Shen Mo Nong connected the phone, she heard a woman's voice.

"Are you Shen Molong?" The strange woman's voice is quiet and contains vast wisdom. Ordinary people don't feel anything, but Shen Moneng can feel the unfathomable.

This strange woman is Suzhen in black.

The reason why Shen Moneng can feel unfathomable is that her accomplishments are far from Suzhen's, so a simple sentence can make Shen Moneng feel dignified.

"I am!" Shen Mo is thick dignified matchless, say: "excuse me you are?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm Chen Yang's friend," she said. My name is Bai Suzhen. Now I have something important to do, so I want to put ling'er with you. You must know about ling'er's drowsiness. "

"I do know." Shen said. She felt strange and shocked.

Bai Suzhen, she has heard of Chen Yang.

The first thing she heard about Bai Suzhen was that she collapsed from Lu Xun's essay on Lei Feng pagoda. Later, I saw it in movies and TV plays, and in plays.

When she heard Chen Yang talk about it, she always had an unreal feeling.

And now, when such a legendary character talks to her, she feels that there are still some shocking and unreal.

"What's the matter?" Suzhen in black doesn't have much time over there, but she's in a hurry. Why is the girl silent.

"Nothing!" Shen Mo Nong came back and said, "good!"

Suzhen Heiyi said: "I can't get in Yanjing. Don't hang up. I can lock you out of Yanjing!"

Shen was about to agree, but suddenly he felt a thump in his heart. What if Chen Yang's opponent is luring him?

If it's an enemy, this enemy can't start in Yanjing and deliberately lure himself out?

Shen Molong has to have a lot of heart. She's a veteran.

"Wait!" Shen said immediately.

"Well?" She said.

Shen monong said: "white White girl She wanted to call the elder, but she thought that Chen Yang and Bai Suzhen were equal friends, so she changed to Miss Bai. "I'm sorry, but I have to be considerate. If you're someone else, fake. I can't take the risk. So I'll send my friends out to meet you, OK? "

"It's OK, I'll escort your friends into Yanjing, and you'll meet them immediately," she said

"Of course," Shen said

She said, "speed must be fast. I can't stay long in the world. Otherwise, Yuanjue will expel me later. I can't beat him

Of course, Shen monong knew this, so she immediately said to Yuan Xingyun, "Yuan Chu, do me a favor."

Yuan Xingyun has been listening, but he has not heard anything. Because Suzhen's voice has a magic effect.

Yuan Xingyun also knows that when Shen monong opens his mouth, there is something important. He answered immediately.

Over the years, thanks to the guidance and favor of Shen Molong and Chen Yang, Yuan Xingyun's cultivation has reached the level of Taixu liuchongtian. This is the realm he didn't dare to think of before!

So, whatever Shen Mo Nong said, he would agree.

Seeing yuan Xingyun's dignified face, Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "help me get someone." She then gave yuan Xingyun her mobile phone. "Don't hang up. I'll give you a ride first. Out of Yanjing, someone will meet you! "

Then, Shen Morong grabs yuan Xingyun and flashes through the void.

Shen monong's cultivation has reached the middle of Taixu shichongtian.

In fact, she is not very keen on cultivation. She is devoted to taking care of her family and dealing with national security. But no way, her husband's height is too high.

She is completely passive and progressive.

Yuan Xingyun still has no ability to fly. Suzhen in Black said to Shen: "throw him out of Yanjing directly, I will catch him."

"Good!" said Shen

Yuan Xingyun was in the air. Before he could react, he was pushed out by Shen Moneng.

At that moment, Yuan Xingyun could not resist or dissolve Shen's power. He felt like a shot away from the string.

"My God Although yuan Xingyun had some accomplishments, he was also shocked at this time. He felt that he would be dead if he shot like this!

However, just after his body left Yanjing.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed in front of him. Then, the shadow grabbed yuan Xingyun. Yuan Xingyun's strength was directly dissolved by the shadow.

Then, in the air, Yuan Xingyun felt the power surging under his feet. He stepped on it just like stepping on the ground.

Yuan Xingyun has always been a Taoist robe, but he is an expert in the world.

But now, he feels very insignificant. He looked up and saw Suzhen in black.

The temperament of Suzhen in black is beautiful and cool enough to shock yuan Xingyun.Her eyes seem to contain the whole universe.

Yuan Xingyun has always been an expert, but now he is like a boy who has never seen the world. He says, "see you, master!"

Black Yi Su Zhen nodded and said, "here you are. Go and give it to Shen Mo Nong as soon as possible." After she finished, she grabbed out a black crystal. This black crystal is not a black hole crystal, but a product of Suzhen's own ideas.

