Chen Yang has a lot of considerations and can't talk to the Oriental God, because the world of the Oriental God is a little simple. But Chen Yang is to listen to the Oriental God said purple house inside those circumstances, he some understand the dream light dust situation. Chen Yang can't figure out how mengqingchen will take the next step, but he thinks there is a gap to be drilled.

In front of us is not only a fog, but also a game. It's a game between Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen. Chen Yang knows that Meng Qingchen's method is very powerful. Moreover, Meng Qingchen's cultivation is unpredictable and has strong strength as the backing. On Chen Yang's side, there is no winning side.

But Chen Yang still has to play this game.

He can't back down.

Chen Yang's only winning side is that although the purple mansion of mengqingchen is powerful, there are many people below. A strong man, though powerful, lacks flexibility.

Chen Yang is a mouse. Although his strength is small in contrast, he is more flexible.

Chen Yang is a smart man. He knows how to make use of his advantages and how to deal with the weakness of mengqingchen.

He never met Meng Qingchen, but the chess game has begun. He pays enough attention to mengqingchen. Mengqingchen has never paid enough attention to Chen Yang.

East Xinjiang, night like cold water! Magic mountain sky led his master back to the magic mountain mansion, which is located in the north of the East Xinjiang.

Magic Mountain mansion is magnificent.

Around the magic mountain mansion, there are many snow mountains.

The magic mountain sky entered his palace and sat on the top. Soon, he summoned the following counsellors to come.

The most trusted scholar in the sky of magic mountain is the student who killed him.

At the same time, there were two elders and four capable generals all present. In addition, there is a strange brother in the magic mountain sky, whose cultivation is extremely terrible.

This is the existence that many people in Zifu are afraid of. It's called magic mountain Liancheng.

The magic mountain connects the city to cultivate and become a maniac, ignoring worldly affairs.

But this time, the magic mountain sky called the magic mountain even to the city. Magic Mountain Liancheng is short, ugly, gloomy and silent.

He was dressed in a black robe and said nothing below.

The magic mountain sky said the matter to the life-taking scholar at the moment.

The life taking scholar immediately said, "master, it's not easy. Dream light dust has been trying to deal with us, she is in the next set

"I naturally know that she's doing it, but she forced me to do it on the main hall. I was riding a tiger at that time, and I've already done it. If you don't do it, mengqingchen will find an excuse to make trouble. "

At this time, Aotian, the leader of the four generals under the magic mountain sky, stood up. He snorted coldly and said, "master of the mansion, if mengqingchen wants to make trouble, we will fight against her. The other two prefectures will keep watch and help us. If we really use force, will she be able to stop it? "

The deadly scholar said, "absolutely not!" After a pause, he said, "brother Aotian, I know you are a very proud man. But mengqingchen can't be underestimated. In those years, she was able to ascend the throne with her own strength. Over the years, she has also convinced those old foxes in the eighth division. We must not despise her means. "

The words of the life taking scholar made everyone silent.

"Mengqingchen is developing more and more seriously. If she wants to deal with us, sooner or later she will do it," he said

The student said: "mengqingchen is still afraid of our three governments, otherwise, she will not take such a means of differentiation. We must let the other two prefectures know the truth of this

Magic mountain sky said: "you're right about killing people, but when it comes to life and death, who really cares about who?"

The student said: "yes, we have a long-term plan for this matter. But right now, we have to do it. Even if we don't, it's not against her orders. If she insists on committing a crime, she can let the other two governments see her face and purpose clearly. Only then can we turn passivity into initiative. "

Hearing the words from the sky of the magic mountain, his eyes lit up and he said, "that's right."

The scholar then said, "we have been paying attention to the Oriental God. He is really good, but he is far from being able to make us face the enemy."

Magic mountain sky said: "this is where the doubt lies. I have sent someone to inquire about it."

"It's better to be careful," the student said

"That's right," said the magic mountain sky

About an hour later, magic mountain sky got some news. It's about Chen Yang.

Magic mountain sky can't imagine that Chen Yang's side may hide the spirit king, this news he knows later, can inquire, also just dream light dust deliberately let him know.

The demon mountain sky said in a deep voice: "it turns out that there is such a story in it. If you send someone rashly, you will fall down. It's a mistake. Let's do it together this time. Do your best to take this man down! "

"No, no, no..." The life taking scholar quickly said, "master of the mansion, you can't do this. We can't show the cards at once. Because we haven't seen each other's cards yet! "The sky of the magic mountain was slightly stunned, and then he felt that there was a certain truth in what the scholar said.

After that, we discussed and made some countermeasures.

On the sea, it was very calm.

Chen Yang and the Oriental God didn't wait long, but there was a crisis around them, and then the human shadow flashed.

"Here it is Chen Yang gave a soft drink and then stood up.

The Oriental God also stood up.

It was the two elders and the four generals of the magic mountain sky who came.

And the sky of the magic mountain, and the life-taking scholar, as well as the city of the magic mountain are peeping in the dark, do not move.

The two elders are Quinn, Quinn!

These two people's accomplishments are already the accomplishments of creation purple mansion, a creation!

Creation purple house is not Chinese cabbage, magic mountain house can be superior to eight division, rely on these elite forces.

And the four generals are all the strength of the nine purple mansion, which is equal to the strength of the heaven position realm.

Absolute enemy!

Quinn is the leader of quinju.

At this time, a group of six quickly dispersed and surrounded Chen Yang and the Oriental God in the middle.

On this island, the sea breeze blows, cold to the bone.

Quinn had purple hair and a white robe. His face was cold and cold. A pair of purple eyes seems to be to swallow people in general!

Quine brought great pressure to Chen Yang and the Oriental God.

This lineup, if we want to capture Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen, we should say that we are sure.

Magic mountain sky is extremely cautious. If it wasn't for mengqingchen, he would not attach so much importance to these two people.

"The strength of these two people, only the Eastern god reached the level of creation purple mansion, the remaining one, even the creation purple mansion did not reach. What's Meng Qingchen up to? " Magic mountain sky in the dark through the four generals to observe Chen Yang and the Eastern god, so said.

The scholar said, "master of the mansion, there must be something strange in it. Let's wait and see what happens first."

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