Su Jianxue's heart is awe inspiring. Gao Jin's words wake her up. In her pocket, there are capsules left by Chen Yang. She remembered Chen Yang's words before he went down to the ice pool.

"Whatever you do, whatever you discover in the future, it doesn't matter. Dad knows everything and will not blame you. You can not hate yourself, you live well, happy, that Dad Death without regret. If you are in danger of life or death, open the brocade bag! "

Su Jianxue's eyes burned with hope. She felt that she must live today.

At this moment, the opportunity of killing suddenly arose

Gandalf took the lead. He had a fierce hand and stepped forward to kill Gao Jin in the chest. The force of the hand is so overwhelming that it almost suffocates people. Gao Jin knew that Gandalf was the first general in the Vatican. He was extremely powerful. He was the one who killed the army God. So at the moment, Gao Jin dares to take Gandalf's hand. He flashed slightly to avoid his sharpness, then kicked Gandalf in the shade with a flick of his leg.

Gandalf sneered, pressed his hand down, and immediately turned into a talon. And, the other hand is ready to go, as soon as you break Gao Jin's leg. The right fist will burst out immediately!

This is a very clever way of playing. There is also a famous place in neijiaquan. It's called stepping on the middle gate and grabbing his place. Even the immortals are hard to defend. One Yin is opposite to one Yang, and one hand is hidden only in the hole.

Although Gao Jin's internal power is not as good as Gandalf, he is also a top talent. If he is not a talent, he will not be cherished here.

Therefore, it is not easy for Gandalf to win Gao Jin alone.

Gao Jin knew Gandalf's strength, so he also used his talons to fight Gandalf, and at the same time, he suddenly stepped forward.

Gao Jin did not advance but retreated, which surprised Gandalf. Two people fight together quickly, but at this time, the elder longji'an on one side also makes a move. But he grabbed Gao Jin from behind!

Gao Jin suffered from the enemy and was in great crisis.

At this time, Su Jianxue didn't hesitate any more. She was in a flash and ran into Eve.

Su Jianxue's body method is one of the best in the Vatican. Once she breaks through the defense, no one can catch her.

Evel was startled and immediately took precautions. But there know, Su Jianxue is a shot in vain, immediately attack and kill to the eldest martial sister iris snow think.

Su Jianxue knows very well that iris is injured.

At this moment, Su Jianxue was grieved and finally understood. Why did Chen Yang let Arius carry equipment before, and why did he hurt Arius. He really knew everything. To hurt iris is to leave an exit for yourself.

Su Jianxue's eyes flashed and roared. His real Qi was vertical and horizontal, two palms in a row, containing infinite frost real Qi, and he went to kill Arius. Su Jianxue has been ready for this move for a long time. Once he does it, he will be shocked.

Arisches couldn't work at all at this time. She had to dodge. As soon as she flashed away, Su saw snow and rushed out. At that moment, just like a fleeting moment in general, directly out of the encirclement!

"She can't escape!" Arisches gave a sharp roar.

Gandalf and others immediately left Gao Jin, and then chased Su Jianxue.

Su Jianxue gallops in the jungle, and she shows her body method to the limit.

Although, Su Jianxue's body method is unparalleled in the world. But at the moment, Gandalf and his party are surrounded in three ways, and Su Jianxue is still hard to escape. She's a rookie, but she's no match for Gandalf. Even Eve, with the sword in his hand, can defeat Su Jianxue.

Therefore, once Su Jianxue is surrounded at the moment, there is only one way out.

Gao Jin stood in the same place for a moment, and followed him. He didn't care about the order of iris. In his heart, no one is more important than younger martial sister.

So, there's only iris left at the scene.

Iris is beaten by Chen Yang and can recover for a long time. Her eyes were heavy, and suddenly she felt something was wrong.

Her intuition is accurate!

Soon, the surrounding figures flickered, and two figures came straight out of the jungle.

It was Shen Molong and monk Shanren who came.

Shen Molong was dressed in black and looked serious. Shanren monk is indifferent and calm. They come together and quickly surround arisches.

Iris can't help changing color.


Shen Mo Nong sneered and said, "do you really think that you are the only smart people in the world? Now, do you want us to do it or come with us? "

Arisches's silver teeth are biting. She turns around and is about to run away. The monk Shanren comes forward and hits out three times in a row. Between the three palms, the vigorous wind is fierce and the real Qi is surging. Three palms later, iris flew out and fainted.

