The reason why the room is cool is because of Chen Yinuo's physique and her cultivation of frost Qi.

"Little Sister Yinuo Gao Jin called softly when he came in.

"Here you are Chen Yinuo sat up and said with a smile, "don't you go to bed so late?"

"I know you're still up," Gao Jin said

Chen Yinuo said: "you should know that the holy see is going to take action."

Gao Jin couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "although I'm not as smart as you, seeing the posture of the villa now, I know that the rain is coming."

"It's the think tank," Chen said

"Think tank?" Gao Jin was surprised. He had to be surprised. Because over the years, think tanks have been invincible. Including the military God, the leader of obtuse sky, the master of silence and Wuwei, all of them were killed by the think tank. Chen Yinuo's life was calculated by them. It is Chen Yang and other figures who are still calculated to die after the return of the storm.

Such a think tank has personally dealt with Chen Yinuo.

How can Chen Yinuo not be a great enemy.

"They never failed. All the people who are fighting against us are very experienced experts Gao Jin said, "sister Yinuo, you Otherwise, let's go! "

"Go, where are you going? Out of Yanjing City, we will die faster! " Chen Yinuo said immediately.

"But we are not rivals," said Gao Jin

Chen Yinuo said: "they have not failed. They have failed in their calculation of my father this time."

"But your father is dead." Gao Jin said.

Chen Yinuo said: "but I'm still alive, and we have iris. They are calculated by heart but not by heart, but they are also calculated by my father. It shows that they are not invincible. "

Gao Jin said, "are you going to fight?"

"I have no other choice," Chen said

"How to fight this war?" Gao Jin can't imagine.

"If they attack our villa, can they come in?" Chen Yinuo suddenly asked Gao Jin.

Gao Jin hesitated for a moment, then said: "they will have a loss, but it should not be a big problem."

"But they didn't do it. I know very well that they are afraid of one thing now. That's quantum weapons. This is my card Chen Yinuo said.

Gao Jin didn't know about the defects of quantum weapons. Chen Yinuo didn't doubt Gao Jin and didn't tell him. But she felt that such things were highly confidential, and it was a good thing to know less.

Chen Yinuo already knows.

On the side of the Vatican of light, the intelligence mission is also fully deployed, but there has been no information about the new base. Although there is intelligence on both sides, the secrecy work is excellent.

On the third day, Deco and Jerry learned that Chen Yinuo was going to start transferring the new base.

After receiving the news, Deco and Jerry look at each other and smile.

"The little girl has a lot of courage. She wants to show us her sword." Deco said with a smile.

Jerry said, "in that case, how can we not take it."

"That's right," Deco said

Deco and Jerry brought 60 elite experts this time, a total of 30 peerless experts. That's quite a lot. What's more, it's no more than ten when compared with Lei Ling and Chris.

The 30 best players don't include Deco and Jerry. These two are not going to do it easily. The other 30 are more common experts. But they are all at the level of Guoan duanlang.

This time, the Presbyterian did not come. Longian, Eve and others did not come!

Under Chen Yinuo's hands, the only elite experts are Lei Ling, Shanren and Kreis. Others, such as Guanzhong King Liu Cang, Bai Pao Lu Yisheng and so on, are all in the second echelon.

This power is much weaker than the power of the Holy See.

Peerless master, never Chinese cabbage, there can not be so many.

On Chen Yinuo's side, Guoan also sent many more experts, including special forces.

"If all the forces are transferred, with all our strength and the special forces, we may not be able to compete, and we have a good chance of winning." Shen Molong said to Chen Yinuo before the transfer.

"Positive transfer? Shen Ju, why do you still have so many confused ideas at this moment? First, the position of our new base will be exposed by positive transfer. Will they make mistakes if they only stare at us? This time, the intelligence agency will fight them. Second, positive transfer. If they sacrifice more, they harass them with experts and break through the defense line. Once their masters get close, we will lose. What I have to do now is to disperse the forces. And, more importantly, they were beaten. Let them stop here, otherwise, this transfer is meaningless. "

Shen was stunned and said, "I think what you want most is transfer. But I didn't expect that you would frustrate them. "Chen Yinuo said: "yes, no one thought about it. I would still think about fighting back. They think it's just defense

When she said this, there was a ferocious look in her eyes.

