Xianyu snow is the happiest. If my brother can get this magic weapon, his strength will be greatly increased. She admired her brother's wisdom more and more.

But at this time, Xian Zhengyun got up, bowed and said, "Uncle Shang, absolutely not! It's too expensive for me to accept. Uncle, please rest assured that what happened this time will never be mentioned to the fifth person. If uncle has nothing else to do, I will leave first. "

After that, he turned and left.

I really didn't accept the wisdom Sutra.

Seeing this, I was relieved.

And fresh in the snow's small eyes, but full of disappointment.

Shang Wudao was silent for a moment, and then he took back the wisdom Sutra. Then he said to Xianyu snow, "Xiaoxue, you should go back to rest first."

Fresh in snow, eager to leave, smell speech immediately to business no way to leave. She wants to walk with her brother, but now, she is still the wife of goodwill, so it is not good for her to leave with her brother in front of business.

When Xianyu Xue left, she said, "Dad, I know what you mean, but this wisdom Sutra is too valuable. How can you give it to xianzhengyun? Fortunately, he didn't ask for it, otherwise... "

Shang Wudao took a look at the goodwill. He sighed and said, "xiantianque has such a son. It's really enviable."

Goodwill slightly a Zheng, then suddenly the whole face all rose red. "It's the son that's useless. It's a shame to your father."

Shang Wudao said, "you think I'm accusing you. Or accuse you of being insulted by that human? "

He dropped his head and did not argue.

Shang Wudao continued: "when xianzhengyun gives you the crystal soul, you are smart and should refuse. He can give you the treasure and credit he has got. This is his spirit. You can't do it! I gave him the wisdom Sutra, but he was able to refuse. This is also his courage. If it were you, would you have taken it away long ago? "

He agreed with Shang Wudao's words, but he was not very convinced and said, "but, Dad, we should do everything we can to practice law. What we pursue is the progress of cultivation. No matter how well we do it, what's the use of it? We are not worldly mortals! If you don't get the immediate benefits, what are the future benefits? It's rejection, not choice! In my opinion, Xian Zhengyun is just being silly. What he values is not what I value. "

"You stupid boy!" Shang Wudao said, "it's because of your stupidity that I have to rely on your elder martial brother. You are getting immediate benefits, but in the future, how many people will support you in this purple mansion? You stand in my position, how many benefits you can't get? Why don't you ask for my wisdom Sutra? Because he clearly understood that if he took it, all human feelings would be offset. He's going to be responsible. He's going to keep his mouth shut for us. But if he doesn't take it, I owe him a big favor. He was in the memorial ceremony, and he had enemies. When he has something to do in the future, or a key choice, he can ask me for help. "

"This..." The goodwill was speechless.

Shang Wudao said: "the law of cultivation that you believe in is foreign. When you are in our group, you need to know the world. Because the people around you are not your enemies. If you treat the people around you as enemies, then the people around you are all your enemies. Over the years, I've beaten you many times. You've been acting willfully with your talent. I'm really disappointed! "

Goodwill dropped his head and he said, "Dad, I know it's wrong."

He really knew he was wrong this time.

He used to be arrogant and defiant. But after being insulted by Chen Yang, he seems to have grown up a lot overnight.

Shang Wudao then said, "it's too late for you to change now. No one will trust you, then, you have only one way to go. That is to be strong, so strong that people around you are afraid of you and respect you. At that time, you can learn how to get along with people

"Yes, father!" He said.

Shang Wudao then said, "and that human, I want you to kill him yourself!"

Goodwill suddenly excited, said: "children dream of a snow before shame.". But, the child is not that person's match really, and now, he disappeared in the vast universe, want to find, also don't know from where to find! "

Shang Wudao said: "as a father, you can search your brain for his breath by soul searching. There are fragments of his smell in your brain. However, this time can't last very long. When the smell disappears, it will disappear completely. "

"Goodwill said:" also asked Dad to cast the spell quickly

Shang Wudao said, "well, for your sake, I'll make an exception for my father this time and do it myself."

His soul searching skill is extremely harmful to Yuanyang, so he doesn't want to use it unless he has to! But at the moment, there is no way to do business.

Then, Shang Wudao began to perform soul searching in the brain of goodwill!

