Chen Yang said: "at that time, big brother was heartbroken. I can understand elder brother's pain. I experienced it when feirong and Luoning died. I don't dare to imagine what I would do if something happened to Nianci. Or, if something happens to you, what should I do. That day, Chen Yihan and I came back. You are going to kill Chen Yihan. I try my best to stop you. It's not that I love Chen Yihan, but that I know ling'er's temperament. I'm afraid the star master will punish you at that time. I have nothing to do. How fierce I was to you that day, how scared I was. "

Ling'er's head was buried deeper in Chen Yang's arms. She said softly, "I know what I know. Later I want to understand."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "big brother said that he might need blood and tears in the future. He asked me for help. He knows you are a spirit body. At that time, I really couldn't bear to refuse elder brother, ling'er, I'm sorry. At that time, I really thought that I would do something to hurt you to make you shed tears. Because even if you shed blood and tears, you will not die. But today I still say everything. Because I thought I could do it, but I couldn't do it. When I see Bai Suzhen, I will never have the heart to let you go her way again. "

Ling'er said: "don't say I'm sorry, thank you, so Love me. " Her voice is very small.

But she went on: "I know the pain of big brother, and I know the relationship between you and big brother. I heard elder sister Bai say that when Yuqing was in the world, elder brother would not spare ten thousand demons to save you and me. We owe him too much. About the blood and tears, let's find a way together. As long as brother is ready, we will do everything. Just don't keep it from me, OK? "

Chen Yang said, "well, I will never hide it from you."

Ling'er was relieved.

After a moment of warmth, they left the island.

Then quickly over Yanjing, ling'er said to Chen Yang, "I'm going to buy some gifts and toys for Nianci."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "there are bao'er and Mo Yu."

Later, Chen Yang accompanied ling'er to buy many toys and clothes. After that, I arrived at the garden villa.

Nianci, bao'er is a child's heart. She likes toys when she sees them. I didn't think about who ling'er was. Anyway, what Shen told them to shout was what they wanted. Shen Molong specially asked Chen Nianci to call ling'er for his mother. Chen Nianci was puzzled for a long time, but he called his aunt. He tilted his head and looked at Shen Mo Nong strangely and said, "shouldn't there be only one mother?"

He doesn't quite understand.

Shen monong was embarrassed.

Although they are different from each other. But Chen Nianci grew up in an ordinary world.

Ling'er didn't feel anything. She said with a smile: "Nianci, you are so good!"

It's as kind as she can be.

It's really embarrassing that Chen Yang is in the middle. He said to Shen immediately, "we're going to leave soon. We'll come back as soon as we finish dealing with things over there."

Shen monong knew that the situation was urgent, so she didn't say much, just said: "be careful all the way." Chen Yang and Nianci say goodbye again, then he ling'er leaves the world with Fu Qingzhu, Luo Feng and Qin Lin.

The last time ling'er came to Yanjing, Chen Yang was not there. This meeting made Chen Yang feel embarrassed and also thought of a problem.

That is, if Nianci is sensible in the future, he will know how many wives his father has. What's his attitude? Can he understand?

He certainly can't understand, because he is in an ordinary and ordinary world. In this ordinary world, the rule is monogamy. Even Shen and himself could not explain this clearly.

It seems that I will have a headache in the future. Try not to let Nianci know all this.

What belongs to the extraordinary world, do not mix in the ordinary world.

Chen Yang and his party quickly came to Tianzhou, and then gathered in the imperial city of Dakang. Chen Yang did not go to Mingyue xianzun.

To be honest, in the past, xianzun was God like in Chen Yang's eyes. But now, Chen Yang feels that the cultivation of xianzun is not enough. Of course, he knew that maybe the cultivation of xianzun had greatly increased recently. But he did not consider taking xianzun to fight this battle.

All the people gathered at the zhenguohou mansion in the imperial city of Dakang.

To Chen Yang's slight surprise, Qiao Ning is not in the town hall. According to the maid Bi Yue and Bi Tao, Qiao Ning and Ming Yue Xian Zun went out to travel together.

Chen Yang knows what Qiao Ning thinks. Qiao Ning is a woman with strong self-esteem. She didn't want her accomplishments and herself to fall too much, so she worked very hard.

At present, Chen Yang can't feel Qiao Ning's imprint, and he doesn't think much about it. Think to Qiao Ning and immortal Zun's strength, roam in this earth, self-protection should be not much problem.

This group of people came, directly shocked Xuan Zhenghao.

It's not surprising that Xuan Zhenghao's Tianlong Babu Fu Tu is integrated with Dakang imperial city. Without his permission, it's not so easy for Suzhen in black to come in.Xuan Zhenghao made a quick response and invited everyone to come to Tianlong Babu putu.

Directly opened a door of emptiness in the mansion of the Marquis of Zhenguo.

And without delay, they entered into the gate of the void. The next second, the crowd appeared on the familiar one yuan bridge.

But all around is the infinite void, and has the star universe.

In front of the one yuan bridge, two people stood.

Those two people are long and graceful. They are not others. They are Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Ling, the great emperor of China.

Xuan Zhenghao was dressed in a bright yellow robe with a gentle and elegant face.

As for Chen Ling, this generation of Chen Ling is a great emperor. Now, he has killed Shen Muran, and he has a lot of heart knot. So he looks more free and easy.

Chen Ling is wearing a blue robe. He looks in his thirties and forties. His face is elegant with an indescribable calmness. His charm makes countless women intoxicated.

Chen Yang and his party came.

Chen Yang pulls ling'er's hand forward. He salutes Xuan Zhenghao first and says: "see the emperor!"

Xuanzhenghao smile, said: "don't be polite!"

Chen Yang faces Chen Ling again. He kneels down in front of Chen Ling and says, "master Ling, thank you for saving my life several times. Last time you gave up killing my father because of me. It's all your kindness to me

Chen Ling sighed slightly. He picked up Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, my blood is flowing in your body, and my children are not as good as you. Get up quickly, and don't be so outspoken with me. "

Chen Yang took the opportunity to stand up.

Ling'er also salutes Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Ling.

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