Chen Yang's thoughts spread to more places, and spread to many ordinary elves in this continent.

There are not many elves, about 100 million. Most of the western Xinjiang is mountainous, so there is no other country competing with them for territory in this area.

Among the elves, the whole country is good at archery!

Deep in the west of Xinjiang, there is a forbidden forest. It's a misty forest! The misty forest is where the elves and the elves live.

Elves are born with red eyes and sharp ears. They are very similar to human beings, and the men are handsome and the women are beautiful. But they are also well distinguished by sharp ears and red eyes.

There are also several races in the elves, such as dark elves, blood elves And the most noble is the sea spirit! The elves yearn for peace, but the inner desire of the dark elves is greater.

Later, the king of the sea elves unified the whole western Xinjiang. The dark elves also succumbed to the Elven king.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Yang also learned an important message.

That is, in the eastern Xinjiang, it was originally occupied by human beings. But later, the mysterious purple star invasion, human beings from then on into deep water. Human beings have completely become the body provider of the purple star clan.

Among the human beings, the former king of human is called Dongfang Yi!

Under such circumstances, Meng Jiuyou, the first generation master of the purple star clan, became a human figure through the cultivation of the insect body of the purple star clan. He was extremely talented and killed Dongfang Yi directly. After that, the dream Jiuyou began to lead the purple star clan to occupy the human body and gradually cultivate. After nearly 500 years of reproduction, dreamer founded Zifu and pressed human beings step by step.

The power of the Oriental people is becoming weaker and weaker.

Two hundred years ago, the regime of mankind collapsed completely, and the Oriental people were almost exterminated.

However, the Oriental clan has not been exterminated. And this generation also out of a peerless genius, called the Oriental God! The Oriental God gathered many human experts and fled to the west of Xinjiang. Spirit king Arthur ratty took in the eastern gods and others, and let them into the fog forest.

This is all Chen Yang knows.

It's very general, but Chen Yang has an outline in his mind. He needs the help of this Oriental God to deal with the master of Zifu!

Chen Yang has made up his mind and locked the location of the misty forest. He moved to the outside of the misty forest.

Before convenient is misty forest!

Chen Yang's foot is a vast snow plain. The fog forest in front doesn't seem far away, but there is a boundary in the middle and a space array. If we can't allow it, we can't get there in three days, March or three years.

Chen Yang is not afraid of these arrays, but he didn't come here to make enemies, so it's inconvenient for him to break through.

At this time, the wind and snow, it is 5 pm, the sky gradually began to dark down. Fortunately, the snow is white, so the sky is not so dark.

The twilight is heavy!

Chen Yang looked up at the sky, the lead clouds were low, and the snow was still falling.

He took a deep breath, and then his mind began to break through the space in front of him and probe into the boundary of the misty forest. His mind was in the middle of the fire.

"I, Chen Yang, come from a distant galaxy and belong to human beings. Today I come to visit his Royal Highness the king of spirits. Please allow me!"

Chen Yang's ideas hit the border continuously, but he didn't use all his strength, instead, he kept releasing them.

Chen Yang believes that the people who set up the border are all close ministers of the spirit king, and they will certainly be able to convey this idea to the spirit king.

At this time, deep in the misty forest, where the elves live, there are huge waterfalls and beautiful palaces. There is also a sun god bead to provide sunshine. In the misty forest, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, which are very suitable for living.

There are three palaces, the largest of which is the residence of the sea elves, and also the residence of the elves king.

The magnificent interior of the palace is resplendent and glittering.

King Arthur ratty is very beautiful. He has long golden hair and blue eyes.

Most elves have red eyes!

But Arthur ratty has blue eyes. He's different.

Arthur ratty was in the retreat of his golden palace when the invasion of the border startled him.

Arthur ratty is about a thousand years old, but he looks like he's only in his twenties. He opened his eyes and pondered slightly.

Later, Arthur ratty also issued an idea.

It's 300 kilometers away from jiejie, but under the magic of mana, he and Chen Yang have an exchange of ideas.

"I am the king of the elves, Arthur ratty!" Arthur ratty was outspoken and then said, "what do you want to do when you come here rashly and break through the border?"

Of course, azeratti has already seen that the human cultivation here is very important!