On the day of transfer, Chen Yinuo and others all arrived at the old base.

The road to the old base is very safe. At this time, there is no need for the other side to take action. Because the target didn't come out.

And even if you do, there are big risks. Because they might have quantum weapons. No one would take risks without goals.

Soon after Chen Yinuo and others arrived at the base, five teams were set up one after another in the base. Each group was escorted by six military vehicles.

Chen Yinuo's arrangement makes Deco and Jerry feel speechless. Originally thought, Chen Yinuo's hand, that is, two or three groups of troops scattered. Unexpectedly, this little girl is Because these five dials do not mean that there are only five dials.

Deco and Jerry immediately gave the order to fight. These five dials only let the ordinary experts go to watch, but they didn't do anything.

Deco and Jerry have many experts, but the problem is that there are few people. Chen Yinuo is backed by Yanjing and escorted by the army.

Therefore, Chen Yinuo gave full play to his advantages.

Deco and Jerry have very few people to let go. They send five experts out. But soon, the five masters were caught and died. These five experts do not belong to the elite level.

And Chen Yinuo has elites among the five groups of people, so he went to catch them directly.

Deco and Jerry first fight, a direct defeat. This made the two think tanks feel angry.

"Those who can catch our experts must be elite level experts. And that smelly girl there, plus Gao Jin is only eight elite experts, three peerless experts. That is to say, her 11 experts, actually divided into five out, divided into five dial. She's a lunatic

Deco said angrily.

Jerry said: "but will it be true that the real transfer target is in these five groups of people? Will it be that we think too much? "

"As expected, he is good at deceitfulness and deception Deco has a headache, too.

"Now, it's time to make a decision," Jerry said

"Whether or not their five teams have real researchers and core technologies," Deco said. Now the defense is not strong. I want these five groups of people, all of them are destroyed. In addition, five super experts were put on guard in the old base, plus 30 ordinary experts. Keep the old base here, and the others will fight against the five groups of people in a thunderous manner. I'm going to make this smelly girl smart, but she's going to be mistaken for smart! "

Jerry said, "good!"

Although he is good at defending, this is obviously not the time to defend.

Two people line up quickly!

The battle broke out quickly.

But it also died quickly

Five groups of people fight fiercely with Deco and the experts on Jerry's side.

One day later, all the experts of Deco and Jerry rushed out of Yanjing.

When I come here, there are ten peerless masters, twenty elite masters and thirty inferior masters!

When I left, there were five peerless masters, eight elite masters and ten secondary masters.

It can be said that the loss is heavy!

On Chen Yinuo's side, he just lost a lot of special soldiers. As for the real Qihai masters, none of them happened.

For the first time, the Pope's think tank suffered a crushing defeat!

As for why it failed miserably, it is also very simple.

Because there is no Qihai master among the five groups of people. Before that, Chen Yinuo sent Gao Jin and Lei Ling to arrest the ordinary experts sent by the think tank.

So, think tank Deco, Jerry decided that there were not many people in the old base. And these five groups of people are likely to be the real transfer targets. They think that Chen Yinuo's five sets of men and horses defense is very weak. So, he went straight.

And Chen Yinuo let leiling after they arrested people, directly left.

At the same time, when the enemy attacked, quantum weapons launched a devastating attack. There are three layers of defense, and real quantum weapons are operated by robots.

The robots are shooting!

The enemy is breaking through the Special Forces Defense.

As a result, those Qihai masters died inexplicably. There are also some people who escaped by chance because they were forewarned of danger. But only a few of them survived. Five of them died quickly and miserably.

This time, Chen Yinuo made full use of his own card, quantum weapons. It's true that quantum weapons have a drawback: they are extremely unstable. But this instability is aimed at Qihai masters. Simply, Chen Yinuo didn't send the air sea experts to appear.

In those days, the think tanks were able to calculate success because they were in the dark.

Today's Chen Yinuo can succeed because she is in the dark.

At the same time, she deeply knows that the other party knows her very well. So she deliberately showed the trick, but in fact, they thought it was a false move, but Chen Yinuo honestly put the killing move in it.Later, Deco and Jerry learned about the terror of quantum weapons, so they ran away

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