Originally, Suzhen in black has been taking ling'er with her. She absorbs pure Yang aura and so on, which will be sent to ling'er. But now, for the sake of ling'er's safety, we can only put it in Yanjing first.

Even if this simple idea is to be protected, it can't be detected by ordinary heaven level masters. This is Suzhen's skill.

But Suzhen in black also keeps Chen Yang's breath. Chen Yang can easily open this idea.

Yuan Xingyun didn't think much about it, so he took it. At the same time, he said, "yes, master!"

Black Yi Su Zhen nodded, then looked at Yuan Xingyun again, said: "you help me run errands, I can't help but show." When she finished, she flashed a light.

The electric light suddenly attacked yuan Xingyun. Before Yuan Xingyun could react, he felt that his whole body was attacked by an electric current, and the pain was unbearable. Yuan Xingyun thought he had been attacked, but he was shocked.

But by this time, the current is gone.

At the same time, Yuan Xingyun felt the change in her body. His whole body was full of pure Yang. Many thoughts and impurities were directly refined.

"Swallow it!" Suzhen in black shoots a magic pill.

Yuan Xingyun opened his mouth to catch it, and immediately he felt that nutrition came over him like an avalanche. Almost without any difficulty, he was directly promoted to Taixu qichongtian. Besides, his mana kept rising. Cell evolution, many reasons in his mind perfectly solved.

Then, Yuan Xingyun arrived at Taixu eight heavy sky!

His strength was five times higher than before he saw Suzhen in black!

Yuan Xingyun felt the surging mana in his body, which was a feeling of mastering power. "Thank you, master, thank you Yuan Xingyun kneels directly to Suzhen in black.

He is very grateful!

With a wave of Suzhen in black, Yuan Xingyun flew out and went directly to Yanjing.

Shen monong catches yuan Xingyun.

Suzhen in black then left the world.

Yuan Xingyun and Shen monong return to the building of the General Administration of national security.

Still in the office, Yuan Xingyun has given the black spar to Shen monong. Shen Mo Nong also collected it.

Yuan Xingyun is very excited, he said: "ink thick, thank you so much. It gave me such a chance. "

Shen monong also saw that Yuan Xingyun's realm was directly promoted to two levels. She was also shocked. In such a short period of time, Bai Suzhen actually lifted yuan Xingyun's power to two levels.

You know, it's too empty to attach importance to heaven. Every promotion is extremely difficult!

"God man, really god man!" Yuan Xingyun still sighed and said, "before, I thought Chen Yang was the God of the world. Now it seems that Chen Yang is inferior to this woman's elder generation."

Shen Molong said: "her ability is really far ahead of Chen Yang. Chen Yang himself admits this. "

"Amazing, amazing!" Yuan Xingyun said.

Shen Mo Nong was thinking: "with Bai Su Zhen's ability, why did she give Miss ling'er to me before she did something? Chen Yang is very relieved to put ling'er in her place, because she can help ling'er absorb nutrition. And now Is it possible that Bai Suzhen has also encountered problems that can not be solved? She would only do it if her life was in danger. What kind of power can make her feel dangerous? "

Shen Mo Nong couldn't figure it out. She heard Chen Yang say that the realm of Suzhen in black is almost immortal.

At this time, Yuan Xingyun suddenly asked Shen monong, "what's the name of this elder?"

"Bai Suzhen!" Shen said.

"Ah?" Yuan Xingyun stayed for a while. "The same name as Bai Suzhen in the legend of white snake?"

Shen Mo Nong came back and said, "this is a bit complicated, but the legend of white snake is based on some of her legends."

"My God, Bai Suzhen is such a powerful master." Yuan Xingyun felt that some ideas in his head had been overturned. "What's more, Bai Suzhen actually has a person. Does Guanyin Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha, Taoist ancestor and so on all exist?"

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "I don't know much about these things. When Chen Yang comes back, you can ask him. However, you are also a member of Taoism. How can you doubt the founder of Taoism? "

Yuan Xingyun was embarrassed and said, "I used to think that many Taoists were cheating. I was the real disciple of Daoism, and I entered Daoism. Now I feel as if I haven't really entered the Taoist gate! "Then he murmured, "this world is crazy!"

Yanjing has become the most important gateway of the earth.

The earth, the world, Huaxia and Yanjing are listed in turn.

Taoism and Buddhism have a long history in China.

In the west, technology and civilization may be more prosperous, but when it comes to Taoism and magic, it's a long way off.

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