Alone, Quinn is not Chen Yang's opponent. What's more, at the moment, the Oriental God and Chen Yang join hands. Chen Yang is also really powerful, before one person to deal with the four generals, mana consumption is huge. But now, his magic power is still surging and powerful.

Chen Yang killed him three times in a row. Quinn had to resist both the Oriental God and Chen Yang. At last, he couldn't hold on, and was blown out of his defense by Chen Yang's palm force. Quine spat out a mouthful of blood. Without saying a word, Chen Yang hit Quine in the chest and abdomen, causing great damage to Quine's body. After that, it was completely sealed with the big seal technique.

Then, Chen Yang put Quine into the jiexumi.

At this time, on the other side, Arthur ratty took down naquil without any effort.

Chen Yang uses the big seal technique to seal kuiju, and yaserati hides it again. Hidden in the core of the black hole spar.

After all this is done, it will return to the light.

The magic mountain sky and the deadly scholar peeped in the dark. They can see clearly the situation inside after the formation of Fengyun Hualong is launched. However, after Chen Yang's big phagocytosis, they couldn't see Chen Yang's situation clearly. Even if the four major war generals were killed in an instant, and Quinn and kuiju were caught, it was a matter of lightning.

The magic mountain sky and the life-taking scholar find that it's not good. The magic mountain sky wants to fight again, and the life-taking scholar immediately blocks it.

Magic Mountain and Liancheng did not say a word.

The scholar said, "master, this is not good."

Magic Mountain and Liancheng don't care about the life-taking scholar. They have already killed them. The magic mountain sky also knows that it's not good, but he can't take care of it.

When the life taking scholar saw that the matter had come to this point, he had nothing to say.

Magic mountain sky, magic mountain city, life-taking scholar lightning, once again surrounded Chen Yang and the Oriental God. This group of people will all stand in the sky.

Magic mountain sky at this time eyes canthus want to crack, he can't believe looking at all this in front of him.

"How is that possible? How is that possible? " He can't believe that Quinn, Quinn, the fourth World War will be destroyed in this instant.

"Come with me!" Chen Yang took a look at the sky of the magic mountain, and then said. Then, Chen Yang catches the Oriental God and flies to the stars.

The magic mountain sky was about to stop, and the life-taking scholar said in a soft voice: "master, follow me!"

Magic mountain sky also felt something strange, also felt that Chen Yang had something to say, so he made way for Chen Yang, and then chased him.

This group of people, wind and lightning, quickly broke through the atmosphere, reached the interstellar.

In that interstellar world, Chen Yang and the Oriental God have washed their own breath again through xuanhuang liquid, so that people in mengqingchen can no longer peep in the dark.

Magic mountain sky and others all the way to chase, but directly lost the trace of Chen Yang and Oriental God.

"Damn it The sky of magic mountain can't help but be furious.

At this time, Chen Yang appeared. He unfolded the black hole crystal and said, "master, please speak inside."

Without thinking about it, the magic mountain sky and the deadly scholar, as well as the magic mountain Liancheng, quickly penetrated into the black hole crystal. Later, Chen Yang turned the black hole crystal to gallop in the interstellar. Moments later, the black hole spar becomes one with the universe.

In the purple temple, mengqingchen has been meditating.

She observed all this through the impression on the sky of the magic mountain, but now she completely lost the trace of Chen Yang and others.

It's Arthur lardy, but I'm pretty sure.

Otherwise, with the power of Chen Yang and the Oriental God, it would be impossible to kill the four generals, Quinn and kuiju so quickly.

Dream light dust eyes shine, with a trace of interesting meaning.

Chen Yang is really an evil person.

Of course, she knows that Chen Yang is the only one who can do these things. She is very familiar with the Oriental God, and let the line out of the Oriental God is also for future planning. With the limited wisdom of Oriental God, we can't do so many things.

There is a long line in mengqingchen's heart. She is the one who frightens Zifu and aims at the elves and so on.

Her heart is full of endless fighting spirit and desire. Fight with heaven, fight with earth, fight with yourself. It is in the process of such struggle that we can achieve the goal of improving ourselves.

This is the reason why she was able to practice so young.

In the universe, Chen Yang and the Oriental God face the sky of the magic mountain, the city of the magic mountain, and the deadly scholar.

The sky of the magic mountain was gloomy and full of murders.

His eyes, closely staring at Chen Yang, choose people to bite.

Chen Yang is light, he said: "you are the purple house, the Lord of the magic mountain house, the magic mountain sky?"

He heard the Oriental God talk about the situation of Sanfu. Oriental God also told him the origin of these people.

"That's right," said the cold voice of the demon mountain sky Then he asked, "where are my people?"

"Four died, two survived." Chen Yang is outspoken. Then he grabs Quine, which is sealed into two pills, and Quine gets caught. "It doesn't hurt to give these two back to you!"After Chen Yang finished, he threw the two pills to the magic mountain sky. The magic mountain sky once grasped Chen Yang's seal with a little success. Quinn and quinju appear in front of the magic mountain sky.

"Master, we are ashamed!" Quine and Quine meet in the sky of the magic mountain and immediately drop their heads to tears. Quinn said: "the Elven king is lying in ambush. We are not rivals indeed."

"What?" The sky of the magic mountain could not help but be shocked.

"The king of spirits?" The life-threatening scholar also turns pale when he hears the words.

The magic mountain and the city are always indifferent.

At this time, the spirit king Arthur ratty is no longer hidden. He came out of the darkness, dressed in silver, with long hair and golden eyes, and a noble air in his majesty.

"Spirit king, how dare you fight rashly?" After being frightened, the magic mountain sky glares at Arthur ratty. He then said harshly, "do you know what the consequences are? You are challenging Zifu! "

Arthur ratty did not speak.

Chen Yang said faintly: "mengqingchen knows that his Highness the spirit king has been with us all the time. She sent you here just to destroy the magic mountain mansion and then destroy the other two mansions. If we kill you, mengqingchen will never pursue this matter. Because she has so many things to do

The sky of the magic mountain can't help saying.

He is also a wise man. Of course, he knows that what Chen Yang said is not false.

The life taking scholar looked at Chen Yang and said, "you'd better tell me straight. What do you want to do?"

Chen Yang snapped his fingers and said, "well, the conversation between smart people is straightforward."

Next, it's Chen Yang's talk. He said: "mengqingchen has been peeping in the dark, which I know very well. So I brought you to this place. Then I hide it with my magic. Now, mengqingchen can't hear our conversation. "

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