Soul searching is to use the power of creation in the purple mansion of Shang Wudao and his essence Yuanyang to condense into a point and penetrate into the brain of goodwill. Once this method is applied, it can connect the brain domain of the other party and communicate with the world through its brain domain!This method not only greatly damaged Yuanyang, but also caused strong causality.

After a long time, Shang Wudao finally took back the soul searching technique!

And goodwill is sweat.

There is a small mark in the hands of Shang Wudao, which is the breath of Chen Yang. Through this silk breath, we can communicate with the universe, search for billions of miles, and accurately find Chen Yang.

"Go After this, business no way a big hand, will be caught in the goodwill storage bracelet.

Then Shang Wudao left Danube.

At this moment, Chen Yang is heading for Danube.

Chen Yang and monk Linghui talked a lot.

Linghui monk said, "I suggest you go back to earth first."

Chen Yang said: "we are so far away from the earth that it will take me at least a month to fly back. A month later, March is almost up. Besides, it's always bad for me to go back like this. At least I have to go to Danube and confirm the spirit of the universe? "

"How do you know?" Linghui monk asked: "maybe now, people have taken out the spirit of the universe. Daoyou, do you have a way to go to Zifu? I'm very lucky to have escaped from death these times. I don't agree with you, Taoist friend. You run to risk again. It's not the earth, it's not the place where you can do anything you want! "

Chen Yang said: "it's not like that. If I'm not sure, how can I move the soldiers back? In case we call, we will find that the spirit of the universe is not here. Isn't that a delay? "

"But it's too dangerous." Monk Linghui stressed again and again.

Chen Yang said: "I've been doing everything in my life, and I don't care about this time. For the sake of my elder brother, I will always do my best! "

Linghui monk said: "life, there is always an end."

Chen Yang said, "it's OK to be worthy of your heart."

Then, Chen Yang firmly began to move towards Danube.

He knows the location of Danube, because he has a dragon xiuzemi around him! Xiuzemi will guide Chen Yang.

"Well?" Just as Chen Yang was on his way in space, suddenly, a sense of extreme crisis rose out of his mind.

"Bad, bad!" Chen Yang was shocked.

"Run away!" Linghui monk also felt bad, immediately roared.

Chen Yang pulled out his feet and showed the great move to the limit.

He is in the dark universe, like a divine light, tens of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

But it didn't work.

In that universe, a shadow steps on the stars and jumps among countless stars. Then he suddenly opens his eyes in the void.

Blue eyes, the moment shot out of the purple God mang!

That pair of eyes, suddenly lit up in the universe, like two suns, will be between the void, all the way around.

It's just like day. Everything around us is very delicate!

This is a great spectacle!

This is the wonder of creation and the embodiment of the power of magic.

That purple God awn also instantly shrouded Chen Yang.

After the purple God awn shrouded Chen Yang, he began to contract in an instant.

The bright light of day in the universe disappears directly, and everything falls into darkness again. At this time, Chen Yang was trapped in a purple sphere.

The purple sphere was grabbed by the big hand of the man in the void, and then came into the big hand.

In fact, the hands are not big. It's a normal person's hand, but at this time, Chen Yang's body shrinks.

It's business without way!

Goodwill is also standing on the side of business no way.

Chen Yang was shocked to death. He had never encountered such a situation before.

He didn't realize that his body had shrunk. In fact, it wasn't his body that shrunk. It was the purple sphere that contained the space of all things.

Chen Yang then felt the purple energy wave around him was extremely rich, and there was the Qi of creation in it.

"Master of creation?" Chen Yang can't help feeling hopeless.

Monk Linghui also felt despair in Chen Yang's brain. He sighed and said, "well, Daoyou, you can really have a clear conscience this time. This is in the universe. Although the poor monk has all kinds of strategies, in front of him, he is a man of creation and cultivation. Unless friends on earth can sense all this and come to help each other in an instant, otherwise, we may be It's dead. "

"Friends on earth?" Chen Yang sighed, communicated with Linghui and said, "only Bai Suzhen has the ability to come. But she knows where I am now. Even if she knows, she will never be able to catch up. It seems that this is a dead end. "

Linghui monk also sighed and said: "forget it, just die. It doesn't matter."

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