Goodwill is not only respect for Xianyu snow, even with a trace of fear. Although they have the name of husband and wife, they do not have the reality of husband and wife. On the day of their marriage, xianyuxue and Yihao had an agreement to be nominal husband and wife. She didn't care how many concubines she was willing to marry.

Goodwill is sulking. He sits on the futon in his bedroom with his knees crossed. He lights the quiet soul incense and takes countless excellent nine turn golden elixirs. After that, he begins to heal.

The place of injury is in the brain. It's not easy to recover. In this battle, he felt that he lost inexplicably and strangely.

Goodwill's mana is surging in the brain. The damaged areas absorb nutrients and begin to recover slowly. This process is very slow, there is no three or five days, absolutely can not recover.

Just at this time, a maid came in and reported: "little Lord, the eldest grandmother is coming."

Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes, got up and said, "well, go down."

Then goodwill walked out of the bedroom.

In the hall of the living room, fresh in snow, a red dress, such as flame red shirt, amazing but awe inspiring. She is as beautiful as a snow lotus without dust, but as arrogant as a queen.

Xianyu Xue naturally has long purple hair. She is very tall and comes to her.

Goodwill immediately piled up a smile, said: "snow, you come!"

Fresh in the snow light cold glance, then, she gently Yi a, way: "hurt?"

Goodwill helpless, he is very reluctant to let Xianyu snow found this thing. How fresh in the snow, dazzling, at a glance to see out. He could only say, "yes, some minor injuries."

Xian Yu Xue sneered and said, "it doesn't look like a small injury."

"It's not in the way," he said, blushing

Xianyu Xue said: "it has nothing to do with me whether you are in the way or not. However, with the strength of our purple mansion and your strength, there are too few people who can hurt you. Are you fighting with the dragon

Goodwill said, "no, that's something. I will not violate the Lord's ban. "

"Against the prince of the elves? Or did my elder brother teach you a lesson? " Xianyu said.

Goodwill said: "no, I always respect my elder brother. How can he teach me a lesson. The prince of the spirit is a matter of no score. "

Xianyu Xue was too lazy to guess and said, "well, what's the matter?"

Goodwill said: "this time we finally tracked down the Amethyst thing, ZEMO that bitch was caught by us. But the amethyst was no longer in her hands. We found out from her brain that she gave the Amethyst to a strange human. That human is not on our planet, has been wandering in space. We ran after him... "

"You were wounded by that man?" Fresh in snow slightly surprised, said.

Goodwill said: "that human is nothing great, this is my carelessness, and when I get better, I must kill him personally, to shame before snow!"

At this point, goodwill is gnashing its teeth.

Fresh in snow frown, she frown, especially beautiful and distressing. Then she said, "the Amethyst thing is very important. We have to get it quickly. Forget it. I'll do it with my brother. You're at home to recover! "

"No way!" All of a sudden, I was in a hurry.

"Well?" Xian Yu Xue said, "are you afraid that we will take your credit?"

Of course, goodwill is also afraid of being attacked by Xianyu snow, but it's not easy to say it directly. He said: "my father has been paying attention to this matter, so he will naturally make arrangements. You don't need to worry about Xiaoxue and big brother. "

Xian Yu Xue sneered and said, "sure enough, we are still outsiders."

When did you treat Laozi as your own.

He laughed and said, "Xiaoxue, I'm not reconciled. I've never suffered defeat in my life. I'm sure I'll get it back. "

Xian Yu Xue frowned and said, "this time you've lost a lot of soldiers, haven't you?"

Goodwill said, "yes."

Xian Yu Xue said: "you have always been in the Shenbing department and even the whole purple mansion, so you don't have a good reputation. This time, I'm afraid many people will target you. It's not good for you to take over the Shenbing department in the future. "

Business reputation's face suddenly looks bad. He didn't know how.

Xianyu Snow said: "this matter, you have not said it to the outside world?"

"Of course not. I'm not stupid!" He said.

Xian Yu Xue said: "well, although we don't have the reality of husband and wife, at least it's also an interest line. I'll ask my elder brother to help you heal. He has a dragon bone chalcedony pill. One pill can make you recover. After that, my brother and I went with you to capture the human. My elder brother and I plunder the battle for you. If you can't fight, we'll catch you again. When they get back, the man says, "you did it. How about that?"

"Seriously?" I'm ecstatic.

Xianyu said coldly, "don't think that my brother and I are as narrow-minded as you are!"Goodwill said, "yes, yes!"

Xianyu left soon. After that, xianyuxue and his elder brother xianzhengyun came together. Xianzhengyun is handsome, introverted, gentle and plain. He gave the dragon's bone and chalcedony pill to you.

With the help of xianzhengyun, goodwill fully recovered within an hour.

After that, goodwill and xianzhengyun came out of Danube. These three people all have the secret skill of Zifu, the ethereal spirit shifting skill. When the ethereal spirit shifting skill is applied, it is about ten thousand miles away in an instant. It is better than the ethereal spirit shifting skill.

The business reputation pursues Chen Yang's Amethyst breath and goes all the way.

Chen Yang is also flying forward in space. He knows that sooner or later those people will come after him. But Chen Yang thought that the farther away from the Danube, the better. In this way, they have to go back and forth a lot of time, to give themselves some breathing time.

After three days in a row, Chen Yang fled for three days.

"This lowly human can run faster than a rabbit!" I'm tired of chasing business reputation. I can't help yelling.

Xianzhengyun was calm and relaxed. He gave a faint smile in the void and said, "this human is not from Danube. I don't know which planet he came from. His cultivation is very good, so long-distance attack, he can always leave us behind, and can always insist. Enough to see how powerful his mana is. I'm more and more interested in this human being. "

Xianyu said in a cold voice, "after all, there is only one person. We have been chasing each other in turn these three days. When he is exhausted, it is the day of his death

When Xianzheng cloud pursues, Xianyu snow and goodwill enter Xianzheng cloud's storage bracelet. On the contrary, when Xianyu is chasing snow, goodwill and xianzhengyun will also enter Xianyu's storage bracelet.

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