then goes to bed. Before going to bed, she says good night to Chen Yang. Chen Yang also said good night. Su Jianxue was a little depressed. Before she closed the door, she suddenly asked, "if one day I do something wrong..."

"Whatever you do wrong..." Chen Yang immediately said, "I can't blame you for that. It's my responsibility. Not teaching the children is the fault of his father. I have only one request for you... "

"What?" Su Jianxue couldn't help asking.

"Anyone can kill me, but you can't," Chen said

Su see snow Jiao body a quiver, then say: "I promise you!"

Then she closed the door.

Chen Yang returned to the living room, he turned off all the lights, the living room is a quiet.

Chen Yang sits in Panxi.

He thought a lot, killed all the way to the Pope, forced them to come up with the antidote

But he quickly denied the idea.

Since the Pope played the trump card, he was afraid that he would not find himself.

So? In exchange for destroying the foundations of the other Vaticans and killing people? How many more papal disciples do you want to exchange?

No way!

Time is limited. The main characters over there may have been hiding at any time.

It is impossible to act rashly in this way.

Chen Yang knows that the enemy can think of what he can think of.

After a hard night's meditation, Chen Yang gradually got some ideas. This matter, the real danger, only he and the Pope know. Daughter in the game, become a chess piece, but don't know its dangerous.

What I fear most is that this medicine has no solution!

Then, I have to make some preparations.

Since the Pope wants to play chess, how can Chen Yang not play such an important game. People in this world will never know what kind of cards he has.

Although he told leiling, Shen Molong and his daughter that the body is in the wormhole. But he has always made a deliberate mistake. That is, if the yuan God dies, his body will also die.

Yuanshen, in people's hearts, is the soul. When a man's soul dies, so does his body. However, they did not know that this Yuanshen was just an ordinary and extreme Yuanshen of Chen Yang, which was only one thousandth of the soul.

The next day, Su Jianxue got up. She also seems to have stayed up all night and is not in good spirits.

"Have you seen them all?" Chen Yang asked.

Su Jianxue nods.

Chen Yang didn't continue to ask about many things. If you want to be quick, you can't get there. Too anxious, too ambitious.

"I just went to buy some steamed buns, fried dough sticks and soybean milk." Chen Yang said, "I also asked Liu Ma to cook porridge. If you don't like it, I'll get it for you."

Su Jianxue said, "all right." She seemed a little absent-minded.

Chen Yang said, "well, after breakfast, let's go."

Su Jianxue nods.

After breakfast, Shen arranged a private plane for Chen Yang.

Shen Molong is a little worried about Chen Yang. Now all the good situation is based on Chen Yang's existence. If Chen Yang goes, all the situation and hard work will be in vain.

Shen monong knows that Chen Yang is invincible, but he also has his daughter. Now, the enemy has played the trump card.

Knowing Shen's worry, Chen Yang said, "I know what I'm doing. Don't worry. Everything, do as I say. I haven't let you down before. Not now, not ever again. "

Seeing Chen Yang say so, Shen monong is relieved. Moreover, she was not at ease and could not help it.

Due to the time difference, I arrived in Los Angeles at two o'clock in the morning.

After Chen Yang and Su Jianxue got off the plane, they stayed in a park. Su Jianxue's mood has been affected. She originally told Chen Yang that she wanted to cheat the eldest martial sister out. But now, she called her eldest martial sister, iris.

Su Jianxue said that she would wait for her in the forest park, right now.

After that, Su Jianxue hung up.

Chen Yang clearly felt that his daughter had some changes. He was happy but worried. Happy naturally because of the change of daughter. The worry is If the Pope dares to do so, he must have been fearless.

He dares to gamble any kind of money. But if he gambles on his daughter's life, he will inevitably be flustered and scared.But for his daughter to be calm, he has to go on.

Iris snow in half an hour later, Su Jianxue let Chen Yang hide to the other side.

Chen Yang doesn't know what his daughter wants to do, but he agrees

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