Chen Yang was overjoyed to see that the Elven king had answered in person. He said: "at present, the human beings on Danube are in dire straits. I have learned that the Oriental people have a genius, the Oriental God, who leads the experts to be taken in by your highness. I have come here to discuss something important with the brothers of the Oriental God, because human beings have reached the point of life and death. "Azeratti pondered for a while, then said, "where did you hear the news? Who told you that the Eastern god is with the king? "

Chen Yang said, "I've been shooting in all directions with my mind. I learned the news by chance."

"It's not a secret, it seems," said azeratti. Just wait. I will discuss with the Oriental God. If he wants to see you, he will let you in. If he doesn't want to, you'll leave by yourself! "

Chen Yang said, "thank you, your highness."

Arthur ratty took back his mind in the golden palace, and then he asked the attendant to invite the Oriental God.

The Oriental God leads his masters to practice in a low key all the time.

Among the elves, many elves don't agree that the elves take in these human beings. They think these humans are going to cause a lot of trouble.

However, Arthur ratty insisted on taking in the Oriental gods and other experts.

Atherati's prestige was too high, so the Oriental God and his party finally stayed.

The attendant soon brought the Oriental God.

The Oriental God seems to be in his forties, and his age is obviously much younger than that of Arthur ratty. But it seems that the Oriental God is yaserati's uncle.

Oriental God is gentle and steady, like a scholar.

He wore a white robe, spotless.

When the Oriental God came to the golden palace, he saw Arthur ratty sitting on his knees without a crown.

"See you, your highness!" The eastern gods salute Arthur ratty.

Arthur ratty said with a smile, "don't be so polite, Mr. Oriental! Sit down, please

The Oriental God sat down at the bottom and said, "thank you, your highness."

Arthur ratty said with a straight face, "Sir, have you always wondered why the king would resist the public opinion and leave you here?"

The Eastern god was slightly shocked, but he didn't expect that Arthur ratty would ask this question. He pondered for a moment and said: "because your highness knows that the ambition of those insects in purple mansion is much greater than we think. If we can't move all the time, it will be too late to wait for the insects in Zifu to attack. The tragedy of human beings today is a living example! "

Azeratti praised and said, "Sir, you are really a smart man." After a pause, he said, "it's just a pity that now our people are in a dream. There are also the dragon clan and the orcs. They didn't see the way. The purple mansion will not give up. Their goal is to conquer the whole Danube planet. I can feel the desire of the purple mansion. "

The Eastern god sighed and said, "maybe it's not that we can't feel it. However, when things have not happened, we are willing to believe that Zifu will not start so early. At least, it won't be so soon. Bad luck will come to them. "

"Now I'm the king of the elves, but I can't go my own way," she said. I hope you will understand this point! "

The Eastern god immediately said: "Your Highness is willing to accept us. It's our lucky thing. We have nothing but gratitude in our heart."

"What's your plan after that, sir?" Yaserati said: "I may as well be outspoken. If I can't unite the dragon clan and the half beast clan to conquer the purple mansion, I can't stay any longer."

The Eastern god said in a deep voice, "I understand what your highness means. When they are in constant rebellion, they are either rebellious or submissive. No resistance, no obedience, that's the worst. In recent days, we are going to leave! "

Yaserati said: "this is not the original intention of the king, how..."

"I understand," said the Oriental God

"There's one more thing, by the way," aseratti said

The Eastern god immediately said, "Your Highness, please speak!"

Yaserati said: "just now, outside the border, there was a human coming. His cultivation was unfathomable. He claimed to be a human from other galaxies and said he wanted to see Wang. And he knows that you are here with the king, also known as human beings, to the point of life and death. It's so important that I called you right away. "

The Eastern god was slightly surprised, and then said: "since it's human, your highness, I want to see this man!"

Arthur ratty nodded and said, "well, I'll introduce you."

Then, with a wave of his big hand, he opened a door in the void. He said to Chen Yang, "come in, sir."

Chen Yang also saw a gate at the border.

He didn't say much. He stepped into the gate as soon as he flashed.

The next second, Chen Yang appeared directly in the golden palace.

Then he met the Oriental God and Arthur ratty.

Chen Yang's eyes swept away and he was immediately surprised. Because he felt that the cultivation of the Oriental God was not under him, and that the spirit king Arthur ratty's breath was so strong that it was unimaginable.

"The absolute master of creation is still on the top of the business no way!" Chen Yang immediately came to such a conclusion.

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