Half an hour later, Chen Yang's mana was restored. However, this recovery is not healthy. Because the spirit is not full, is equal to a car running, continuous refueling feeling.

Chen Yang's engine has no rest. Therefore, after this war, he must take good care of himself.

At this time, Chen Yang and Magic Mountain Liancheng stand in the void.

It's a vast universe, an infinite void.

It seems that we have left the solar system and all the surroundings are exposed to space radiation.

"If you lose, you'll put my brother back!" Said the devil mountain in a cold voice.

Chen Yang said, "OK, I lost. Put your brother back. But what if you lose? "

At this time, Chen Yang was very cheerful.

Even before the city of magic mountain answered, Chen Yang continued: "well, let's play bigger. If I lose, we will release the magic mountain sky. At the same time, I will serve you and be your dog from now on. I will open my brain to you and let you control my life and death

Magic Mountain even city slightly a Zheng.

He looked at Chen Yang strangely. He didn't understand why Chen Yang was so confident and big.

Even Arthur ratty and the Oriental God were surprised.

Chen Yang is really playing big.

In Arthur ratty's view, Chen Yang's chances of winning are not great.

"Good!" At this time, Liancheng agreed. Although he became a monk, he was not a fool. However, he has the courage to pursue the road. Therefore, when facing Chen Yang's challenge, he will never shrink back.

"OK, ha ha ha..." Chen Yangchang burst out laughing.

"Come with me!" As soon as Chen Yang turned around, he moved to the void. In the blink of an eye, it's thousands of miles away.

Magic Mountain even city body shape flash also followed to chase past.

At this time, both of them are in top form, which is the fairest battle. When Chen Yang was 100 million kilometers away, he suddenly set his figure.

Magic Mountain even city up without saying a word, launched the meat!

Long purple hair forms thousands of python, which envelops Chen Yang. This time, instead of using the whip to attack Chen Yang, he let thousands of Python spew out purple fog.

For a moment, in the meat array, the fog surrounded, like a hell of terror, python ferocious, people shudder. These mists are actually analyzing Chen Yang's real body and false body.

This analysis, magic mountain Liancheng analysis to the front of Chen Yang is still a fake.

However, the real body is also there.

"Well, it's another old trick!" The magic mountain hummed coldly.

But at this time, Chen Yang's soul sword has been cut.

Magic Mountain Liancheng had been prepared for a long time. This time, he used the Qi and spiritual power of the creation purple mansion in his brain to kill the sword of the soul.

At this time, Chen Yang had a rude shout, and then a flash of thunder!

The thunder sword of the universe!


With a flash of sword light, it was like a bolt from the blue, like the universe exploding. All the infinite mysteries turned into this sword light and killed the head of Liancheng.

Magic Mountain even city dare not underestimate, body shape continuous flashing.

But he can't avoid the thunder sword of the universe.

The magic city stands out from the wind and roars of the wind.

The thunder sword of the universe, a sword will cut off all these wind blades, infinite vanity.

The magic mountain roared and killed with one blow. Fengshen bead formed a purple wind blade storm on his fist, just like a storm mountain.


The storm mountain was also directly damaged, and the Fengshen bead was broken.

But at last, the thunder sword of the universe was taken down by the magic mountain.

Chen Yang also roared at this time. He turned the black hole crystal, which formed a pair of black armor gloves on his fist. He made a big blow, and he made 30 in a row!

Thirty black hole magic fists!

It contains black holes, cosmic mysteries, and powerful boxing power.

Over the mountains and over the sea, the sky is falling apart, the sun and the moon are not shining

This kind of power can destroy 30 planets into ashes. It is such a violent force, such as flash floods, tsunami coming, wave after wave of killing, bombing to the magic mountain city.

The color of fear flashed in the eyes of magic mountain and Liancheng.

He didn't expect that Chen Yang would go all out as soon as he came up.

In the meat array of the magic mountain and the city, space and time are broken together. He didn't care about anything else. He took back the meat array and killed it with thousands of Python at the same time.

The earth shattering explosion, a small particle burst out of extraordinary power.

Within a thousand miles, the explosive power of terror broke out everywhere. If such a battle had happened on other planets, the planet would have broken into ashes.

Now Chen Yang's cultivation has really grown to the point where he can wave his hand to break the stars. The mythical hero he once admired is no longer his power.Boom!

After the violent impact, everything calmed down.

Magic Mountain and Liancheng stood in the void, looking calm.

