Arisches suddenly gets up in the room, and Chen Yang sits cross legged on the sofa in the living room. He didn't ask what Ariel was thinking. Next, iris went to take a bath.

Soon the water in the bathroom began to roar. The bathroom in the hotel is always full of hazy beauty, and there are some gaps in patterns. If you look closely, you can see clearly inside. If Chen Yang had been in that year, he would have worked hard and couldn't help looking at it. But at this moment, his heart is still.

At this age, after so many things, Chen Yang can't be a master who can't walk when he sees beautiful women.

Chen Yang is listening attentively. His heart is like a mirror. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for iris to take a bath at this time. She is still under the eye of a strange man.

And what can a bath do? Can communicate with people, underwater sound can cover up the sound.

Of course, it's impossible for iris to talk, because she knows that the sound of water can't stop it. Because she is not facing ordinary people, but God like Chen Yang.

But iris can send a silent message.

All this is Chen Yang's guess.

He is not good enough to intervene too much.

Just now, Chen Yang also has some things to explain, so when Arius takes a bath, he also takes out his mobile phone to communicate with China. His cell phone and his card are encrypted. In addition, he ruled out any possible surveillance in the room.

Spend the night smoothly!

It's August and September, and it's already hot in Los Angeles. The sun is already very strong in the morning. Chen Yang looks into the bedroom. Iris is sleeping in the bedroom, and Chen Yang is staying in the living room.

"Get up and buy breakfast with me!" Chen Yang's voice is accurately transmitted to iris's ear.

But iris didn't lie in bed. She soon got up. She came out in her hotel pajamas, blonde and fluffy, charming, sexy, cool, and suffocating.

Moreover, there is also a kind of fragrance.

Chen Yang ignored it. Iris then went to the bathroom to change her clothes and quickly washed out. Under the makeup, she is not any dead.

After going out to the hotel, Chen Yang asked iris about her daughter's hobbies. What you like, what you like to eat and so on!

"She likes black coffee, the bitter one. Every morning, at night to drink, drink, will be very excited, for a long time can't sleep Arisches introduces to Chen Yang.

By this time, they were already walking on the street.

On the streets of Los Angeles in the morning, the traffic is very busy.

Chen Yang frowned slightly and said, "this habit is not very good."

"I've tried to persuade her, but she's stubborn," she said with a wry smile. No one can change what she wants to do. "

After a pause, she continued: "but fortunately, she is a practitioner and has a strong body. Insomnia and coffee can't destroy her constitution."

Chen Yang said, "what else?"

"She also likes eggs, fried on one side, sprinkled with tomato sauce," she said

Chen Yang said, "Oh, we have a kitchen and eggs in our room. When I get back, I'll fry it for her. "

Iris then said some of Su Jianxue's favorite foods, such as ice cream, beef steak and so on. What I like is some Western food.

Compared with Chinese food, Western food will be healthier. However, his daughter's life is totally Westernized, which Chen Yang doesn't like very much. But we can't blame our daughter for all this, so Chen Yang can only respect her.

After that, iris said another thing. The only girlish aspect of her self reliant and arrogant daughter is that she even likes dolls.

Chen Yang listened to all this.

Then, Chen Yang went to the supermarket to buy some things, and specially went to buy a super large doll. After all this, Chen Yangcai went back to his home contentedly.

And arisches has been quietly following, like a big sister following her brother out shopping. On the way back, iris could not help saying, "although I don't know whether your words are true or false, even if they are true, you are deliberately doing so. Are you in a hurry? This will make Xiaoxue feel that you are purposeful. What do you think? "

After hearing this, Chen Yang was stunned, and then said, "we have an old saying in China, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, and the son wants to be raised but his relatives are not here. This is a great sorrow, but I think the greater sorrow is that the father wants to raise, but he does not have this opportunity. Indeed, I'm in a bit of a hurry. But have you given me time? This time to Amazon forest, are you ready for me to come back alive? I think, no matter how she thinks of me now, one day, she will see everything clearly and understand everything. At that time, in her memory, there will not be no parents' love and impression at all. "

When iris finished, she was silent.There are some things that you look at and see as the poor performance of the people you see. You smile in your heart, but in fact, you are cowardly. And the person who tries is really brave.