Then he picked up the equipment on the ground and opened the door under the ice pool. After a while, a ball floated up. Shen Molong went forward and took the ball. Inside the ball, it was the dragon and snake walking dragon's teeth.

Shen Molong and monk Shanren quickly take arisches away.

Su Jianxue is on the run and is in a panic.Taking a short cut from Gandalf's front, it's going to block Su Jianxue Su Jianxue in the crisis, has crushed the capsule. Inside the capsule, there was only one signal, and nothing else.

At this time, a figure flashed in front of him.

It's Gandalf. Gandalf is dressed in a white robe. He is extremely fierce. He cuts Su Jianxue head on.

Su was surprised to see how she dared to confront Gandalf. As soon as her figure flashed, she dodged. At this moment, the elder Eve and longian also caught up.

The three elders finally surrounded Su Jianxue again.


At this time, there was a shot!

The sound of the gun was quite dull and strange, and the direction of the bullet could not be heard

Gandalf suddenly felt a strong crisis, but he did not know how to dodge. At this time, the light path comes from the rear. He dodged quickly, but Still can't, that light spot unexpectedly follow to shoot to come over.

Gandalf hasn't responded yet. The next second, his body is burning

Gandalf was burned to ashes in a flash.

A generation of peerless masters, just like this He died for no reason.

Eve and longian saw this, and they immediately got goose bumps, and their hearts were even more creepy. In their eyes, they were as if they had gone to hell. They turned around and flew away without saying a word.

Su Jianxue was also stunned.

She didn't know what was going on.

Soon ahead, a figure appeared.

It was the evil god Kreis.

Chris was tall, strong, and bearded. He wore sunglasses and took a long gun in his hand, so he came to Su Jianxue.

"You are The evil god Kreis Su Jianxue recognized it. They still have some information about Yanjing.

"Yes, little girl!" Chris laughed and said, "that's good. You're OK."

"Who asked you to come?" Su Jianxue couldn't help asking.

In fact, she knew it, but she couldn't help asking.

Chris said coldly, "of course your father asked me to come. Who else can instruct me in this world besides him? "

Su Jianxue said, "where is my father?" She has believed in Chen Yang in her heart, and she really believes in Chen Yang. However, she did not believe that her father would really fold himself in by calculating everything.

Chris looked at Su Jianxue strangely and said, "how can you ask me about this? Isn't he always with you? "

Su Jianxue is suspicious, but she doesn't ask much at this time.

"Come with me!" Chris continued.

"Where to?" Su Jianxue asked.

Chris frowned and said, "what can I do to you if I ask so many questions?" Seeing that she had no other choice, Su said, "that's good!"

"Younger martial sister!" Just then, Gao Jin came after him.

Su Jianxue looks back.

Gao Jin soon came to Su Jianxue. He looked up and saw Chris.

"Kreis?" Gao Jin was on the alert immediately.

Su Jianxue immediately said, "he saved me. He's my father's master! "

Gao Jin said, "this man has a bad reputation."

Chris immediately blew his beard and glared at him and said, "I have a bad reputation. It's a personal reputation. It's just a few yellow girls. Your holy see is a thief of the country. Its reputation is worse than Laozi's

Gao Jin was speechless.

Su Jianxue said to Gao Jin, "he shouldn't have any problems. How about you?"

It is rare for her to speak with Gao Jin in such a good tone.

All the time, her younger martial sister is fierce to her elder martial brother Gao Jin, and often bullies him.

However, in the Vatican, their relationship is the best.

Gao Jin grinned and said, "it's OK. It's so easy for me to do something!"

Su Jianxue said: "after that, what are your plans?"

Gao Jin was slightly stunned, and then said: "there's no plan. I'll go wherever you go. If you want to betray the Vatican, I will follow you. "

Su see snow eye socket suddenly red, she said: "why do you want this?"

"What kind of..." Gao Jin said, "if I was calculated by my master today, would you just stand by?"

"Of course I won't!" Su Jianxue said immediately.

"Then it's over." Gao Jin said. So next, Gao Jin and Su Jianxue go with Chris.

Shen monong and monk Shanren prepare the plane to join them.

After that, the plane flew home.

On the plane, iris was in a coma. Shen Mo Nong took the blood of arisches on the spot and took out the teeth from the ball.Su Jianxue is watching

Her tears surged in her eyes again. Everything had been ready by her father.

She couldn't help asking Shen: "where's my father?" Shen Mo Nong looks at Su Jian Xue. She is silent for a moment and says, "go back and talk about it."

Su Jianxue felt ominous in her heart.

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