Chen Yinuo refused to change. Shen did not expect that she would not agree. Of course, she could make her own decisions. But at the moment, Shen doesn't want to make decisions without authorization.

Chen Yinuo's identity is now a bit awkward, and has not been recognized by the senior management. It's easy for Shen to kick Chen. However, regardless of her friendship with Chen Yang, even from a realistic point of view. She can't kick Chen Yinuo either. Because these experts only recognize Chen Yinuo now. They are called by Chen Yang and have a sense of belonging to Chen Yang's daughter.

If Shen Molong kicks Chen Yinuo away, it is very likely that Chen Yinuo can take all the experts away.

Of course, Shen did not want to kick Chen Yinuo.

Shen Molong finally respected Chen Yinuo's idea.

So she wrote back to Longjian, no change!

Longji'an said that if they didn't change it, they would kill Shen's adopted son. Anyway, they have five hostages in their hands, so they keep killing until they agree to release them.

Shen Molong was surprised. She immediately contacted Chen Yinuo to explain the situation.

After hearing this, Chen Yinuo did not hesitate for a moment, and said: "the more so, the more unable to let go. They are testing our cards. If we promise to change and release people, they will be unscrupulous. A benevolent group is not enough to frighten the enemy. Kindness is weakness. We can be merciful in governing a country, but not in dealing with the enemy. Kindness is shown after victory. Before victory, kindness and tenderness are not desirable. "

Shen said: "are we going to watch those relatives be killed?"

Chen Yinuo said: "you reply to them, they send a person's head, and we will cut off a part of arisches. And please rest assured that we will never let iris die. "

Shen Mo Nong said: "how can the family of the military God ignore it. Isn't that chilling? "

Chen Yinuo said: "if you tell me, my father will definitely come back. Now, it doesn't matter what you do. If you can't, do what I say. "

Shen monong kept silent.

Of course she can't promise.

Chen Yang himself can't guarantee it.

Shen monong knows that Chen Yinuo is playing chess again. If you don't have a plan, you have to follow her rules.

"Good!" Shen Molong agrees with Chen Yinuo.

She suddenly felt that she was really old.

This world, the future, is young people's. She suddenly has a very good candidate in her heart. When things here are almost done, it's good to let Chen Yinuo take on the responsibility one day.

Shen Molong then went to reply longji'an.

Longian was silent.

As soon as we went, we didn't change anything.

After that, Shen Molong called Chen Yinuo to report the situation here.

After hearing this, Chen Yinuo laughed and said, "I know what's going on."

"Oh?" Shen is curious.

Chen Yinuo said: "a chess player has to determine who the opponent is. They know little about the situation on our side now, so they have to determine who is the main commander on our side. If you promise to release people, it means that you are the master. If you don't agree, they will know that I am in charge now. In this way, they can make the next plan. Unfortunately, I understand it a little late. Otherwise, I should have agreed first. This will make them wrong first! "

Shen Mo Nong did not expect that there was such a mystery in his coming and going. She is usually conceited and smart, but at this time, she feels that her brain is not enough.

Shen's brain is the brain of genius.

And Chen Yinuo this, belong to the level of evil.

Shen Mo Nong asked Chen Yinuo at the moment and said, "well, do you know who your opponent is?"

Chen Yinuo sneered and said, "now Gandalf is dead. When arisches was captured, the Vatican was basically empty. The one who plays chess with me is the pope in the beehive. The Pope has brains and masters in the beehive. They know me very well. They have all kinds of evolution and speculation about what I want to do and what I don't do. "

"Can we win?" Shen asked directly.

Chen Yinuo said: "originally, there was no chance to win. The other party made sure that my father was gone. We couldn't resist a fierce attack. But Quantum weapons have become another card. So we still have a chance to play chess. "

Shen Molong felt that Chen Yinuo was right, but she was still worried. She said, "there are still many defects in quantum weapons. If we can't overcome them all the time, what should we do?"

