Chen Yang returns his mana to Suzhen in Heiyi. Suzhen in Heiyi relies on these mana to activate the city of thunder

This forms a cycle!

Generally speaking, this kind of mana cannot be absorbed by the other party. But Suzhen in black is an energy body. She can directly transform Chen Yang's mana into the city of thunder through the integration of herself and the spirit.

Chen Ling himself was not idle at this time. He flew into the air. Then, Chen Lingyun turned his magic power, and his clothes all puffed up without wind.

But see his Dharma phase solemn, the hand knot Dharma seal, in the eyebrow center, the original power crazy surging!

Chen Ling's mouth is full of words.

Chen Yang sees in the eye, he then knows, Ling elder generation finally performed the big prophecy!

Three thousand roads on earth!

Great prophecy is an absolute power on earth. Only in a closed space can this great prophecy exert its most powerful power.

But Chen Yang's heart suddenly jumped.

This is not the earth! The God in great prophecy is the God of earth origin. Can this God change all the rules here?

I'm afraid I can't!

Mengqingchen is annoyed that these people are really monsters who can't fight. Now shenmangtianzhu can't break Chen Yang's black hole vortex for a long time. It made her very angry.

Then, she saw Chen Ling casting magic in the air!

"Hum, now the power of heaven is full of it. No magic can change the essence of heaven." Mengqingchen thinks so in her heart, but she is still afraid of accidents.

In this kingdom of heaven, the magic power of all people depends on their own strength, and it is difficult to communicate with the external magnetic field. Therefore, everyone's strength should be greatly reduced!

For example, Suzhen in Heiyi is innocent to Zhanyu. Besides her own strength, she relies on the power of Tianlei city. Only in this way can we defeat Yu Naiyi! If she doesn't have the help of thunder city, it's hard for her to turn the endless magnetic field into magic power to attack her opponent.

Mengqingchen thinks that Chen Ling can't do anything.

But Things in this world, but always fear what will come

When Chen Ling recites the mantra, a dazzling golden light suddenly emerges from the soles of her feet.

However, this is not the end, Chen Ling continued to chant.

With Chen Ling's singing, everything is changing in Loulan heaven.

The fog began to change, turned into the sky, the earth, and finally into light, into mountains and rivers

The fog in Loulan heaven is the core of heaven. It is the power extracted from the interior of Danube.

But now, all the fog is purified by Chen Ling's great prophecy!

When Chen Ling's mantra is sung completely, the fog in Loulan's heaven disappears. And then change to do is infinite golden light, that is the golden world.

All the three hundred and sixty-five paths were changed into gold, and the gold seal of Loulan and the heavenly pillar of shenmang were also changed into gold.

"How is that possible?" The dream light dust is startled to want to be absolutely, can't believe.

In this day, she was surprised more than in her whole life.

She had already felt that she had lost the power to control Loulan heaven.

Chen lingxu stands in the air. At the moment, he is like a real God.

At this moment, even Suzhen in black was restrained and could not move. Because this is Chen Ling's world. In this world, only he can move.

Suzhen and others in black clothes could not move, but the magic mountain sky and others were not restricted.

It was also at this moment that Chen Yang suddenly understood what was going on.

The reason why master Ling's great prophecy works is that Loulan is the magic weapon of the earth!

And they don't belong to the species of the earth, so they are not restricted.

At this time, Chen Ling's eyes were long and deep. He said, "God says, you are all unrestricted!"

This sentence a speech, Black Yi Su Zhen etc., all resumed action.

The God mangtianzhu was also taken back by 365 Zhengshen.

Black clothes Su Zhen mana has all recovered, she took the city of thunder, led the experts quickly came to Chen Ling's side.

There is no restriction on the body of mengqingchen. They do not belong to the earth species, so they can move.

Dream light dust hands also control Loulan gold seal.

At present, although Chen Ling can't control them, the power of Loulan heaven has been used by him. Therefore, in Loulan heaven, he is still a God.

The most important thing is that Chen Ling still has 365 Ways to listen to his orders!

On the side of mengqingchen, Yu Tianyi's strength has been greatly reduced.

On Chen Yang's side, only Luo Feng can't fight any more.

The two sides are at war!

Then, without saying a word, Chen Ling directly ordered! "KillA kill word issued, 365 road is God eyes again cohesion God awn, this time is golden God awn just!

The three hundred and sixty-five thoroughfares now attack and kill each other by absorbing golden energy.

Loulan heaven inside the fog energy all into gold energy!

Although at present, the 365 route Zhengshen certainly does not have the power just now, it is also very good as a excrement stirring stick.

Seven hundred and thirty God awns are combined into a bunch of golden God awns! That golden God awn cuts to kill to come toward dream light dust oneself.

Chen Ling's mana urges him to return to his body.


The golden God awn comes and its power is overwhelming. Dream light dust heart hate, her Loulan gold seal at the moment can't command 365 road is God. Because the essence of Loulan gold seal has also been changed.

Even if she destroyed Loulan gold seal, it was just suffering 365 Zhengshen. These gods have lost the support of Jinyin and will die later. It's not going to die now Therefore, in order to Loulan heaven, dream light dust did not dare to destroy Loulan gold seal.

"The magic mirror of ten thousand methods!" In this case, mengqingchen had no other choice but to sacrifice Wanfa mirror quickly.

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