An ruoshu fights against the demons, and Chen Ling is not good at intervening with great magic power. Forced intervention will make anrusu more resistant.

As a result, Chen Ling had only two yuan gods left. Dark God punishes yuan Shen and Youming yuan Shen!

Chen Ling doesn't think much about it. She needs to fight against it. He also believed that enroso could resist! It just takes some time.

Chen Ling's hand pinches the formula, and the dark god forms a huge sword to kill Shen Muran's head.

Sword light is fierce, sword light is cold!

The sword meaning contained in this dark heavenly punishment sword is extremely profound, powerful and resolute. The sword light is coming, and the poison gas condenses into a little bit.

Silently, he immediately realized the danger, and he did not dare to resist. This kind of poisonous gas is not earthly poison, and even his demons can't stand it.

Silence changes continuously in the space, and the power of creation is great. The spirit of the nether world could not restrain the silent change. Even so, but how much also let Chen Ling find a silent track.

Between the two, every step of change is the law of time, the law of space, the law of heaven, the law of creation to the limit. Just like the game between the business tycoons, a small move is to be wise as if you were a fool. The depth of the game is beyond ordinary people's eyes.

Two people change continuously, but Chen Ling still a sword to kill on the head of silent.

At that moment, with a silent and low roar, he suddenly sacrificed a thunder sword, which bred infinite demons. And then, with a sword!

Thunder is fierce, double swords kill together!


The whole space was shaken, and the powerful aftereffects of the battle were sent out.

As soon as Chen Ling turned around, she grabbed the dark heavenly punishment sword with one hand, and with another move, she took back the Youming yuan God. Youming yuan God turned into Youming armor and put it on him.

Chen Ling's body flashed continuously and quickly ran past.

Two people then in the air instantaneous hand over more than 100 swords!

The sword light and thunder light are hidden together, just like a violent lightning strike in the air. A sword goes out and rushes to the sky.

Thunder rises, zhentiandi!

The fight between Chen Ling and Shen Muran is really earth shaking.

In the past three years, it seems that three years have passed. In fact, they spent a hundred years there.

Under the law of creation, the core changes the law of time.

When the God Emperor stepped into the realm of creation, he reversed time.

This star core of tianmang star is extremely rare in the whole universe. How many planets can have such a long history of 30 billion years? This is not comparable to the star stone.

Star stone is to extract the soul of stars, or can only select certain stars!

and the star fruits fall off when ripe, and they are the existence of the essence of the universe absorbed over billions of years.

With Ying Zheng's creation rules and many magic weapons, the four emperors had such opportunities and creation. And God is far ahead.

Chen Ling and Shen Muran fight each other continuously, and their mana is agitated.

After that, Chen Ling turned the Youming Yuanshen. Youming Yuanshen turns into countless Youming and forcibly tears the demons on Shen Muran's body.

Countless demons are also fighting with the netherworld.

Chen Ling and Shen Muran run their mana to the limit. Their accomplishments are equal after all. It's too hard for each other to kill another person.

Of course, if an Ruo Su didn't encounter the demons in his heart, his silence would not have been able to support him. The Archaean dragon mosquito of anruosu is the enemy of the Demon Armor.

Fortunately, over the years, Shen Muran has been brewing a way to deal with Chen Ling. It was only after the successful cultivation of the eye of the devil that he had such strength.

There's no division between the top and the bottom.

Dongfangjing was watching intently and worried. She wants to do it very much. If she does it, she will be defeated in silence. But she also knows that Chen Ling doesn't like it.

She must respect her husband!

And over there, Chen Yang's mind has always been in a wonderful complexity.

God Emperor and Chen Tianya are also fighting together. We have to say that Chen Tianya is really great. The God Emperor didn't keep half of his hand, but Chen Tianya was more brave. At the beginning, Chen Tianya was at the top of fairyland when he was fighting against Ying Zheng and creating four things. On the contrary, he was under Ying Zheng's command and persisted for the longest time. Now, he is at the top of his heaven, which is even more unimaginable.

Chen Tianya's two magic powers, the first one, are ever-changing.

The second magic power, Taiyi Xuanjin real God!

It's almost immortal.

Chen Tianya turned into Taiyi Xuanjin chop and killed the yuan God of xiangshen emperor again and again. Shendi's eyes sank and he continued to eject.

A finger sword shoots out, then cuts Chen Tianya into two pieces.

Chen Tianya soon became one and killed again!

After a short time, Chen Tianya's body shape changed, and in the end, a hundred Chen Tianya came into being. The 100 Chen Tianya around the God Emperor, constantly attack and kill.The emperor was in the air, his eyes were calm, his fingers were beating continuously, and countless apertures and swordsmanship killed him. Every time I kill, I kill a Chen Tianya.