Chen Yinuo said: "at least we can keep calm for a period of time. In this period of time, we will strengthen our strength as soon as possible. And if my dad can come back, we'll be safe. Maybe in a few years, quantum weapons will be flawless. The future is full of variables. Let's do well in the present. "

Located in a mysterious place in the Arctic Ocean, this place is covered with ice and snow, from the appearance, there is no clue. But inside there is a mysterious palace called the beehive!There are powerful snow removal system and ventilation system inside the honeycomb, but many things are covered by snow. This place is extremely hidden, that is, the radar and high-tech strafing of modern technology, and the search can not catch a single signal.

Inside the hive, in the cold palace, four old men were talking.

One of the four old men sat on the top of the table. He had pure white hair, white hair floating and immortal.

This person's age doesn't seem to be under 100 years old, but his face is ruddy and his spirit is very good.

His eyes were brilliant, as if they were infinite wisdom.

He is the last operator of today's Vatican of light, and his holiness, his holiness, francisus.

Fan Yao, the former head of the insect emperor's Department, is the next leader. The other two are think tanks, named Deco and Jerry.

Of the four, only fan Yao is a yellow skinned Chinese.

But only fan Yao is the most profound.

At this time, Deco first said: "now it seems that Chen Yang is dead. Otherwise, Su Jianxue will not be in charge of the whole deployment of Yanjing. "

Deco is a very resourceful person. He is 80 years old, but he has profound cultivation.

He was a private soldier of fandixius. He was accepted by fandixius 18 years ago and served for him. They, a group of smart people, gathered together to kill a large number of experts in Huaxia. Only then did we have the glory of the Holy See.

"Gandalf's death has been identified as a quantum weapon!" Jerry then said, "Su Jianxue is your Majesty's disciple. We all know her intelligence. This time, the success of Chen Yang's sniping also owes a lot to her. Just because we can use her this time doesn't mean she's stupid, because we've been working hard on her since she was a child. Now that she understands everything, she will have different plans according to her understanding of us. Although she is only twenty years old, we should not be careless in dealing with her. "

"One strength can reduce ten meetings!" Van DIUS said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang appears so arrogant, just because he understands this truth, so he has no fear. However, Gandalf's cultivation is obvious to all of us. All four of you are above Gandalf's cultivation, but we know how much better he is than Gandalf. That quantum weapon can kill Gandalf in a flash, not necessarily it can't kill us. Now, quantum weapons will be a more terrifying enemy than Chen Yang. "

Deco said in a deep voice: "fortunately, Chen Yang is a living enemy. We can't control him or fight for him. But quantum weapons are not human beings, they have no ideas. We can use it for ourselves. If we can control quantum weapons, then In the future, we will get twice the result with half the effort! "

"So now, the most urgent task is to seize all the technologies of quantum weapons and let us develop them," Fan said

"Yes, that's the priority," Deco said

Fan Yao looked at Van DIUS and said, "where's your majesty? What do you think? "

"In fact, there's one thing I'm worried about," van DIUS said

"Oh?" Fan Yao asked.

"At the beginning, Chen Yang also died once," said Van DIUS. But this time, he did come back. At that time, we thought it was impossible for him to come back, but we were still on guard against the possibility that he would come back. Facts have proved that our precautions are reasonable and effective. Now, will he come back again? "

Fan Yao said, "I don't think I will come back. What happened in those years, I know very well from the insect emperor. Chen Yang's coming is a wonderful channel. It's the Yuanshen that lives here. At that time, he just died physically, and Yuan Shen followed him. But this time, his God died directly. Therefore, his body will also die, and it is impossible for him to come back. There is no magic power in our world. In the cold pool, it's impossible to get a way back. It's a wonderful passage for him to come this time, but it's definitely not in the cold pool. What's more, the cold pool is full of poison, and his spirit can't bear to fall into the cold pool. "

"Yuanshen is invisible!" "Will the primordial God have fled?" said Van DIUS

Fan Yao said: "that's impossible. I said that in our world, the rules are limited. There is no living condition for Yuanshen. "

"Well, Mr. Fan, if you say that, you will be more relieved. However, I think that we still need to be fully prepared. This time, the quantum weapon is inevitable. We should be in awe of Chen Yang and not trust him. We can still sit here, can control everything, rely on nothing more than two words, careful

Fan Yao said: "in those days, the insect emperor was invincible, but he died. Now, how can we not be cautious?"

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