Yu Nai was surprised and said, "since you have found Xiao Ling's treasure, what else can you say? What's in it should be used by you? "

Dream light dust said: "if it is true, then I still tell you what to do. Xiao Ling's treasure is a mysterious place in the universe. There are dark elements in that zone, and the dark elements form the dark tides. That dark tide, you and I can't go in now. If you go in, you will die. The horror in the universe is beyond our imagination. But since it's the tide, it means there's a change. I'm sure tomorrow will be the day of the tide

After a pause, she continued: "the place where Xiao Ling hid his treasure is a cave, called eclosion cave. Eclosion cave will appear in the tide, we take advantage of the tide to sneak into the cave. In that cave, time also changed. Go in for a year, and it's almost a day outside. When we go in for a year's training, plus the magic weapon inside, we will get a lot of harvest when we come out. I also believe that we can find a way to restrain the woman in black in the eclosion cave. "

"So it is," he said He looked a little excited, but he was still surprised and said, "but you still didn't answer me. Since you have entered, why didn't you remove all the treasure?"

"First, I can't finish it. Second, there are rules. You can only take two treasures at most. Otherwise, the cave will collapse and we will be submerged in the dark tide. " Dream light dust said.

Yutian suddenly realized.

"I see!" Yu Na Yi said, "how can we get out after we go in?"

Dream light dust said: "I have my own way."

"It's not too late, let's start today," he said

Dream light dust said: "I worry now, after we leave, if they take the opportunity to deal with your dragon clan, how do you do?"

Yu Tian Yi frowned and said, "you and I are the core. As soon as we leave, they will come. That's a big problem! "

Dream light dust said: "so, we can't let them know that we have gone."

Yutian took a look at mengqingchen, and then said, "I know what you mean. I will shrink all the dragon of the tribe and set the border formation more tightly. At the same time, neither you nor I will see anyone again. After that, you and I leave quietly and come back in the shortest time. "

Meng Qingchen said: "we are gambling. If we win, we will win the battle to defend our homeland. If we lose, we can only admit defeat, but we must seize the last chance of survival. "

Yutian nodded.

Dream light dust and royal day after a discussion immediately began to deploy.

Suzhen and anjuosu in black took back all their thoughts.

The enemy's strength of the dragon clan has been greatly improved by her.

In the hidden clouds of the sky, an Ruo Su and Su Zhen in black are together.

An Ruo Su said: "sister Bai, Meng Qingchen is mentioning something to Yu Tianyi. She mentioned Xiao Ling, the founder of eclosion school. That Loulan heaven may also be found in Xiao Ling's treasure. That dream light dust is quite alert, say half turn for idea exchange. But I guess they are going to look for Xiao Ling's treasure and then deal with us. "

Su Zhen in black was surprised and said, "it's not good. A Loulan heaven can be broken by us, it's a big fluke Then she felt strange: "since she once found Loulan heaven and the treasure of the legendary wizard Xiao Ling, then What else is she going to do? "

"I guess there are some restrictions. She can't take a lot of babies and go," she said

"It should be," she said

An ruoshu said, "sister Bai, what shall we do now? Do you want to go back and inform brother Ling? "

Suzhen Hei said, "but the soldiers are very expensive. What if they leave when we go back? If they leave, we can take the opportunity to attack the dragon clan. If they're good at it, it's just us. It's a good business. Let's go and get the treasure first. When the treasure is in hand, then come back to settle the accounts. "

If Suzhen in Heiyi doesn't take part in the war, she also knows that it's very difficult for them to capture the Julong clan. There are many experts in the dragon clan.

Suzhen in black is a decisive person, and she is also very interested in Xiao Ling's treasure. Now I have a plan in mind.

An ruosu said, "I'll listen to you, sister Bai."

Black Yi Su Zhen touched an Ruo Su's head and said, "what a lovely girl."

An Ruo Su Ge a smile, she very much enjoys white elder sister's this kind of doting.

Although ling'er is also a spirit body, Su Zhen in black is more intimate with an Ruo su. Because their bodies are more similar, so are their experiences.

The night is like splashing ink, the north wind roars.

