Suzhen in black is a little worried. She knows that Chen Yang has always been showing great satisfaction. But red Lang ran the ruler, and even she had to be careful. Chen Yang's realm is far from that of honglangjun.

Huohongjin couldn't help saying to Suzhen in Black: "nvjun, this..."

"Don't worry, I'll watch," Suzhen said in a deep voice

Fire red towel this just slightly relaxed a breath.

And ling'er said nothing. She has her plan. Her sword is always ready to go. If Honglang dares to hurt her husband, she will kill Honglang regardless of everything.

At this time, red Lang Jun's eyes have only Chen Yang.

He doesn't think about other things any more. He doesn't have any scruples in his heart. He wants to attack with all his strength.

The lion still needs to fight the rabbit.

Honglangjun also knows that Chen Yang is a bit eccentric, so he will certainly do his best.

Chen Yang is also silent.


At this time, all the mana of red Lang Jun concentrated on the ruler, and the ruler burst out a dazzling red light. The red light formed a wave and went straight to the sky.

The Dragon roars and the earth shakes.

All the monarch's spirit was aroused, but at last it formed a new spirit.

Honglangjun's spirit of creation was also thoroughly aroused.

The Qi of creation is much stronger than the Qi of heaven. It is not a level at all. Then, red Lang Jun blows out, the breath of the ruler and the strength of the fist are all integrated.

A huge fist seal came out quickly. In the fist seal, the king's spirit of the ancient monarch was surging, majestic and terrifying, which was the king's intention of coming to the world. Among them is the roar of the dragon, the creation of heaven and earth.

The mystery, profundity and horror of this fist have surpassed the realm of creation.

Chen Yang saw the huge fist seal in front of him, just like the Dragon army roaring under the leadership of the king. The city is under the pressure of black clouds. The city is about to be destroyed. The sky and the earth are broken. The sun and the moon are not shining.

All living beings will be destroyed in such an attack.

It's a fist there. It's just to attack Chen Yang with all the strength of the dragon clan.

"Mr. red, how can you go so far!" Suzhen in black frowned when she saw the power. She didn't expect that the power of honglangjun's fist was so powerful. Suzhen in black felt that she underestimated honglangjun.

Ling'er almost wants to do it.

And fire scarlet, she also wants to do it.

But at this time, Chen Yang took the lead. At this moment, without saying a word, Chen Yang's magic weapon of self satisfaction and life cultivation popped up. Black hole crystal!

At that moment, the crystal of the black hole magnified infinitely in front of Chen Yang and enveloped him.

Then in the eyes of the public, red Lang Jun's fist is like the king leading the Dragon army to attack and kill.

And Chen Yang?

Chen Yang incarnates into a black hole in the universe, which forms a vortex with a diameter of 3000 meters.


Chen Yang's big phagocytosis starts immediately. The black hole cosmic matter in the black hole crystal quickly absorbs the punch force.

The great phagocytosis directly quenches it and turns it into pure power to be absorbed by Chen Yang.

Red Lang immediately felt that his power was being dissolved, and was engulfed and absorbed by the other party. He suddenly turned pale

"Bad!" Red Lang Jun was shocked. He quickly flashed out of ten thousand meters and cut off all the power links. Chen Yang absorbed honglangjun's fist completely, and then the whole black hole vortex turned into a black hole crystal, which was swallowed into his brain by Chen Yang.

He was ruddy and burped. The power of this punch is really comfortable to absorb.

Although honglangjun's power reached the dual realm of creation by running the ruler, honglangjun's realm was still only one. Therefore, it is not difficult for Chen Yang to crack it.

He successfully absorbed the power of honglangjun.

Black clothes Su Zhen and others see Chen Yang easily took the red Lang Jun this punch, eyes are flashing surprise and joy.

Ling'er comes to Chen Yang quickly, and her face is full of joy. Chen Yang shaved her Qiong nose and said with a smile, "I will always protect you, you know?"

Huohongjin laughed and said, "master, you are really numb."

Suzhen in black was also pleased with her smile: "in these short months, your progress really impressed me."

Chen Yang also smiles at Suzhen in black.

At the same time, red Lang Jun also quickly flew over, he coldly said to Chen Yang: "you and I resentment, write it off."

Chen Yang took a look at Hong Lang Jun and said faintly, "good!"

After that, he turned and flew away.

Black dress Su Zhen also didn't pay much attention to red Lang Jun, she said: "come on, go to my attic to talk."

Chen Yang said, "well, I'm here today. I have something to look for you.""Let's go," she said

They soon came to Suzhen's attic.

Soon after, a maid brought snacks and hot tea.

The snacks and hot tea here are very delicate.

Chen Yang said straight to the point: "Bai Suzhen, I need your help again this time."

Suzhen in black was not surprised. She said with a smile, "didn't you come to me for something?" After a pause, she said, "but with your current cultivation, there should be not many enemies. Is there anything else you can't handle? "

Chen Yang said: "it's a long story. A lot of things have happened recently. Let me make a long story short for you."

At present, Chen Yang talked about what happened to Luo Feng, and about how to find the spirit of the universe. Chen Yangyin has gone to something that may need blood and tears. He didn't want to mention it I just hope that there will never be such a day.

Black clothes Su Zhen and others, including ling'er heard Luo Feng's experience, can not help but feel shocked and distressed.

Suzhen in black even kept silent. After a long silence, she said, "his pain should be worse than I was then."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "brother, the whole person has changed a lot now. I just hope that we can help him revive his sister-in-law and Xiao Silan."

"After death, it's hard to come back to life. Besides, they are two mortals! " Suzhen in black has little hope.

Chen Yang said: "even so, big brother can't accept it. We can only hope for a miracle."

After a pause, he said, "there's nothing else important here right now. It's just that on the other side of Danube, the elves have risen because of me. I have to get there quickly in case something irreparable happens there. "

"Suzhen Heiyi said:" well, in that case, I also want to meet you in the mouth of that peerless genius dream dust

"I'm going too, master!" Red scarlet immediately volunteered.

Ling'er also said, "I'll go too!" She really doesn't want to leave Chen Yang any more.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "OK, all of you

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