Chen Yang can't help yearning when he hears the speech. He and monk Linghui communicate in ideas, so Jones can't hear. Chen Yang said: "before, I didn't feel much about fairyland. I thought it was an upper class society. I can't touch anything. "

With a smile, Linghui said, "but you have doubled your value since you entered the middle of heaven. There is a place in the fairyland. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "that's right!" After a pause, he said, "Linghui, do you still want to restore your previous accomplishments and glory? To be honest, I believe everything you say! "

Linghui was slightly stunned. He probably didn't expect that Chen Yang would suddenly ask this question.

"You have asked me this question. In the past, there was no difference between the poor monks and the beautiful ones. However, only the poor monk himself could understand the taste of being too high and too cold. Now the days are very good, but sometimes, you are in a disaster, and there is nothing you can do. I don't know if you can understand the taste. "

Chen Yang immediately said, "I understand very well. Thank you, Linghui. Thank you for taking me so seriously. At that time, ling'er was almost insulted by Chen Yihan. At that time, my weakness was the deepest. So, I know how you feel! "

Later, Chen Yang continued: "then tell me, how can you restore your former glory? No matter what the cost and danger, I will try my best to finish it for you. "

Linghui monk said: "this is very difficult, poor monk also need to think about it. You can talk to Jones first

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll wait for your reply."

Linghui monk said: "you are not afraid, poor monk is using you!"

"Even if you use it, I'm willing to!" Chen Yang said with a smile, "we are forever friends, brothers. As long as you don't hurt my family, no matter what you do, I have no regrets. If there is anything irreparable caused by you, I will pay for my life at that time. "

Monk Linghui laughed, and then said, "dig a hole, don't talk about it, don't talk about it. Don't make love with me all day long. Damn, I have never shed tears in my life. Don't let me break the precepts

Chen Yang laughed.

Then Chen Yang ended his conversation with monk Linghui. He went on talking with Jones.

Chen Yang told Jones about the four seasons of the year and the beautiful scenery and customs of various places. Jones listened with great interest and yearned.

Chen Yang also said something about Xiao Ling, but he didn't know much about the eclosion gate.

They had been chatting for almost a whole night, and by dawn Jones was still in the mood. Chen Yang concluded the topic and said, "little girl, it's time for you to go back."

Jones was surprised that time had passed so fast that he said, "Sir, can you stay here a few more days?"

Chen Yang said, "I will come to see you again when I have a chance. At the moment, maybe not, because I still have very important things to do. "

Jones didn't ask any more questions and said, "OK, let's make a deal."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "it's a deal!"

Then Jones left.

In the golden palace, Arthur ratty opened his eyes and said, "all night How dare this man do such a rebellious and rampant thing in our king's palace... "

The Eastern god said in a deep voice, "maybe we think too much."

"How much do you think?" said azeratti? He should at least know that he is a guest. As a guest, we should be scrupulous about the host's mood. The king has given him due respect, but he has not respected the king, nor the spirit palace

The Eastern god said, "what do you mean?"

"If it turns out that he has defiled Jones, then he will be sanctioned by the elves palace," she said

The Eastern god said, "so, your highness, you don't believe him?"

Arthur ratty snorted coldly and said, "of course I don't believe it. I don't believe a word of such a person with personal character."

At the moment, Chen Yang doesn't know that yaserati's attitude has changed like this.

He did not expect that Arthur ratty and the palace were integrated. Otherwise, if there is a visit, he will know. He thought it was just a little episode that nobody knew.

Chen Yang did not care about these details.

This is the first fatal mistake he made.

In the palace of the elves, every morning, Arthur latti would gather all the tribes to attend the morning meeting. Each tribe has its own division of labor, and we work together to maintain the dignity and survival of the Elven palace.

At the morning meeting, Arthur ratty, the ELF KING, sat at the top. Ministers, and Jonathan, the leader of the dark elves! There's also Dolores, the head of the blood elves!

Jonathan practices the magic of the dark Department. He wears a black robe on his head, which makes it hard for people to see his true face. This is the tradition and custom of the dark elves, so Arthur ratty should also show respect for this custom.

Dolores is a man in his thirties. He looks like he is in his thirties, but in fact he is over 800 years old.Dolores is very handsome. Among the elves, there is no one who is not beautiful.

In this morning meeting, there was an old lady. She was not beautiful, old and gloomy.

She is in charge of the law of the elves, selected from the sea elves.

The old lady's name is Anderson.

Anderson has always been fearless and selfless. Her accomplishments are also unfathomable, and she has always been respected by yaserati. Arthur ratty is afraid of Anderson three points!

The morning meeting officially begins.

There would have been no place for the Oriental God.

The first one who spoke was a minister from the dark elves. This minister was in charge of agriculture, as well as cloud and rain. It's called Cohen!

Cohen looked like he was in his sixties. He came out first and said, "Your Highness, now our elves are in good weather, quiet and peaceful. But the eastern gods, these human beings, are the source of trouble. I think it's a long-term plan to expel them from the Elves as soon as possible

"I agree with Lord Cohen!" As a result, other ministers also agreed.

The only ones who didn't speak were Anderson, Jonathan, the leader of the dark elves, and Dolores, the leader of the blood elves.

Arthur ratty sat at the top of the table. He frowned slightly, and then said, "it's the king's intention to take in the Oriental gods and a group of human beings. I am the leader of the elves. What I want to do is to be responsible for the elves. But, not necessarily, you can understand everything that I do, but I still have the obligation to perform my duties. "

After a pause, he said, "you've talked about it countless times. But today, I wonder, Cohen, what's your duty? "

Cohen replied humbly: "my minister's duty is agriculture, which is to ensure the food rations of my people."

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