Dream light dust check gold seal is correct, then also don't say much, lead hand to turn around and then leave.

Chen Yang and his party went back to the fairy palace.

Araby, the beast God, did not talk to Chen yangduo and went back to his own room.

Chen Yang takes Mo Yu to the golden palace. He asks Jones Haosheng to take care of Mo Yu, and prepares a lot of delicious food for Mo Yu.

Chen Yang knew that the time was urgent, so he called the Oriental God again. In the whole fairy palace, he trusted the Oriental God most. Chen Yang also took the puppet stone. Originally, he didn't intend to move it, but now, he felt that it was hanging.

Chen Yang and dongfangshen chat alone.

The Eastern god said, "brother Chen Yang, do you really want to go back to the earth to move the rescue troops?"

Chen Yang felt his nose depressed and said, "do you see it?"

He thinks the Oriental God is It's simple to say good, but it's stupid to say bad.

Oriental God Leng a Leng, and then said: "I see dream light dust said so, and your reaction was a bit wrong."

Chen Yang said, "what's wrong?"

Oriental God hesitated for a moment, and then said: "you teased mengqingchen, you are deliberately provoking mengqingchen."

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "do you see that?"

The Eastern god suddenly felt depressed. He said, "brother, do you think I look stupid?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "it's not that it looks stupid, it's that it's a little stupid."

The Oriental God is speechless!

Chen Yang then patted the Oriental God on the shoulder and said, "I'm joking with you. Don't mind." After a pause, he continued: "it's just for this problem that he asked you to come here. It is estimated that it will take me more than 20 days to leave this time. "

"Back to earth for help?" Asked the Eastern god.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "it's too far from here to the earth. I'm worried that mengqingchen will act during this period of time. If mengqingchen is sure that I will leave, he will attack the elves. Although Araby, the beast God, is highly cultivated, he is also a man Simple point, play mind, play but dream light dust. So, I have an idea, that is to put the puppet stone in the golden palace, and I will inject my strength into it. You come here every day and pretend to chat with me There must be spies in our elves. In this way, mengqingchen thinks that I'm thinking of a plan to lure her, which can always frighten her. "

The Oriental God put up his thumb and said, "brother, good strategy!"

Chen Yang said: "it's not necessarily smart. Anyway, it's people who plan and heaven who make things happen. I'll try my best, but it depends on Providence whether I can keep you

Oriental God nodded, he said: "we are sure to win." He then said, "your friends on earth, will you do it?"

Chen Yang said: "you can rest assured that they are all friends who have had a close relationship with each other."

Chen Yang quietly left the earth on the same day. He used the crystal of his heart to cheat. Even if there were spies watching, he could not find the secret. At the same time, Chen Yang took Mo language with him.

Mo Yu was put in the black hole crystal by him. Chen Yang keeps Mo Yu in the space of the black hole crystal, where there is enough air and so on. But later, Chen Yang also found that Mo doesn't need air. She can rely on the circulation of aura in her body to exist in the universe.

Chen Yang didn't understand Mo's body very well. Because Mo's brain nucleus is like the source of aura I can't see through, I can't touch it.

The only thing Chen Yang can imagine is that if he practices Moyu, his future achievements will be extraordinary.

In the void of the universe, Chen Yang shuttles quickly. He brought enough elixir in the elves. That elixir is called Chunyuan elixir, which is rich in aura. It's a special product of Danube. It can also add mana. Chen Yang brought about 10 billion yuan of pure pills. This number is just average for the whole elf clan. Therefore, it did not stir up any waves.

After all, he is his Royal Highness the Elven king and has the right. Moreover, Chen Yang can absorb nutrients from the universe. Therefore, there are plenty of supplies along the way.

The first time Chen Yang went to the universe Yuantai.

About two hours later, Chen Yang arrived at the birth place of the universe.

Outside the Yuantai, Chen Yang yelled a few times. Then, the gate of space appeared outside the universe. Through the gate of space, Chen Yang came to the interior of the universe.

Inside the universe, everything is the same. The amniotic fluid is like a muddy ocean, boundless.

Chen Yang began to enlarge the crystal of the black hole, and the space inside began to become transparent.

Soon, you can see Mo language from the outside.

Chen Yang is beside Mo Yu and holds her hand. He said to the void, "aunt Mo, I have brought little mo language here."

That void, also immediately rang out the voice of forget. The voice was full of excitement and joy. It's hard to hide!"Thank you!" Don't forget the emotional said. Then she said, "I didn't expect you to do it."

Chen Yang said, "you don't have to thank me. You gave me all my life. Therefore, I should do anything for you. I have something important to do now. Aunt Mo, I won't disturb your reunion with little mo. I'll go first. "

"Wait, where are you going?" Mo Xiangji said: "don't you forget our agreement. Xiao Mo can't stay with me all his life. "

Chen Yang almost forgot this, he said: "yes, we did say that, but I'm going back to earth now. On earth, there are many complicated things. Do you mind if I take her back to earth? "

Mo Xiangji said with a smile, "don't you forget that when you enter the Yuantai, I will know what you think. I don't worry about your sincerity. Mo Yu has become a human being. She should live a human life instead of being alone with me here! "

Chen Yangcheng said: "well, since aunt Mo trusts her, I will try my best to protect her. She is not much different from my son, and she will be my daughter in the future

"With you, I can rest assured." Mo xiangoblivion said: "but now, I have something to say with Xiaoyu alone. Can you go out for a while?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said, "of course you can!"

Later, Chen Yang collected the black hole crystal and left Yuantai directly.

He waited about two hours outside the yuan tire, and then the door of space opened again. Mo language was sent out from inside.

Chen Yang connects Mo Yu to the black hole crystal.

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