Back in the hotel, Su Jianxue had already got up. She was sitting by the French window of the room, with her long hair, bare feet and long white shirt. She looked so charming and charming.

Chen Yang and iris snow knock on the door together, and Su Jianxue comes to open the door.

When Chen Yang saw Su Jianxue, he was still in a daze.

Every time he sees his daughter, Chen Yang is in a trance. He always feels that such a girl is his own daughter, which is full of magic and the power of creation. Also feel that everything is like a dream, as if all this is not true.

Su Jianxue doesn't feel much, but every time she sees Chen Yang, her eyes are complicated.

This complexity is not surprising.

Anyone who wants to face such a young father will feel that it is absurd to believe such a thing.

However, there are many strange things in the world!

After that, Chen Yang was busy in the kitchen.

Su Jianxue is sitting on the sofa with iris. Su Jianxue is holding the ocean doll in her hand.

While chatting with Su Jianxue, iris wrote on Su Jianxue's palm with her fingers. This way of communication. Even Daluo Jinxian can't spy.

"You can't really be moved," said iris

Su Jianxue outlines a sneer at the corner of her mouth. "How can I be moved by other people's stories? When did I become such a harmless sheep in my elder martial sister's heart? "

"That's good!" said iris with a smile

After breakfast, Chen Yang said to Su Jianxue, "let's start tomorrow morning."

Su Jianxue nodded and said, "good!"

Chen Yang said, "later, how about I take you to Disneyland?"

Su Jianxue was stunned, then said with a bitter smile, "I know what you mean, but the years that have passed can't be traced back. I've been longing for it before, but I don't want it now. "

Chen Yang's mouth turned bitter and said, "yes, that's right!"

Su Jianxue continued with a smile and said, "however, Disney also has many adult lovers to play. It's not inappropriate for me to play at this age, is it?"

"Of course," said Chen Yang

Su Jianxue said, "let's go. But it's not you who help me realize my dream, but I help you. "

"Of course!" Chen Yang said.

Of course, iresches can't object to it.

A group of three people really went to Disneyland. Chen Yang is not afraid that iris will play tricks here. When he and Su Jianxue go to play some projects, he instills real Qi into iris's body. As long as iris dares to run, he can immediately detonate his true Qi and kill iris.

On this day, Chen Yang accompanied Su Jianxue to Chinatown, shopping malls, sea park and so on.

This is a great joy for Chen Yang.

Su Jianxue also had a good time.

Maybe the only unhappy one is iris.

The day passed quickly.

The next morning, Chen Yang made breakfast early and invited Su Jianxue to eat.

Arisches followed suit.

Breakfast preferences are all in accordance with Su Jianxue's preferences.

After breakfast, the party set out.

The private plane is ready on the rooftop of a building, then sprints and takes off.

It is difficult for a helicopter to cross the Strait.

Eight hours later, the plane reached the jungle where iris had been before.

Chen Yang and others have already put on their equipment. Their clothes are waterproof but breathable new camouflage uniforms. The helmet is integrated with the camouflage uniform, which can help to hold the breath. The oxygen inside can be recycled for three days and three nights.

These are more advanced equipment today. However, Chen Yang did not use much effort to get it.

Moreover, Chen Yang also has an advanced quantum gun in his hand, which is aimed at powerful creatures. Once killed, the creature can be partially burned to ashes.

Chen Yang is in such preparation, into the Amazon forest.

About 1000 meters ahead is the Amazon, the second longest river in the world. In this tropical jungle, it's bushy, humid and hot.

There are many magical legends in the Amazon River, such as Amazon savages, monsters, water monsters, blood bugs and so on.

After Chen Yang and others parachuted, the private plane stopped. The private plane also has propellers that can be suspended in the air. If necessary, it can also be directly converted into a biplane jet

Chen Yang and others have electronic waterproof watches in their hands. They only need to send signals, and planes can fly to rescue at any time.

The jungle was thick, and iris was carrying all her equipment. Chen Yang and Su Jianxue walk in light clothes, but AI Ruixue has deep cultivation, and will not feel tired with equipment on his back. But Su Jianxue is a little embarrassed. She wants to share it with iris, but Chen Yang doesn't allow it!

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