But after killing one, more Chen Tianya came out immediately.

There seems to be no end.

After that, Chen Tianya showed his great thunder sound skill!

A thousand Chen Tianya roar together, sound wave concussion, contains the rule of heaven!

When the God Emperor moves the power of creation, he also vibrates the sound waves.

So the air was fierce. The two sound waves vibrate, just like the roar of the mad sea, just like the two tsunamis fighting each other fiercely.

In any case, Chen Tianya's attack and killing could not be moved.

It's a matter of opinion.

"Broken!" The emperor suddenly gave a soft drink.

So, all of a sudden, all of the sound waves closed. The God Emperor stretched out a hand, his hand suddenly became infinitely large, and grasped the sound wave in his hand. Then it turned into a big purple fingerprint!

Chen's hand suddenly changed.

It's all closing!

There was no change in the purple fingerprints, but soon hundreds of Chen Tianya became one.

God, emperor and Dharma are solemn!

He pinched Chen Tianya in the middle of the big handprint. The purple Qi interspersed in the fingerprints is the manifestation of the power of creation.

God is not easy, how can Chen Tianya rampant!

It is actually to change Chen Tianya's noumenon. Chen Tianya's body is immortal, but when the law of creation changes his body, he can be killed.

As a result, Chen Yang saw that Chen Tianya's body was changing, his legs began to slowly shrink, and he grew a lot of hair.

God is turning Chen Tianya into a dog.

It's not the emperor who wants to humiliate Chen Tianya, but it's a means!

"Chief, I can't help it when you come. A God wants to turn me into a dog. " Chen Tianya suddenly laughed and said, "do you have this ability?"

"Boom!" As soon as Chen Tianya's voice fell, the whole person burst into flames.


Infinite sun god flame burning up, but it is the God of the emperor's Yuanshen imprisoned in the middle.

Shenyan burned the yuan God of Shendi.

The God Emperor's face did not change at all. He just gave a cold hum and kneaded the formula with both hands. Then, a purple halo surrounds the whole body.

Two people mutually deadlock, who also does not let who!

Time goes by minute by second!

Whether it is the battle between Chen Ling and Shen Muran, or the battle between Shen Di and Chen Tianya, it is not a short time to decide the outcome.

Since the God Emperor came out, he has killed countless people, and few of them can survive several moves. Chen Tianya was able to compete with him. Although he was defeated, he was still proud.

So the day went by.

At this time, the war between Chen Ling and Shen Muran changed.

Chen Ling suddenly snorted. He felt that the demons in his brain began to surge. He had already reached the state of not being moved by any demons. But the silent demons are not small.

Chen Ling felt that the yuan God of Youming and the yuan God of dark heavenly punishment both began to have their own thoughts and were full of an angry mood.

"Chen Ling, don't you think so?" Silent suddenly sneer, appeared in front of Chen Ling.

Chen Ling's eyes are calm. He looks at Shen ran.

With a silent and cold smile, he said, "I have been studying you all the time. You pour all your mana and energy into your three primordial gods. Your God is different from anyone else. This is your biggest advantage, but also your biggest disadvantage. You can not be contaminated by my demons, but what about your spirits? Others can destroy yuan Shen, can you? One Qi and three Qing? I Pooh! I'm your biggest nemesis. We've been enemies all our lives. Even if it's power, it's like this! Now, all your three gods are out of control. What should you do? Chen Ling, I don't want to go to today's stage with you. However, you can't let go of that insignificant relationship when you reach today's stage. I have to kill you today! I'm not going to give you another chance to turn the tables! "

At this time, the silent demons have covered up the outside world.

That is, Dongfang Jing can no longer see the situation inside.

Although dongfangjing is highly cultivated, he never pays attention to it. It's easy to kill dongfangjing!

Now he will concentrate on killing Chen Ling!

When Chen Ling died, the threat of his life disappeared.

"Silence!" Chen Ling suddenly laughed. He said with a smile: "do you think you are the smartest in the world? You know my weakness, don't I know your strength? "

Silent eyes suddenly pupil contraction.

"What do you mean?" He asked at once.

"I want to tell you that you don't understand the real magic of one Qi transforming three Qing. One Qi can be changed into Sanqing, and Sanqing can also be changed into one Qi. All these years, you've been thinking about me. I'm not thinking about you. My weakness is not that I don't know, but that I deliberately left it to you! "At this time, Chen Ling suddenly looks solemn!

He gave a sharp drink!

"Dark God punishes yuan Shen, spirit yuan Shen, Youming yuan Shen, and the three gods return to one!"

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