Chen Yang's face was red. He felt that it was not good. The cultivation of magic mountain and Liancheng is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

Although the two hands were tied. But his power has already consumed half in this instant! Obviously, the magic power of Liancheng is more powerful than that of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is too far away from the realm of magic mountain and Liancheng. He completely relies on the power of big origin and the universe to level these distances. But in the end, Chen Yang's foundation is still weak compared with that of Liancheng.

So it's a stupid strategy for Chen Yang to fight hard.

The reason why Chen Yang chose to work hard is that he made an empirical mistake. In the previous battle, he twice let the spirit of magic mountain Liancheng hurt. So now, he wants to let the spirit of magic mountain Liancheng hurt, and then win the magic mountain Liancheng.

It's a pity that magic mountain even learned well.

The two sides are deadlocked again.

Although it was a draw, magic mountain lost fengshenzhu.

At this time, Chen Yang did not speak. Silent transport black hole crystal absorbs cosmic energy to recover mana as soon as possible.

Even the city didn't rush to attack.

Chen Yang also communicates with monk Linghui. "Is there any good way? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be defeated. "

Linghui monk has been observing this thing silently, and his eyes turn white when he hears the words. "I see you are full of words. I think you are sure to win."

Chen Yang said: "this guy is upright and suitable to be a subordinate."

Linghui monk said, "but what if you lose?"

Chen Yang said, "if you lose, you can go to serve him with me."

"Poor monk..." Linghui almost wanted to be rude.

Monk Linghui is just talking. He also knows that this is a very important moment. This is not the earth. He doesn't have much heart to experience Chen Yang.

"I have raised some spirit liquid recently, which can help me recover a little dignity temporarily. Remember, I can only use the light of your heart to cheat him. Remember, there's only one chance. It depends on how you use it. I can't do this. I'll die! " Linghui monk pondered for a moment and said.

Chen Yang has made up his mind.

He decided to fight to the death.

At the same time, the magic mountain and Liancheng did not hesitate any more. With a purple sword in hand, they came towards Chen Yang with lightning.

With a flash of sword light, Chen Yang's head is cut fiercely!

Chen Yang's body flashed, and his black hole crystal turned into a black hole sword!

The black hole magic sword is huge, and it's also empty. Once it's cut, it will fight with the purple sword. This instant fight is not a simple power fight, but also the mystery of the creation of purple mansion.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's understanding of the power of the heaven position in the universe is based on the soul fragments of creation. At that moment, he cracked all the rules of his opponent.

The sword light rushes to the nine heavy sky. It's extremely fierce!

In a single sword, it's still a draw.

But the magic mountain even more fierce, eyes burst out purple God mang! His attacks were better than one.

Tired of coping, Chen Yang uses the black hole sword to protect the front against the purple awn.

Magic Mountain and Liancheng intend to consume Chen Yang's power, so they are deadlocked with Chen Yang. As long as Chen Yang uses the black hole vortex to absorb his power, he immediately strangles into the black hole vortex.

In a word, we will never give Chen Yang a chance to turn over.

Chen Yang's powerful magic power is absolutely beyond the understanding of Liancheng.

At this time, Chen Yang continued to confuse the city with the light of his soul. He looks more and more weak, and his mana is obviously consumed too much.

Magic Mountain and Liancheng also know that Chen Yang's spiritual light is evil, so they are very alert!

Finally, Liancheng felt that Chen Yang was getting weaker and weaker, and heard Chen Yang roar. Then, Chen Yang in front of him couldn't hold up and exploded.

Magic Mountain didn't even think about the city, so he knew that the boy was showing the light of his heart again. Immediately, use the spiritual power to create the power of Zifu to resist the sword of the soul.

Unfortunately, this is a miscalculation.

Because behind him, all of a sudden, thunder flashed!

He almost crawled and trembled because of the boundless majesty of the Emperor

The thunder sword of the universe is coming.

"At last, I tried my best." Demon mountain even city cold hum a, then, he carries the full strength, the creation purple mansion of the Qi also thoroughly operation hand, a sword cut out.

A sword out, into thousands of python, wrapped in the universe thunder sword!

Magic Mountain and Liancheng make every effort to make a hit, and don't give Chen Yang a chance to turn over. He has no doubt that Chen Yang is a fake. If his meat array is still there, the purple fog can sense one or two. But now, he's not that sharp. And the mighty majesty of the emperor made him believe it!So, boom

Blast, all blast together, in front of Chen Yang and the big universe thunder sword quickly turned into ashes


Linghui monk's people didn't come up at all, but they just showed their dignity.

"No, I've been fooled!" The magic mountain and the city finally lost their luster.

But it's too late.

Because behind him, the real big universe thunder sword has come!

Chen Yang tries his best to kill the thunder sword of the universe!

The magic mountain and the city are terrified

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