A Ron, cultivation is in heaven!

An old lady Anderson, the cultivation is in the realm of creation!

It's not that the elves are as good as dogs. There are only a few races on Danube. The elves occupy a quarter of the total. There are some experts in them. Andersenie is a very important character in the elves. Ron is the captain of the law enforcement team!

As the head of law enforcement, how can cultivation be an ordinary person!

Ron came to the middle, saluted and said, "Lord, the prisoner Chen Yang has arrived."

"Prisoner?" Chen Yang's volume suddenly increased and said, "isn't Ron? I want you to pay attention to your wording. Who is the prisoner? Before the facts come out, you've put the blame on me. What are you relying on? "

Ron took a look at Chen Yang and said coldly, "if you enter the law palace, you are the prisoner. What you need to do is how to clear your grievances. Not here, arguing with me for the reputation of some criminal. "

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I've been treated with courtesy since I came to the spirit palace. Even if today, you are going to conduct an investigation, I will bear the temper to cooperate with your investigation! However, I can't bear your arrogance. "

Later, Chen Yang delivered his ideas to all sides of the spirit palace.

"Is that how you treat your guests, your highness? I know that now that you have come to this point, you must have known all this. " Chen Yang said, "if you don't show up again, I'll have to leave. Since you don't want to believe me, I don't want to have more to do with you

Arthur ratty and the Oriental God are in the golden palace.

Arthur ratty and the Eastern god have heard Chen Yang's words.

Chen Yang's words had spread to all sides.

"Your Highness?" The Oriental God hesitated.

Atherati said, "ignore him, the law palace has the means of the law palace!"

The Eastern god said, "but is he really the enemy?"

"I'm not sure, so I need to distinguish," azeratti said

In the law palace, Chen Yang did not wait for Arthur ratty's response.

He glanced coldly at all the people in the field, then turned around and was ready to leave.

Ron immediately stopped Chen Yang's way. He said coldly, "you must not leave this palace before we have permission."

"Get out of here!" Two words pop out of Chen Yang's teeth.

Old lady Anderson sat at the top of the table, looking at all this coldly. She said nothing!

And she did not speak, and the other five Elven elders did not speak.

Ron was angry. No one had ever been so rude to him.

Ron's eyes were red with blood and he said, "you want to die!"

Chen Yang gave a cold smile and said, "I want to die? Is it up to you? "

"Yes, I am!" How can Ron cultivate? How can Chen Yang be presumptuous. He can see that Chen Yangxiu is not inferior to him, but Ron is a famous God of war with fierce fist power. He is not afraid of Chen Yang at all.

Then, Ron takes a deep breath, and then blows at Chen Yang.

What Ron draws is the power of the position of Danube, and he is connected with the power of the world. I am everything, everything is me.

His power in this moment, majestic fury, the brain within the domain of mana.

At last, all of them were condensed into a point by the law, and with his momentum, he killed Chen Yang in this way.

Ron didn't give up his hand. Because he knew that Chen Yang was not inferior to him.

There are array guardians in the law palace, several elders, and Mrs. Anderson's mana guardians.

The law house can absorb all energy and matter.

So Ron is not afraid that this kind of power will damage the law palace.

Chen Yang felt Ron's strength as soon as his strength came out.

It's big, it's violent, it's full of energy.

The power of this fist is magnificent, which can make the water of the four seas turn upside down.

This kind of strength is all accumulated in one punch.

Chen Yang didn't blink. He didn't even use the power of the black hole spar, but he also punched directly.

His mana churns in his body and instantly forms a vortex, just like a black hole in the universe.


Chen Yang also blows out!

The two men's fists collided quickly and roared!

The power of earth shaking, the power of mountain shaking. The energy wave breaks out, the array space in the law palace starts, and hundreds of spaces are directly broken.

The fury of the power toward Anderson Ni and other elders, Anderson Ni eyes also don't blink, these forces in the digestion of space, gradually calm. Finally, they arrived in front of them, just like the breeze blowing on the hill.

At the same time, after the punch, Ron stepped back three steps. His fist trembled slightly. In this fight, he obviously felt that he could not defeat the opponent's power, and the mana in his body was about to lose control.At this time, Ron was completely disgraced.

Chen Yang snorted coldly and said, "don't be so conceited, proud spirit. If I want to kill you, I can do it with one finger. If I didn't keep my hand just now, you would be a dead elf now. "

"You..." Ron was furious.

"Ron!" Just then, Anderson said something. She said, "Ron, he did keep his hand just now. You are far from his opponent. Now, apologize to him! "

Ron blushed, his neck was thick, and said, "I..."

Chen Yang's heart is a lot more relaxed at this time.

This vent, let his heart incomparable pleasure.

What he's happy about is not a fight back for Ron.

Instead, he beat back the experts in tianweijing with one punch.


What concept?

He will always remember how a master of Taixu jiuchongtian covered the sky. He was like a mole ant in front of him. Later, he came step by step. He arrived at jiuchongtian, he arrived at Xuxian

But that day, the master of Wei Jing was always high and insurmountable!

He's still a mole ant!

But now, the power of his fist can overcome the heaven position.

Through the starry universe, he is no longer a mole ant.

In the history of this universe, he will no longer be dust.

Chen Yang's anger gradually subsided.

Anderson has spoken, Ron can't listen. But proud of him, how also do not want to intention Chen Yang bow.

Chen Yang Qi also came out, waved his hand and said: "just, I'm too lazy to care with you."

"Ron, step back!" Anderson said.

Ron nodded and stepped back.

Later, Chen Yang faced the elder, such as anderseni.

Anderson Ni's eyes are very deep. She looks at Chen Yang without any waves in her eyes.

Chen YangZheng wants to speak. "Will you stay, sir?" said Anderson

Chen Yang said: "originally, I wanted to leave, but it suddenly occurred to me that if I left, wouldn't it hurt little girl Jones?"

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