Between heaven and earth, the clouds are surging and the snowflakes are falling.

As dawn approached, two abnormal energy waves quickly broke through the clouds and reached the universe.Black Su Zhen wrapped an Ruo Su, she immediately followed in the past. She also learned the big move, so the speed is extremely fast. At that moment, she had already locked the dream light dust from afar.

The speed of mengqingchen and yunaiichi is extremely fast. In the dark interstellar, they are thousands of miles away in an instant, even thousands of miles away in a few blinks. Suzhen in black followed all the time.

After about a million miles, mengqingchen finally stopped. As soon as he followed her, he stopped. The Dragon stopped in the void, and their eyes looked far ahead.

"Gravity is strong, as if something is going to suck us in." The imperial day was surprised and said to the dream light dust.

The world ahead is shocking.

All of them are dense fog particles like black ink. It's the dark element, not the fog, to be exact.

These dark elements are not a constant layer, but continuous ups and downs, such as waves.

"Go Dream light dust without saying a word, the first to enter the dark fog.

Yu naiichi is still hesitant. Although he has tremendous magic power, he still feels a little bit of fear in the face of the mysterious black fog in the universe.

But since the dream light dust has gone in, the imperial day day one this time certainly has no reason to shrink back.

"Sister Bai, it seems very dangerous here. Shall we go in too?" She was worried.

Suzhen in black frowned and said, "we've all come. There's no reason for us to wait outside and see them go to get the treasure. They are not afraid. What are we afraid of? "

"Well, I'll listen to sister Bai," she said

Suzhen in black didn't think much about it. She was always fearless. Strictly speaking, Suzhen's character has always been somewhat reckless.

At that moment, Suzhen in black followed her into the dark fog.

Dark fog To be exact, it's the dark element, and it's also countless dark particles. These particles are surging, converging toward the middle.

Suzhen in black has been locked in mengqingchen. She feels that the dark elements are calm, but there is infinite power under the calm. She was awed by the power of the universe.

And all the dark elements are moving towards the middle Converges and collapses.

"The dark element is like..." Suzhen in black was acutely aware of the key. "The dark element is like a meat grinder, which attracts and smashes all kinds of matter in the universe towards the middle, and then forms this collapse. In other words, the middle zone is a natural black hole in the universe

Suzhen Heiyi knows a lot about the universe. She knows that the whole galaxy is a whirlpool. In the middle of this vortex is the largest black hole. This black hole is incomparable to other small black holes. This big black hole can instantly compress the earth into ants and then devour it. Maybe in many billions of years, the whole galaxy will be swallowed up, maybe the universe will be swallowed up, and then there will be a new cycle.

In such a tone, human life and death are extremely small.

At this time, Suzhen also felt that the black hole in the center of the dark element was not the small black hole she had encountered before. It's the biggest black hole she's ever encountered, and it's expanding.

If you are sucked into a black hole, you will be dead.

"Aren't we waiting for the dark tides?" Royal day a fly to a place with dream light dust, ask.

Dream light dust sneer, exchange ideas, said: "do you really think there is treasure here?"

The imperial day suddenly excited, way: "what meaning? Are you lying to me? What's your purpose? "

Meng Qingchen said, "brother Yutian, don't be so excited. I'm not aiming at you. I'm going to use this dark tide to kill the woman in black. "

"She's here, too?" Yu naivete is surprised to say.

Meng Qingchen said: "the woman in black is changeable. She will come to inquire for information. I said half of the treasure on purpose to lure her. When she is trapped, I will take you to find the real treasure of Xiao Ling. When we go back in this way, our chances of winning are even more doubled? "

Yu Nai couldn't help crying out for a clever plan and said, "it's a good plan. I'm at a loss here. Dream light dust, you really are not simple. But you should have told me in advance

Dream light dust said: "that woman is not a fool, told you, in case show clues, fall short."

Yu Nai Yi said: "that's also true, so what should we do now?"

Mengqingchen sneered and said: "the dark tide is what I found before. As long as I plant a Yuanshen bomb in the middle, I can make the whole dark element crazy. We only have a chance to escape for a moment. You come into my storage ring. We can never give her a chance to escape. "

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