Su Jianxue stood in the same place.

Iris snow came to Su Jianxue's side, she looked at Su Jianxue. "What's the matter, silly girl, with real feelings?"

Su Jianxue pinches the capsule tightly in her hand. Her eyes are already red. But when I raised my head, I had a bright smile and said, "why, I'm not her daughter at all. All he did was for her daughter. Do I have to watch other people's stories when I watch a play? "

"That's good," she said with a smile Her eyes went to Su Jianxue's fist again. "What are you doing with your fists?"

Su Jianxue is very calm, she said: "nothing." Then he put his hand in his pocket.

Arisches's face is not good-looking, she suddenly reached out to Su Jianxue's pocket.

"What for?" Su Jianxue subconsciously steps back and looks warily at iris.

"What's in your pocket?" said iris in a deep voice

Su Jianxue said: "yes, no, it's all my own business. Elder martial sister, you are too lenient. Yes? I said recently, our relationship has suddenly changed for the better? It's my illusion. Are you going to show your true face before the other party dies? "

"Isn't that what Chen Yang left for you?" said iris

Su Jianxue said: "neuropathy!"

Iris had an ugly face.

Elder Gandalf came over at this time. He said with a faint smile, "what's the matter? Two little princesses? "

"Elder, I suspect that Chen Yang left something for her. It's in her hands

Gandalf was slightly stunned. Then he looked at Su Jianxue and said, "is that so?"

Su Jianxue said, "No."

Gandalf gave a little smile and said, "since there isn't, let's have a look, OK?"

Su Jianxue sneered and said, "even if there is one, I won't show it to you. Yes? Shall I see you? "

Gandalf was silent.

As arisches was about to break out, Gandalf burst out laughing and said, "you two little mischievous kids, stop fooling around. Let's call it a day! "

With that, he pulls iris to the other side.

He left Su Jianxue alone.

After su Jianxue was silent for a while, he also came to everyone's side. Gao Jin was very happy when he saw Su Jianxue. He pointed to the screen and said, "little younger martial sister, look..."

Su sees snow and looks into the screen.

She saw that deep in the ice pool, Chen Yang was struggling to find the dragon snake in the ice pool.

The area above the pool is very small, but the depth inside is very wide. At the depth of 100 meters, Chen Yang has to bear water pressure all the time, and his true Qi consumption is huge.

Chen Yang knows that this is a dead end, but he still has one thing to do. That is to hunt the dragon snake in Bingtan and extract its teeth.

Chen Yang thinks at least one thing is true, that is, her daughter's poison really needs the teeth of the ice pool dragon snake.

The other side's situation this time is very meticulous and will not cheat on this issue.

Chen Yang saw a cave in front of him.

The cave in the deep pool is a bit strange. The cave entrance is not small, and can accommodate ten strong men to enter at the same time.

Chen Yang is ten times faster than ordinary people on land. In an instant, I came to the front of the cave!

The cave was also full of water. He twisted and went into the cave.

But it didn't take long for Chen to stop.

Because he felt something was wrong, the surrounding water was even colder.

This pool of water is freezing, but the freezing inside is even more extraordinary.

But for Chen Yang's cultivation of cold ice Qi, it would have been a dead end for other masters to come here.

Now, Chen Yang feels that the dragon and snake Chen Yang speculates that the so-called dragon snake in Bingtan is a dragon walking on its head.

Chen Yang feels that the dragon and snake is inside.

Moreover, at this time, Chen Yang raised his eyes and found that there were two green lights in front of him.

Take a closer look, but it's not a lamp. But Dragon and snake walk in the eyes of the dragon.

One eye is bigger than the basin.

"Roar!" The dragon and snake suddenly opened its mouth!

So immediately, the water in the cave suddenly surged like a mountain torrent. In the roar, the torrent rushed over and overwhelmed the mountain. It was frightening

Chen Yang's eyes were cold. He really stood in the same place.

When the torrent came in front of him, it washed away on both sides.

Chen Yang stood still.

Then there was more pressure in front of the dragon and snake. The dragon and snake had already rushed to kill the dragon and snake. The speed was extremely fast and the mountains were shaking

In front of Chen Yang's eyes, the dragon and snake are walking like a mountain.

In the face of such a power, such a powerful force, even Chen Yang's cultivation is also difficult to resist.At this time, Chen Yang was still calm.

Dragon and snake come forward and open their mouths

At the moment when it opened its mouth, Chen Yang rushed in quickly. He rushed forward and curled up again. This action was as quick as lightning.

Zou Jiao's huge teeth are empty. Chen Yang is already in his mouth. Fortunately, the passageway of the cave is narrow, so it's inconvenient for the Jiaos to move. It's not easy for them to shake their heads and bite Chen Yang.

Chen Yang takes out the gun and shoots Zou Jiao in the throat.

There are many kinds of arc-shaped electric bombs of this kind of quantum gun, which are used to deal with such large monsters.

Later, Chen Yang quickly took a small part of the dragon snake's teeth.

After all this, Chen Yang didn't wait long. Because the dragon snake Zou Jiao's interior has been greatly damaged, and its internal organs have been burned by the quantum gun, it will soon die. After the dragon snake Zou Jiao died, Chen Yang took part of his fist sized teeth, broke his mouth, and then left his mouth.

Soon, Chen Yang came out of the cave.

He put the tooth in a prepared device, which is a kind of compressed material, similar to a balloon. After you put the tooth in, it floats straight up.

Chen Yang took that thing and soon arrived at the shallow part of the pool.

At this time, the man of the holy see above looked nervous.

One by one, the prepared machine guns were taken out. If Chen Yang breaks through the legendary door of nano precision steel, they will have to shoot intensively without dead angle.

I can't kill you if I don't believe it!

Of course, Chen Yang can't break through that door. However, Chen Yang's reputation is too famous and there are too many legends, so they dare not be careless.

They see Chen Yang face the door of the non-stop impact, one after another failure

They saw Chen Yang in the pool, testing and bumping again and again. Watching Chen Yang gradually exhausted, watching his speed gradually eased down

They are excited, happy, full of hope

This invincible God, under their calculation, will finally come to the end of his life

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